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Millers Point - ridding expensive suburbs of Public Housing

Millers Point is not within Redfern Waterloo but aspects of the March 2014 Government decision to remove public housing from Millers Point has implications for all of Sydney's public housing that sits in areas that are in high demand by the private market and Redfern and Waterloo are rapidly becoming part of that club. While some of the Millers Point public housing was heritage others like the Sirius building does not have high maintenance costs and is ideally suited to older tenants. This housing's only problem was that it is public housing in one of the most desirable parts of the city. The logic of the Sirius sale pushes public housing from the desirable areas to the undesirable fringes of the city. With 4,500 public housing units in Redfern Waterloo the Sirius decision sends a shiver down the back of inner city public tenants. This is why REDWatch has set up this section of our website to explore these issues and to support public tenants in Millers Point in their struggle to stay in Millers Point.
Millers Point Anouncement Media Pack
The NSW Government & Land and Housing Corporation (LAHC) the owner of public housing also produced a media pack in addition to the widely available media release from Pru Goward last Wednesday. Unlike the media release the media pack is not available on line. This media pack is attached and provides a good insight into how the NSW Government & LAHC managed the media event at the same time as keeping this information from NGO’s who may have been able to provide alternative perspectives. In part this probably explains the slant of much of the media reporting about the issue. File is 4 MB PDF.
Millers Point "Moving to a New Home" Letter
This is the letter from Family and Community Services Housing NSW that Millers Point tenants received had delivered on Wednesday 19 March, or found shoved under their door. Imagine how you would react if you received such a letter in similar circumstances. It is no wonder people were wandering the streets in shock!
Relocation Fact Sheet
This is the Relocation Fact sheet provided for tenants in government owned properties in Millers Point, the Sirius building and Gloucester Street in the Rocks by Housing NSW. File is 70KB PDF.
Millers Point Community Defence Group
Three exisiting Millers Point Groups are cooperating through an overall mechanism called The Miller's Point Community Defence Group.
Leaflet to Tenants from The Millers Point Community Defence Group
The following letter was issued by the three resident groups in the area under the banner of The Millers Point Community Defence Group following the the anouncement.
Millers Point Social Impact Assessment
This is the Social Impact Assessment commissioned by Land and Housing Corporation which the community was told it would be shown before it was used by Government. It was released along with the Government response after the Minister announced public Housing in millers Point and Rocks would be sold off. The Government response rejected a number of recomendations in this Government commissioned report. File is 4.6Mb PDF
Government response to Millers Point SIA
This is the Government response to the the Government comissioned Social Impact Assessment undertaken for Millers Point. The Social Impact Assessment and the Government resposne were released after the Minister anounced that public housing in Millers Point and the Rocks would be sold.
O'Farrell government ignored consultants' advice on plan to sell public housing at Millers Points
The O'Farrell government ignored advice from its own consultants on how to evict vulnerable tenants from Millers Point public housing with minimal damage to their health and wellbeing reports Nicole Hasham and Leesha McKenny in the Sydney morning herald of 21 March 2014.
State accused of 'social clensing' in inner city-sale
The O'Farrell government will not rule out selling millions of dollars worth of public housing at prime sites in inner Sydney after a decision to force out tenants in 300 harbourside properties reported Nicole Hasham and Leesha McKenny in the paper edition of the Sydney Morning Herald of 20 March 2014. The same article appeared with a different headline on line.
Redfern Sales likely to follow Millers Point - SMH Editorial
In the Editorial below the Sydney Morning Herald on 21 March 2014 flags Redfern along with Glebe and Kirribilli as being other areas where sales of public housing are likely.
REDWatch Analysis on Millers Point
REDWatch has kept its members and supporters up to date through its email lists. Below we have drawn some of the material from these emails to provide an overview for a wider grouping of REDWatch's concerns.
Who Can We Trust Now
Poster produced by some of those in Sirius
Who Can we trust Now? - Poster from Sirius
The banner below has been produced by some of those in the Sirius Building. It came to REDWatch with the note that appears below the graphic.
Millers Point Social Housing Support Minute by the Lord Mayor
At the City of Sydney Council Meeting of 7 April 2014, Council accepted the recomendations below in the Lord Mayor's Minute to provide support to Millers Point following the NSW Government decision to move out all Millers point public tenants. The Text of the Minute is provided below.
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