HNSW Maintenance
Maintenance, or the lack of it, is an endemic problem across public housing. HNSW says it is as simple as ringing the 24 hour number but residents complain that the number goes unanswered, people wait extremely long periods for urgent maintenance even if they can get their maintenance logged, maintenance is often not appropriate, is checked by those contracted to deliver it and is sometimes signed off without being completed among other complains. Getting a journalist to write a specific problem up will often see a particular problem fixed but no systemic change.
- Housing NSW Playgrounds
- These are a series of photos to show the bad state of repair of Housing NSW playgrounds in the Redfern Waterloo area. More details can be found in the Redfern Waterloo Issues Update of 14th April 2008. File is 1 MB PDF.
- RLC Housing NSW Repair Kit
- The Housing NSW Repair Kit prepared by Redfern Legal Centre aims to help public housing tenants get their maintenance done. It deals with Responsibility For Repairs To Your Premises; Notice To Housing NSW Of The Need For A Repair; Urgent Repairs Applying To The Consumer, Trader & Tenancy Tribunal (CTTT); What Else Can be done? This is an important resource for pubic tenants trying to get their maintenance done. File is 2.4 MB PDF updated Feb 2012.
- New maintenance backlog reduction system?
- The social housing maintenance backlog was reduced from $620 million in 2008/09 to $300 million in 2011, according to the current NSW Housing Minister writes Ross Smith in the Opinion piece in the May 2012 edition of The South Sydney Herald.