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SMDA BEP2 & Urban Renewal Studies

The SMDA is undertaking a range of studies and analysis to support the appropriate future controls for the draft BEP 2 sites. This forms part of an urban renewal study for the Redfern-Waterloo Precinct with priority for the draft BEP 2 sites. When complete, these studies and draft planning controls will be exhibited. Here you will find information about the SMDA Studies as suitable material becomes available.
SMDA Studies Presentation 2nd February 2012 to REDWatch
This SMDA presentation provides some background to the SMDA and the studies they are undertaking. It was presented to REDWatch on 2 February 2012 in the lead up to a session focusing on one of the important SMDA studies for residents - the Social Impact Assessment. The file is 2MB PDF.
Community Facilities Review - Cred Community Planning - Now in GHD Social Impact Assessment Scoping
The SMDA appointed Cred Community Planning as consultants to undertake a Redfern Waterloo Community Facilities Review for themselves and Housing NSW for the preparation of a Social Infrastructure Plan. In announcing CRED's appointment to undertake the study in July 2011 the RWA said "Cred Community Planning has discussed community facility needs with a number of residents at three of RWA's BEP 2 Community Information Sessions and at two community barbeques” - These sessions in February and March 2011 were the only opportunities for community input that REDWatch is aware of. Workshops were held with Government and Non Government Agencies in July 2011. In January 2012 we here advised by the SMDA that the community facilities planning process has now been integrated with the Social Impact Assessment process to ensure that the two processes undertake an integrated approach and that as such there is no report, not even in final draft form, as a consequence of this action above.
Social Impact Assessment - GHD
The SMDA have appointed GHD as consultants to undertake the Social Impact Assessment. The Social Impact Assessment will be building upon previous review work on community facilities, and appropriate scoping for social impact assessment.
Communications Strategy - Straight Talk
The SMDA have employed Straight Talk as the consultants to prepare a Communications Strategy to guide the consultation process and engagement with key stakeholders.
Urban Design and Public Domain Study - The NSW Government Architect’s Office
The SMDA has appointed The NSW Government Architect’s Office to undertake an Urban Design and Public Domain Study. This study is reviewing the previous draft BEP 2 and associated analysis and all submissions received, together with the study requirements from the NSW Department of Planning and Infrastructure.
Transport, Traffic and Accessibility Study - Parsons Brinckerhoff
The SMDA have appointed Parsons Brinckerhoff as consultants to prepare a Transport, Traffic and Accessibility Study. This study is reviewing previous preliminary work, augmented with more detailed analysis of the wider area and appropriate modelling, in close consultation with Transport for NSW. Parsons Brinckerhoff has previously undertaken the Traffic studies of the the Redfern Town Centre, North Eveleigh and Sydney Uni Precinct as well as for BEP2 for the RWA.
Economic Analysis - Hill PDA
The SMDA have appointed Hill PDA as consultants to undertake the Economic Analysis. The Economic Analysis is including the economic/industry profile of the area and retail needs, availability, and impact on centres.
Sustainable Servicing and Supporting Infrastructure Capacity Study - Aecom
The SMDA has appointed Aecom to undertake a Sustainable Servicing and Supporting Infrastructure Capacity Study. The Sustainable Servicing and Supporting Infrastructure Capacity Study will be including utility capacity, natural and man-made processes and sustainability measures.
SMDA planning glimpse - BEP2
BEP2 will return with an SMDA exhibition of planning controls and an Urban Renewal Studies Overview Report about mid-2012 writes Geoff Turnbull in the South Sydney Herald of March 2012.
SMDA Affordable Housing Strategy and Program
The SMDA placed a Draft Redfern Waterloo Affordable Housing Strategy and Program on exhibition on 20 April 2012. Here you will find information relating to SMDA Affordable Housing policy. Material relating to Affordable Housing at North Eveleigh can be found in the North Eveleigh section of this website.