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Rail Corridor Expansion

On 12 July 2013 the NSW Government called for expressions of interest for the renewal of the railway line corridor between Central Station and Eveleigh. The future of the North Eveleigh Concept Plan and the RWA's Built Environment Plan Controls will be reassessed as part of the process. Here we have gathered information about the initial proposal and will add information on subsequent developments.
Background on Eveleigh C2E sites
Central to Eveleigh takes in the former Eveleigh Railyards sites that were covered by the Redfern Waterloo Authority's Built Environment Plan One (BEP1). REDWatch has been involved with these sites for a long time and this information is available inanother part of this site under BEP1. This link takes you to that part of the REDWatch website.
Australian Technology Park Sale
Material relating to the proposed sale by UrbanGrowth of the Australian Technology Park can be found in the ATP secion of this website.
Exisiting Planning Controls
Under the Redfern Waterloo Authority (RWA) controls were put in place for much of Redfern and Eveleigh. Here you will find copies of the controls that were current when the NSW Minister announced that the future of these controls would be determined as part of the Central to Eveleigh Global Precinct Opportunity.
C2E Precincts
UrbanGrowth NSW proposed the Central to Eveleigh (C2E) Corridor be divided into five Precincts in their "Central to Eveleigh Corridor: Concept Plan" consultation in June 2014. Here you will find details for the proposed C2E Precincts.
Council - UrbanGrowth MOUs
Ten Councils along the Parramatta Road corridor were asked to enter a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with UrbanGrowth to have a say in the planning of this corridor. City of Sydney is the sole council in the eastern precinct of the Parramatta Corridor and hence has will have its own agreement with UrbanGrowth NSW for planning work on this corridor. As the City of Sydney have a number of other UrbanGrowth precincts within its borders (Central to Eveleigh, Green Square and part of the Bays Precinct) there is also a proposed MOU between City of Sydney and UrbanGrowth covering the City working with UrbanGrowth NSW accross the Sydney Local Government area. Here you can find details of the MOUs.
REDWatch Comment on Government’s “Central to Eveleigh Global Precinct Opportunity” Anouncement
The NSW Government has called for expressions of interest to revitalise and expand Sydney’s CBD by redeveloping land and airspace in the Central to Eveleigh rail corridor on Friday 12 July 2013. This is REDWatch's initial comment on the anouncement and its implications.
Central to Eveleigh: Getting the Most from Our City
The NSW Government today (12 July 2013) called for expressions of interest for the renewal of the railway line corridor between Central Station and Eveleigh that has potential to provide thousands of new homes and jobs reports this media release from Minister Brad Hazzard.
Central to Eveleigh Global Precinct Oportunity
This is the 12 pages from the "Central to Eveleigh Global Precinct Opportunity" document released with the anouncement. The original PDF was 21MB we have deleted three blank pages and reduced it to 1.7MB. The document shows the key details of the area subject to the proposal and the key elements for both the Central and Eveleigh ends of the proposal. The original file can be found at
Developers may erase city's 'Berlin Wall' effect
High-rise towers could be constructed from Central Station to Eveleigh and structures built over rail lines after the state government invited the world's developers to redraw central Sydney writes Nicole Hasham the SMH's Urban Affairs reporter and James Robertson on 12 July 2013.
Sydney Central Station at heart of multi-billion dollar redevelopment
OFFICE workers will be able to watch trains whizz past from their desk or apartment dwellers from their bedroom, under a new vision to build high rises over Sydney’s railway lines writes Vikki Campion Urban Affairs Reporter of the Daily Telegraph on July 12, 2013.
A Corridor Re-Development Offer: Swap you: Chinese skyscrapers for a motorway
At least 150 pre-fabricated skyscrapers from Central Station to Strathfield, conveyor belts shuttling building materials above Ultimo, train lines ripped up for new ones underground, and much of the steel and concrete shipped from China, with an army of international workers assembling it all for a pittance. This option was reported in the Sydney Morning Herald on June 29 2013. This unsolicited proposal gives an indication of the kind of proposal that may be put up for the Central to Eveleigh corridor when the NSW Government look for internatioinal expressions of interest.
Railway apartments will change Sydney forever
Melbourne covered its city railway lines with Federation Square and Sydney has several apartment blocks sitting over tracks in St Leonards and Chatswood. But this plan - if ever implemented - will change Sydney forever reports Stephen Nicholls SMH's Property Editor on 12 July 2013.
Railway tower plans: many questions, no answers and little trust
Building big things over rail lines is an idea that has been around for decades – but its time may now have arrived. The O'Farrell government's plan to throw open development rights for that wide scar of open railway track between Central and Redfern looks like a good idea, even if it is one that is easier planned than executed reports Jacob Saulwick SMH's Transport Reporter on 12 July 2013.
Eveleigh Map of Central to Eveleigh Proposal
This map shows the Macdonaldtown, Eveleigh and Redfern section of the Central to Eveleigh Global Precinct Opportunity corridor as released on 12 July 2013. File is 230 KB PDF.
Central Map of Central to Eveleigh Proposal
This map shows the Central, Chippendale and Surry Hills section of the Central to Eveleigh Global Precinct Opportunity corridor as released on 12 July 2013. File is 186 KB PDF.
City's main rail corridor plan attracts global developers with big ideas and legacies
The architecture firm behind the world's tallest building has signalled it wants to develop Sydney's main rail corridor, as the state government fields global interest in a project to remake the central business district's southern edge reports Nicole Hasham Urban Repairs Reporter in the Sydney Morning Herald on 29 July 2013. In a companion peice the SMH reports that the prospect of a future train service to the northern beaches is all but sunk because high-rise development over Chatswood railway station failed to leave room for extra rail lines, Willoughby Council says, sending a warning to the state government as it opens Sydney's main rail corridor to developers.
Council Motion Re Central to Eveleigh
At City of Sydney Council on Monday 29 July 2013 the following motion was unanimously carried by Council regarding the Central to Eveleigh Corridor proposal. Interestingly it indicates Council is meeting the Metro Strategy targets for new housing but needs new commercial and jobs development. The motion was moved bt Councillor Christine Forster and amended at the meeting before being passed unanimously.
Central to Eveleigh redevelopment – it’s big!
NSW cabinet recently decided redevelopment of the railway corridor stretching 3km from the CBD’s Goulburn Street car park to Macdonaldtown would be part of an international Expression Of Interest (EOI) process writes Geoff Turnbull in the August 2013 South Sydney Herald.
Minister on Central to Eveleigh Corridor Renewal Project in Parliament
On Thursday 22 August 2013 the Member for Sydney Alex Greenwich asked minister Hazzard about public open space, child care, high schools and primary schools, and safe cycling paths for new and existing adjacent residents and workers to the Central to Eveleigh Corridor. Below from the Hansard Proof is the Minister's response.
ATP Sites Development Interest Call
Local and international industry are being asked to register their interest on developing three sites in Australian Technology Park as part of the NSW Government’s revitalisation of the Central to Eveleigh rail corridor reports this media statement on 31 October 2013 from Minister Hazzard and UrbanGrowth NSW.
Top agency switches from greenfields to infrastructure
URBAN Growth NSW is set to take control of several big- ticket infrastructure projects, including the redevelopment of Newcastle's CBD and the development of apartment towers over the railway lines at Eveleigh, inner Sydney, under a major restructure of the government agency to be announced early next year reports Lisa Allan in the Australian of 5 December 2013.
Central to Eveleigh consultations
UrbanGrowth NSW recently undertook three workshops in the initial stage of its investigation into the Central to Eveleigh railway corridor. The workshops follow meetings with developers and other stakeholders over the last few months reports Geoff Turnbull in the December 2013 issue of The South Sydney Herald.
Eveleigh - Before Urban Growth Indicative Built Form
This is a screen shot from Chanel 9 news on 7 March 2014 announcing UrbanGrowth NSW was taking responsibility for developments between Central and Parramatta. The presentation showed a fly through of the Eveleigh portion of Central to Eveleigh before and after "Indicative Built Form". This is the before shot. if you download both photos and flick back wards and forwards you can see some of the changes including in the city skyline being contemplated.
Eveleigh - After Urban Growth Indicative Built Form
This is a screen shot from Chanel 9 news on 7 March 2014 announcing UrbanGrowth NSW was taking responsibility for developments between Central and Parramatta. The presentation showed a fly through of the Eveleigh portion of Central to Eveleigh before and after "Indicative Built Form". This is the after shot. if you download both photos and flick back wards and forwards you can see some of the changes including in the city skyline being contemplated in this "Indicative Built Form".
Land freed for mass renewal
Large swathes of land have been unlocked for apartment development in Sydney and Newcastle, as the state government pushes for urban renewal reports Rebecca Thistleton on page 6 of the Australian Financial Review of 8 March 2014.
UrbanGrowth NSW: Government says Build, Build, Build
Minister for Planning and Infrastructure Brad Hazzard today, 8th march 2014, announced the NSW Government has charged UrbanGrowth NSW with a new mandate to lead the delivery of major scale renewal projects including the Central to Eveleigh Urban Renewal and Transport Program. Below is the text of the media release.
Central to Eveligh Urban Renewal Area 8 Mar 2014
Central to Eveligh Urban Renewal Area 8 Mar 2014
Project Profile: Central to Eveleigh Urban Renewal and Transport Program
This Urban Growth Project profile was released on 8 March 2014 with the anouncement of UrbanGrowths's expanded role in Central to Eveleigh. Below is the text of the profile. A link to the pdf version can be found at the foot of this article.
Central to Eveleigh Presentation to Property Council
On March 7 2014 UrbanGrowth NSW made a presentation to a Property Council Lunch concerning Central to Evleigh. Someone at the function used their mobile phone to capture the Central to Evleigh fly through presentation and then kindly put it on You-tube. Some of the flythrough was used in Chanel 9 News later that day. Screen shots of the before and after on Eveleigh have been posted elsewhere on the REDWatch website.
Surplus govt land for new housing in NSW
Below is the text of the AAP report run by a number of media regarding the UrbanGrowth NSW anouncement of 8 March 2014.
City's bold remake will need a great pitch to locals
A KEY lobby group has questioned whether local communities will back the NSW government's ambitious rollout of urban renewal projects, claiming it will need strong local support to deliver $65 billion worth of housing and associated infrastructure reports Lisa Allen in The Australian of 13 March 2014.
Development corridor a dividing wall
EVELEIGH: Images of the proposed Central to Eveleigh urban renewal have been broadcast on Channel Nine, concerning residents and protection groups in the area. The images, provided by UrbanGrowth NSW, depict many high-rise buildings built on top of the rail corridor between Central and Redfern train stations as a part of the Urban Renewal and Transport Program reports Victoria Pearson in the April 2014 South Sydney Herald.
Central to Eveleigh Consultation Report Online
UrbanGrowth's Central to Eveleigh Urban Renewal and Transport Program has posted the report of their consultation late last year with community group representatives. You can see this report on the UrbanGrowth website through the link provided below. Below is an email from the new Program Director which summarises the common thesemes in the report. The Central to Eveleigh Urban Renewal Area Baseline Analysis undertaken by UrbanGrowth should be posted in the near future.
Central to Eveleigh - Common Themes and Issues
The 2013 Preliminary Consultation Report identified nine key themes from those consltations. We have reproduced these below for easy reference. The June 2014 focus groups captured some of this and added in the ATP into six areas on which they are seeking further comment. Some issues and details from the 2003 themes were not carried through to the June 2014 discussions including Community Participation.
UrbanGrowth NSW EOI for Urban Design Services May 2014
On 26 May 2014 UrbanGrowth NSW issued an invitation to submity an EOI for Urban Design Services for Central to Eveligh. Below we have provided some details from the EOI document in the interest of transparency. This is made by optical character recognition of the original documents and while it has been manually checked it may contain some OCR errors.
Central to Eveleigh – Some REDWatch Concerns
Prior to the June 2014 UrbanGrowth NSW (UG) focus groups REDWatch raised some concerns about the process proposed with UG. Subsequemtly REDWatch produced the document below to place our concerns in the public domain and to make these concerns available to other groups and stakeholders. The paper below seeks to explain these concerns and put them on record.
Central to Eveleigh Corridor Indicative Development February 2014
In February 2014 the NSW Government produced a video called "NSW is open for business". That video included a flythrough of the Central to Eveleigh corridor showing indicative development. A similar fly through was shown in March to the Property Council and released to Channel 9. Below are some stills taken from "NSW is open for business" which provide an indication of what development was being considered at that stage of Central to Eveleigh. UrbanGrowth has since indicated at a REDWatch meeting that some testing has been done on the indicative densities and that revisions are being made. UrbanGrowth expects to test possible densities with surrounding communities later in the process.
UrbanGrowth Central to Eveleigh Urban Renewal and Transport Program 2014-15 Business Plan
This text is extracted from a heavily redacted copy of the "UrbanGrowth Central to Eveleigh Urban Renewal and Transport Program 2014-15 Business Plan". The document was released under a GIPA Request to the Sydney Morning Herald and was the basis of an article on 27th September 2014 titled "Sydney renewal project at Eveleigh likely to be scaled back". REDWatch has also obtained a copy of the document from UrbabGrowth and have provided a text version of the available text below for easy access.
Central to Eveleigh Site Plan from UG 2014-15 Business plan
Central to Eveleigh Corridor Indicative Development July 2014
In September 2014 the Sydney Morning Herald obtained a Flythrough of the proposed Central to Eveleigh development dated July 3 2014. The flythrough has been updated from the February 2014 version and new buildings from the Locomotive Workshops have been removed. The bulk of other key RWA recognised Heritage buildings remain missing in the July flythrough. The video currently only appears on the SMH website. This video deals with indicative development precinct by precint so below we have taken stills from the vido so people can look at the indicative development shown for their precint. UrbanGrowth has since indicated at a REDWatch meeting that some testing has been done on the indicative densities and that revisions are being made. UrbanGrowth expects to test possible densities with surrounding communities later in the process. Central to Eveleigh Indicative Development as of February 2014.
July 2014 UG C2E Flythrough
In September 2014 the Sydney Morning Herald obtained a Flythrough of the proposed Central to Eveleigh development dated July 3 2014. The flythrough has been updated from the February 2014 version. Here are the stills taken from that video.
February 2014 UG C2E Flythrough
In February 2014 the NSW Government produced a video called "NSW is open for business". That video included a flythrough of the Central to Eveleigh corridor showing indicative development. A similar fly through was shown in March to the Property Council and released to Channel 9. Here we have some stills taken from "NSW is open for business".
REDWatch Comments on C2E Forum and UrbanGrowth Response
On 9th December 2014 UrbanGrowth C2E held a Thinking and Visioning workshop. Concerns about the process were raised with REDWatch by both those that attended and those that were excluded. REDWatch wrote to the UrbanGrowth NSW Community Engagement Manager responsible for the project (who spoke on community engagement at the forum) setting out our concerns. In response REDWatch received a response from Troy Daly the C2E Programme Director. You can see REDWatch's concerns and what we asked for below as well as the response from UrbanGrowth NSW.
REDWatch Update on C2E - 22 Jan 2015
This is the text of an email update sent to Central to Eveleigh stakeholders. It deals with the EOI for Sale of the ATP; ATP Information Sessions on the sale; UrbanGrowth Community Engagement; What was on the Blank bit of paper at the Dec UG session; and A Guide to acheiving good outcomes in precinct developments.
Central to Eveleigh Density Presentation 30 May 2015
At its community forum on 30 May 2015, Central to Evleigh consultants presented this presentation about where density should go in the C2E corridor and how it should interact with exisiting areas. The presentation included public housing estates as well the railway corridor. These slides provide an indication of where UrbanGrowth expects dencity to be delivered. The Waterloo public housing estate density is based on a sucessful push for a new Waterloo railway station. The density digarams are not plans to put buildings in those places just an indication of density the project expects to deliver.
Indicative Density Central to Eveleigh May 30 2015
The map shows indicative density in the central to Eveleigh Corridor and the Redfern and Waterloo public housing estates. It is part of a presentation made by UrbanGrowth at its community forum on 30 May 2015. These slides provide an indication of where UrbanGrowth expects dencity to be delivered. The Waterloo public housing estate density is based on a sucessful push for a new Waterloo Railway Station. The digaram is not a plan on where to put build buildings it is just an indication of the density the project expects to deliver.
Sydney Metro Waterloo or Sydney University Options - Until 17th July
Sydney Metro has placed on exhibition until 17th july its proposals for the Metro including the options for a station at Waterloo or Sydney University. Proposals for the new Metro on public exhibition until 17th July 2015.
Sydney Metro Waterloo - Sydney University Options
This is an extract from Sydney Metro's Project Overview in June 2015 showing the proposed options for either a metro station at Waterloo or at Sydney University.
Council Reports on UrbanGrowth – 20th November 2015
Council’s has produced its latest report on its dealings with UrbanGrowth NSW for the Transport, Heritage and Planning Sub-Committee on Tuesday 20th November 2015. The report includes what Council has publicly done / is doing relating to recent Central to Eveleigh consultations and regarding the ATP sale.
Urban Transformation Study - 21 November 2016
The UrbanGrowth Central to Eveleigh Urban Transformation, which we have been waiting much of 2016 to see in the end did not go through Cabinet as initially expected. Instead it was released in conjunction with the Greater Sydney Commission Central District Plan which makes reference to it.
Council Public Meeting Letter on Central Precinct – 5 September 2022
Council is holding a public meeting on the just exhibited Central precinct so that TfNSW can present and the community can ask questions. A letter from Clover Moore says this meeting will inform Council’s response to the proposal. The meeting will be held on Monday 5 September 2022, 6pm to 7pm at Lower Town Hall, Sydney Town Hall, 483 George Street, Sydney. To register City of Sydney’s website at