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The latest news from REDWatch

REDWatch is a community group which covers the Sydney suburbs of Redfern Eveleigh Darlington and Waterloo. These suburbs make up what the NSW Government generally refers to as Redfern - Waterloo. The area has been subject to various NSW Government interventions since the early 2000's and had its own Government Minister from 2004 to 2011. Interventions have included removing planning responsibilities from City of Sydney Council and having place specific interventions on human services, infrastructure and employment. This history is captured on this website. Currently the focus is on UrbanGrowth's Central to Eveleigh and the proposed redevelopment of the Waterloo Public Housing Estate. Below is the latest news from REDWatch about our area and its issues.

Waterloo Connect – Community Update (newsletter) July 2024

This newsletter was distributed in July 2024. The Homes NSW newsletter was rebranded as Waterloo Connect. This issue advises tenants that "The successful consortium is expected to be announced in mid to late 2024." It provides no new timeframe for relocations which were due to start mid year according to earlier Homes NSW material.

Waterloo Connect – Community Update (newsletter) July 2024 - Read More…

Clothing Store Precinct North Eveleigh - Now Homes NSW Social and Affordable Housing Development

On 1 July 2024 following the statewide audit of government land, a former clothing store precinct in the heart of Sydney is among the first of four sites identified as being suitable to deliver much needed social and affordable housing stock. This is the media release for that announcement.

Clothing Store Precinct North Eveleigh - Now Homes NSW Social and Affordable Housing Development - Read More…

Homes NSW Planning for Clothing Store Precinct

On July 1 2024 the NSW Government announced that the Clothing Store precinct was being transferred to Homes NSW for a 500 housing redevelopment with 50% earmarked for social and affordable housing.

Homes NSW Planning for Clothing Store Precinct - Read More…

North Eveleigh Clothing Store Precinct

This is the part of North Eveleigh to the Newtown side of Carriageworks. I contains the affordable housing Platform Apartments. In 2024 the balance of the site is being transferred to Homes NSW.

North Eveleigh Clothing Store Precinct - Read More…

North Eveleigh Paint Shop Precinct

This is the precinct between Carriageworks and Redfern Station that was rezoned in 2003.

North Eveleigh Paint Shop Precinct - Read More…

Carriageworks Precinct

Carriageworks was developed prior to the RWA being established but was expanded subsequently. The conversion of the Blacksmith's Shop into Eveleigh Markets is included in this precinct.

Carriageworks Precinct - Read More…

Planning Across all of the North Eveleigh site

Currently disused railway land between Wilson St and the railway line with the old Carriage Workshop renovated as a Contemporary Performing Arts facility in the middle of the site. This site has had many studies done across the entire site and this section contains that material. Within this site there are sub precincts for The Paint Shop, Carriageworks and the Clothing Store Precincts and where planning relates specifically to these precincts we have included this work under the different precincts. There are also issues relating specifically to the Chief Mechanical Engineers building and to the proposed connection across the rail line at Carriageworks that we have also given their own sections on the website.

Planning Across all of the North Eveleigh site - Read More…

Homes NSW Explains Maintenance changes – REDWatch 4 July 6pm

On July 1 a new maintenance system starts for public housing. Some changes are immediate some will roll out over the next few months. Homes NSW will attend the REDWatch meeting on 4th July to explain the changes.

Homes NSW Explains Maintenance changes – REDWatch 4 July 6pm - Read More…

Homes NSW Explains Maintenance changes – REDWatch 4 July 2024 6pm flyer

On July 1 a new maintenance system starts for public housing. Some changes are immediate some will roll out over the next few months. Homes NSW will attend the REDWatch meeting on 4th July to explain the changes. Come and hear Homes NSW so you know what to expect and can explain it to others. Please spread the word using this flyer to public housing tenants. The July REDWatch meeting will be held at 6pm on Thursday 4th July 2024 at Counterpoint’s Factory Community Centre, 67 Raglan St Waterloo and it will also be available on Zoom via .

Homes NSW Explains Maintenance changes – REDWatch 4 July 2024 6pm flyer - Read More…

REDWatch 20 years - How did we get here?

This PDF is based on the presentation made to celebrate REDWatch's 20th Anniversary on 6 June 2024. It covers the context and formation of REDWatch and the evolution of Government development authorities in Redfern Waterloo. The second part of the presentation looks at some of the campaigns and achievements of REDWatch over these 20 years. The some actions and campaigns section was recorded and is on REDWatch's YouTube. This also includes the reflections of some of the people involved over the years.

REDWatch 20 years - How did we get here? - Read More…

REDWatch Submission on Draft Waterloo South People and Place Plan

This is a copy of the REDWatch submission on the Homes NSW Draft Waterloo South People and Place Plan which was open for comment in May and June 2024.

REDWatch Submission on Draft Waterloo South People and Place Plan - Read More…

City of Sydney Submission on Draft Waterloo South People and Place Plan

This is a copy of the City of Sydney submission on the Homes NSW Draft Waterloo South People and Place Plan which was open for comment in May and June 2024. It can also be found at

City of Sydney Submission on Draft Waterloo South People and Place Plan - Read More…

Counterpoint Community Services Submission on Draft Waterloo South People and Place Plan

This is a copy of the Counterpoint Community Services submission on the Homes NSW Draft Waterloo South People and Place Plan which was open for comment in May and June 2024. This submissions includes feedback from tenants and agencies from consultations with a tenants only meeting of the Waterloo Redevelopment Group, workshops run by REDWatch and a workshop held by Groundswell agencies.

Counterpoint Community Services Submission on Draft Waterloo South People and Place Plan - Read More…

Shelter NSW Submission on Draft Waterloo South People and Place Plan

This is a copy of the Shelter (NSW) submission on the Homes NSW Draft Waterloo South People and Place Plan which was open for comment in May and June 2024.

Shelter NSW Submission on Draft Waterloo South People and Place Plan - Read More…

Inner Sydney Voice Submission on Draft Waterloo South People and Place Plan

This is a copy of the Inner Sydney Voice (ISV) submission on the Homes NSW Draft Waterloo South People and Place Plan which was open for comment in May and June 2024.

Inner Sydney Voice Submission on Draft Waterloo South People and Place Plan - Read More…

Some further REDWatch comments on the People and Place Plan

These are some further comments by REDWatch, circulated in our email update 0f 27 May 2024 regarding Homes NSW's Draft People and place plan, which is open for feedback until14 June 2024.

Some further REDWatch comments on the People and Place Plan - Read More…

REDWatch Initial comments on the People and Place Plan

This Draft Plan brings together consultations Homes NSW (LAHC) have had over the last 8+ years as well as consultant reports commissioned by LAHC. The reports from some of these consultations and consultants have not been made public so this is the first chance people have to review what Homes NSW Housing Portfolio (LAHC) have heard or decided from these consultations.

REDWatch Initial comments on the People and Place Plan - Read More…

Focus Group Questions for Draft Waterloo South People and Place Plan

These questions were used for discussion groups at the REDWatch Meeting 2nd May 2024. The questions may help people think about their own responses to the Draft People and Place Place Plan which is open for feedback until the end of May 2024.

Focus Group Questions for Draft Waterloo South People and Place Plan - Read More…

Can the Waterloo South People and Place Plan deliver a successful Redevelopment?

Homes NSW has issued a report, for feedback until end May. It contains 76 actions Homes NSW say address the People and Place issues of the Waterloo redevelopment. The plan covers work with tenants, agencies, the Aboriginal community, support for health and wellbeing, feeling safe and welcome, being green and clean and accessing quality education, learning and jobs.

Can the Waterloo South People and Place Plan deliver a successful Redevelopment? - Read More…

Can the Waterloo South People and Place Plan deliver a successful Redevelopment? May 2 2024 flyer

This is the flyer for the May 2 6pm REDWatch meeting that will ask What is missing in the People and Place Plan? Have your Say - REDWatch Meeting All Welcome - Thursday 2 May 2024 6pm Counterpoint’s Factory Community Centre, 67 Raglan Street Waterloo or via zoom from

Can the Waterloo South People and Place Plan deliver a successful Redevelopment? May 2 2024 flyer - Read More…

Dealing with our inner NIMBY and the housing challenge

In the lead up to the REDWatch meeting with Council on "How should we plan for growth?" in April 2024, the REDWatch Update email provided the following background to the issues facing communities. As we have received good feedback on the the article we have reproduced it on our website.

Dealing with our inner NIMBY and the housing challenge - Read More…

How Should we plan for Growth - Council Presentation Slides 4 April 2024

These are the presentation slides from the City of Sydney presentation to REDWatch on 4 April 2024. This presentation has two parts. Firstly it explains and responds to the NSW Government mid and low rise proposal to increase density around light and heavy rail stops and town centres. Secondly it explains how the City of Sydney goes about planning in a different way to accommodate the density required for the City. Irrespective of what happens with the NSW Government proposal the second part of the presentation will remain relevant into the future. You can see a video on Youtube of the presentation and slides as delivered at the REDWatch meeting. The link is

How Should we plan for Growth - Council Presentation Slides 4 April 2024 - Read More…

How should we plan for growth?

The NSW government wants to force councils to allow more homes to be built around suburban centres, railway stations and tram stops. At this REDWatch meeting City of Sydney staff will respond to that plan and discuss how they prefer to plan for growth.

How should we plan for growth? - Read More…

How should we plan for growth? Poster for REDWatch Meeting 4 April 2024

The NSW government wants to force councils to allow more homes to be built around suburb centres, railway stations and tram stops. City of Sydney staff will respond to that plan and discuss how they prefer to plan for growth.

How should we plan for growth? Poster for REDWatch Meeting 4 April 2024 - Read More…

People and Place Outcomes Report from October 2023 NCIE Workshop

In October 2023 LAHC held a People and Place workshop. This is the outcomes report from that workshop - it covered relocations and human services for which People and Place Reports have not yet been released and hence points to some of LAHC's approach to these parts of its People and Place approach. It is important to note that this report reflects what people said off the top of their heads in the workshop. It was not possible to comment on all material in the short time allowed and LAHC declined to allow attendees to make considered contributions after the workshop. Unlike the Waterloo Human Services Collaborative where there is discussions about different actions and a consensus reached the comments made at the session recorded have not been tested. This outcomes report was released to the Waterloo Human Services Collaborative and Groundswell and will appear on the Waterloo Redevelopment website with the other studies.

People and Place Outcomes Report from October 2023 NCIE Workshop - Read More…

People and Place Report: Waterloo Connecting with Country Framework prepared by Murawin

This is one of the one of the People and Place studies conducted for LAHC (now Homes NSW Portfolio) for the Waterloo South Redevelopment. This Waterloo Connecting with Country Framework study was undertaken by Murawin. It was released to the Waterloo Human Services Collaborative and Groundswell and will appear on the Waterloo Redevelopment website with the other studies.

People and Place Report: Waterloo Connecting with Country Framework prepared by Murawin - Read More…

People and Place Report: Waterloo Place Framework prepared by Hatch Roberts Day

This is one of the one of the People and Place studies conducted for LAHC (now Homes NSW Portfolio) for the Waterloo South Redevelopment. This Waterloo Place Framework study was undertaken by Hatch Roberts Day. It was released to the Waterloo Human Services Collaborative and Groundswell and will appear on the Waterloo Redevelopment website with the other studies.

People and Place Report: Waterloo Place Framework prepared by Hatch Roberts Day - Read More…

Silvester Fuller wins Design Competition for 600-660 Elizabeth Street Redfern (now known as Redfern Place) market housing building

Silvester Fuller wins Design Competition for 600-660 Elizabeth Street Redfern (now known as Redfern Place) market housing building

In this media release of 28 February, Bridge Housing not only announces the winner of the design Competition for the site's market housing they also advise that the site will be known as Redfern Place which will "comprise four buildings, including a community space, market and key worker housing, affordable housing, NDIS and social housing, and the new home for Bridge Housing's head office as it returns to its roots in Redfern".

Silvester Fuller wins Design Competition for 600-660 Elizabeth Street Redfern (now known as Redfern Place) market housing building - Read More…

City of Sydney Presentation - NSW Government housing changes - 13 February 2024

This is the presentation given to City of Sydney resident groups on 13 February 2024 outlining the the NSW Government proposed changes to create Low and Mid-Rise Housing and how they will affect the City of Sydney.

City of Sydney Presentation - NSW Government housing changes - 13 February 2024 - Read More…

Back to basics: Social housing maintenance call centre back in public hands

This media statement of 13 November 2023 sets out the major changes proposed to public housing maintenance to come into effect mid 2024. This was a major focus of many questions to the Minister for Homes NSW and the CEO at the REDWatch meeting of 5 February 2024.

Back to basics: Social housing maintenance call centre back in public hands - Read More…

Look before you leap: A community guide to social impact assessment by Alison Ziller PhD February 2024

This Guide to social impact assessment is for communities concerned about the social consequences of a proposed project or development. The redevelopment of Waterloo South will need a social impact assessment. This guide explains when a social impact assessment (the process) is required, what a SIA (the document) is expected to include, and when and how decision making takes place. The Guide sets out what communities should look out for, when they may provide a response, for example in a submission raising concerns about a proposed development or project, and the timelines affecting these steps.

Look before you leap: A community guide to social impact assessment by Alison Ziller PhD February 2024 - Read More…

Homes NSW Fact Sheet and Services diagram PDF - 5 Feb 2024

This PDF contains the Fact Sheet and the Services diagram provided by Homes NSW to the REDWatch meeting on 5 February 2024 on the establishment of Homes NSW. This meeting with Minister Jackson and senior staff was recorded and can be viewed on REDWatch_Redfern-Waterloo YouTube at

Homes NSW Fact Sheet and Services diagram PDF - 5 Feb 2024 - Read More…

Homes NSW Services

Homes NSW Services

This Homes NSW Services diagram shows what makes up Homes NSW and how it proposes to deliver services.

Homes NSW Services - Read More…

Homes NSW Launch Statement

This is the media statement of 2 February 2024, issued by Minister Rose Jackson, about the launching of Homes NSW.

Homes NSW Launch Statement - Read More…

Minister Jackson's message to tenants about Homes NSW

This message to tenants from Minster Jackson was sent on February 1 2024 on the launch of Homes NSW. The email also contains a link to a Homes NSW information page at More information will be available at the REDWatch meeting on February 5th 2024.

Minister Jackson's message to tenants about Homes NSW - Read More…

Homes NSW Introduction with Minister Rose Jackson 5 Feb 2024 6.30pm Flyer

This flyer / poster is to promote the REDWatch Meeting on Homes NSW with Minister Rose Jackson for Monday 5th February 2024. What is Homes NSW? How will it operate? What can tenants expect from the change?

Homes NSW Introduction with Minister Rose Jackson 5 Feb 2024 6.30pm Flyer - Read More…

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