Translation Tools
It is not possible for REDWatch to provide professionally translated copies of the information on our website in to these languages.
To help people access this material we have provided below links to a number of web based translators. While the translations from these tools will contain errors it is one way of making the information more accessible.
The diversity of Languages other
than English in Redfern Waterloo and other information on the make up of the
area can be found on the following link
Web Page Translators
These will translate the whole web
page. Take the address of the web site and paste or type it into one of the
programmes below choose the from and to languages and you will see the site
translation. The address for the REDWatch website to use is – .
-contains Transparent, Google, Translation Experts, AltaVista & WorldLingo
Text translators
Many of the above web translators also contain text translators. With a text translator you highlight the part of the web site you wish to translate and paste it into a translator. This can be helpful if the Web Page Translator gives a hard to understand result. Below are some links to text translators.
On Line Dictionary
You might also find the following on line dictionary link useful
can not guarantee that the translations made with these tools are accurate. These links are provided to assist people who want to read this site with a
translation tool. The links above are to other sites on the internet and we can not guarantee that the sites to which they connect will continue to provide the service they did when the links were added to this page. If you know of other tools that
might be helpful to add to this page or find any problems please email