The NSW Police Aboriginal Strategic Direction 2003 - 2006 sets out the NSW Police proceedures for working in areas with sizable aboriginal communities. Redfern was one of the LACs where the document was to be implimented. If there had been more done to impliment the proceedures set out in the Strategic Direction in Redfern LAC it is likely that the Civil Unrest of 15-16 February 2004 would not have happened or would have been handled in a different manner. This document and the way in which it was implimented in Redfern was the subject of questions at the Legislative Council Inquiry into Redfern Waterloo.
- This Document sets out NSW Police Policy for LAC's like Redfern which have a sizable aboriginal community. Introduction / 1. Commissioner’s Foreword 2 / 2. Statement of Aboriginal Reconciliation 3 / Section One – Unfinished Business / 1. Aboriginal Reconciliation 4 / 2. Paying Respect 4 / 3. Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody 5 / 4. Table - Unfinished Business Action Plan 6 / Section Two – New Business / 1. Review of the Aboriginal Policy Statement and Strategic Plan 1997 – 2000 7 / 2. Focusing Our Resources 7 / 3. Aboriginal Measures in Performance Agreements 7 / 4. Partnership Approach 8 / 5. Self-Determination and Cultural Appropriateness 8 / 6. Innovation in Seeking Solutions 9 / 7. Old Ways, New Thinking 9 / 8. Promoting the Aboriginal Strategic Direction 9 / Section Three – Our Objectives / 1. Tables - Objectives for the Aboriginal Strategic Direction 10 / Section Four – Our Support / 1. Development of Aboriginal Action Plans 23 / 2. Aboriginal Risk Assessment Matrix for Local Area Commands 23 / 3. Ownership 24 / 4. The Three Tier Aboriginal Advisory Structure 24 / 5. Aboriginal Support Groups 26 / Section Five – Our People / 1. The Right People for the Job 27 / Section Six – Our Links / 1. Local Area Commands targeted for implementation of the Aboriginal Strategic Direction 29 / 2. Links to other corporate documents 29 / 3. Supporting resources 30 / 4. Monitoring Performance and Review 31 / Section Seven / 1. Table – Summary of Key Issues 32 / 2. Table – Other Initiatives to support the Aboriginal Strategic Direction 34 /
- NSW Ombudsman Audit of the implementation of the NSW Police Aboriginal Strategic Direction (2003 – 2006) Contents Abbreviations 1 / Foreword 2 / Introduction 3 / The Aboriginal Strategic Direction 3 / The key objectives of the Aboriginal Strategic Direction 3 / Our audits 4 / Building better relationships 5 / Formal consultation 5 / Engaging the right community people 5 / The need for consistent and senior police representation 6 / Taking a flexible approach 6 / Informal and positive interactions 6 / Interagency cooperation 7 / Frontline police 8 / Mentoring and assessing new recruits – local induction programs 8 / Local cultural awareness training 9 / Attracting the right police to remote locations 10 / Getting involved in the community 10 / Aboriginal police 10 / Barriers in recruiting Aboriginal police 10 / The current position 11 / Recruitment strategies targeting Aboriginal people 11 / How successful are these strategies? 12 / Additional measures 12 / Aboriginal community liaison officers 13 / What makes a good ACLO? 13 / The ACLO’s role in relationship building 14 / Involving ACLOs more in the training of new recruits and existing staff 14 / Getting value from an ACLO operationally 14 / Employment issues 15 / The need to promptly fill vacant ACLO positions 15 / The demand for female ACLOs 15 / Assessing an ACLO’s performance 15 / Training and career development 16 / Fighting crime 17 / Working with the community to solve crime 17 / The impact of the police operational response on relationship building 18 / Young people 19 / Positive interactions between police and young people 19 / Formal diversionary options and alternatives to court 19 / Other youth diversionary strategies 20 / Crime prevention and personal safety 20 / Cultural and recreational activities 20 / Links with the Police and Community Youth Club (PCYC) 21 / Education, employment and training 22 / What makes a good youth liaison officer? 22 / Measuring the success of local strategies 23 / Family and domestic violence 24 / Positive initiatives 24 / Police involvement in other diversionary programs 26 / Where to from here? 28 / Recommendations 29
- NSW Ombudsman Media release - 29.04.2005
- This is the Media release for the NSW Ombudsman Audit of the implementation of the NSW Police Aboriginal Strategic Direction (2003 – 2006)
- REDFERN POLICING - Comments by Clover Moore 29 March 2006
- The following Comments taken from Hansard were made as a Private members Statement in the NSW Legislative Assemby by Member for Bligh Clover Moore to "congratulate Superintendent Catherine Burn and police officers at Redfern Local Area Command on their work with the local Aboriginal community under the Aboriginal Strategic Direction".