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Built Environment Plan Phase 1 - The State Significant Sites

Some sites within Redfern-Waterloo were declared areas of State Significant Development in 2005. In February 2006 the RWA released their draft Redfern Waterloo Built Environment Plan (BEP) in conjunction with NSW Planning Department's release of the State Environment Planning Policy (SEPP) necessary to implement the RWA Built Environment Plan. After a period for comment the BEP was finalised and released with the accompanying SEPP on 28 August 2006. We have listed below all the areas designated State Significant by the SEPP and we have provided details of what is known about the proposals for each of the sites. The overview sections include material which is common to all State Significant Areas.
The RWA Built Environment Plan and SEPP
This section of the site contain materials which covers the total RWA state significant area from the Draft RWA Built Environment Plan and the Draft SEPP through to the final Built Environment Plan and SEPP. A text version of the RWA Built Environment Plan with links to individual copies of the maps and tables is in this section.
RWA State Significant Area - General Maps
This section of the site contains maps which covers the total RWA state significant area from the Draft RWA Built Environment Plan and the Draft SEPP. Maps relating to a single RWA state significant area are shown under that area - eg as say North Eveleigh.
Australian Technology Park
Current ATP Master Plan to be revised to increase FSR from 1.2:1 to 2:1 with maximum heights increasing from 9 to 12 storeys. RWA estimate final ATP floor space will increase by 20% to 200,000 square metres providing 5,000-8,000 jobs. Approximately four times the 2006 size. Improved connections to Railway Station and North Eveleigh including reinstating a foot and bicycle bridge as well as possible vehicle tunnel. Zoned as Business Park with some Public Recreation along Henderson Road.
North Eveleigh Precinct
Currently disused railway land between Wilson St and the railway line with the old Carriage Workshop being renovated as a Contemporary Performing Arts facility in the middle of the site. On the western end the RWA propose a predominantly residential development with mixed business and residential closer to Redfern station. FSR for the east and western ends is to be 2:1 with the central section 1:1. Heights to be from 4 to 10 storeys with 16 storey iconic building towards Redfern Station. Similar height frontages to existing buildings along Wilson St are made possible by using the existing cutting on railway land. Improved linkages to ATP. Zoned as Business Zone - Mixed Use and Special Purposes – Infrastructure.
South Eveleigh Precinct
Currently railway land to north west of ATP will provide for further ATP expansion with 2:1 FSR and 4 to 12 storey heights. Zoned as Business Park and Special Purpose – Infrastructure. No zoning changes proposed for adjoining private and DoH residential land.
Eveleigh Street Precinct
Currently private land bounded by Cleveland, Abercrombie, Vine, Louis, Lawson and the railway line. This area was initially divided in the Draft into northly and southly portions by the RWA. The Final BEP further divided the southern section east and west at Eveleigh Street. In the north heights increase from 3-4 storeys to 3-5 storeys while FSR increase from 1.5:1 to 3:1 for mixed and decreases to 1:1 for purely residential. In the South East along the railway line FSR increases from 1:1 to 2:1 with 1:1 allowed for residential. In the South Western area, which includes the Block, maximum heights increase from 2-3 storeys to 3 storeys while FSR increases from 1:1 to 1.5:1 for mixed development but are reduced to 0.75:1 for purely residential developments like to proposed Pemulwuy project. Zoned as Business – Mixed Use.
Redfern Railway Station
Plans for an upgrade of Redfern railway station are being developed and Railcorp are expected to be made more information available in early 2010 - four years after initially announced in 2006. Station would probably not be finished before 2015. Information will be added as it comes to hand.
Gibbons - Regent Street Precinct
This area bounded in the north by Lawson Square, in the south by Margaret St, in the east by regent Street and by the railway line in the west. It is to be developed as the commercial core of Redfern with maximum heights changing from 4 storeys to 2-18 storeys and FSR going from 2:1 and 3:1 to 7:1 (slightly lower than developments permitted around Central railway station). The Final RWA zoning creates 3 areas for buildings rising to 18 storeys from 5 storey podiums between Regent and Gibbons Streets opposite a 14 story building rising from a 3-5 story podium on the railway side of Gibbons Street. Marian park is retained as a park and a civic space is created between the station and Gibbons St. No solution has currently been found for the regional traffic that separates Redfern and Regent Sts from the station although some light and clearway changes could lessen impact and a cut and cover on Gibbons Street is again being considered. Zoning is to be Business Zone – Commercial Core.
Former Rachel Forster Hospital
This site was zoned as medium density residential with maximum heights of 3 to 6 storeys and a FSR of 2:1 by the RWA under BEP1. The medical centre fronting Albert St was moved to a new medical centre in the Old Court House Building and Former Police station. A Concept Plan was developed by the RWA and Approved by the Department of Planning. Following this the site was sold for redevelopment as housing and a public park. The developer is currently preparing documents for a Project Approval. This will then be publicly exhibited for comment.
Former Local Court House & Police Station
The former court house is to remain at its existing building height and the old police station can be replaced with a maximum 3 to 6 storey building. The FSR for the whole site is 1.3:1 and the site is to be zoned as Business Zone – Local Centre. The combined site is to be a Community Health Centre.
Redfern Public School
This site is in the process of being sold to the Indigenous Land Corporation for a Centre for Aboriginal cultural, social and sporting excellence and is to be zoned as Special Purposes – Community. The RWA propose that the existing school buildings in the south east corner of the site be retained and that maximum heights of 4 storeys apply to other parts of the site with FSR for site of 2:1. Residential development on site is to be limited to accommodation ancillary to business, educational and recreational purposes. The RWA are proposing that east-west and north-south vehicle, pedestrian and cycle traffic corridors be created. The exisitng oval is to be retained as private open space.
MacDonaldtown Stabling Yards
As part of the NSW Government's Rail Clearways Program, the Transport Infrastructure Development Corporation (TIDC) is proposing to construct a train stabling facility for eight trains at Macdonaldtown. While this is within the RWA State Significant Area it predates the current RWA development approval proceedures and is not being handled by the RWA. It has been included here as it is a development within the RWA State Significant boundary being undertaken by Government which has attracted significant community concern.
Carlton United Brewery Site
The former CUB Site is outside the RWA operational area however the legislation which established the RWA laid claim to the affordable housing levy from this site. This resulted in a three way interest in the site between the City of Sydney, the RWA and the owner. In June 2006 the Central Sydney Planning Committee, following a letter for Minister of Planning & Minister for Redfern Waterloo, voted 4 (state Appointees) to 3 (council appointees) for the Minister of Planning to take control of the site.
Development Control Plans
The RWA is establishing Development Contribution and Control plans to cover works on the RWA State Significant areas. Here we have collected material relating to these plans and their development.
RWA Proposed Public Works
The following list of proposed public works is taken from the Draft Redfern-Waterloo Authority Contributions Plan 2006 (pages 14-16) on exhibition until 8th December 2006.