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REDWatch 2004 Statements

This is a record of statements made by REDWatch on Redfern Waterloo Issues in 2004. Other statements made by REDWatch may also appear in the Media Articles and in submissions made to Government or the Redfern Waterloo Authority.
New Primary Health Care Facility in Redfern Welcomed
REDwatch issued a Media Statement in response to the Premier's initial announcement of a new medical centre for Lawson Street Redfern on 24th October 2004.
Residents seek consultation to ensure harm minimisation works
Following the response from the Aboriginal Medical Service and growing concern in the community about the location in Lawson Street Redfern, REDWatch issued the following Media Release.
REDWatch Press Release 02 Nov 2004
Community group REDWatch outlines its concerns about the proposed Redfern Waterloo Authority.
REDWatch Comments on RWA & RWP Anouncement
In response to the Premiers' anouncement that rather than the expected Draft RED Strategy, the NSW Government would establish the Redfern Waterloo Authgority, REDWatch produced "REDWatch Comments on The Proposed Redfern Waterloo Authority (RWA) and Plan (RWP)" on 3 November 2004 setting out their concerns about the decision. Many of these concerns still exist today.
Areas to change in the RWA Bill
Media Release of 29 November 2004 following REDWatch Meeting which decided on the areas of the RWA Bill that REDWatch would lobby to change
First Breifing Note on RWA Bill
REDWatch produced this Breifing Note on 16th November 2004 when the wording of the Bill initially became available.
REDFERN-WATERLOO AUTHORITY BILL 2004 Briefing Note – November 30 2004
With the passage of the Redfern Waterloo Authority Bill through the NSW Legislative Assembly REDWatch prepared a breifing not with which to lobby for changes to the Bill in the NSW Legislative Council. REDWatch met with Minister Sartor who had carriage for the Government as well as the Liberal Party and the Cross-Benchers to acheive some changes.
Rally at the Waterloo Towers
REDWatch joined with other local organisations to arrange a rally for 6th December 2004 in response to the revelations in the Sydney Morning Herald about the NSW Governments Plan for Redfern - Waterloo.
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