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You are here: Home / UrbanGrowth, SMDA & RWA Plans & Activities / Central-Eveleigh Sydney Inovation and Technology Precinct

Central-Eveleigh Sydney Inovation and Technology Precinct

On Tuesday 26 February the Premier announced the Sydney Innovation and Technology Precinct to be located at Central-Eveleigh. Here you will find some information about the precinct.
A vision for the new Sydney Technology and Innovation Precinct
On 26 February the NSW Government announced the Central-Eveleigh Sydney Innovation and Technology Precinct. Here is background from the Department of Industry website about the proposal.
Image Image of the Prospective Sydney Innovation and Technology Precinct at Central-Eveleigh
This image of the Prospective Sydney Innovation and Technology Precinct at Central-Eveleigh is taken from the prospectus report and was also released at the time of the announcement. It shows the Central-Eveleigh corridor and a wider area arround the corridor where the companies in the Technology Precinct are likely to be located.
Premier's Announcement of Sydney Innovation and Technology Precinct
Below is the media release about the Sydney Innovation and Technology Precinct announcement.