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REDWatch 2005 Statements

This is a record of statements made by REDWatch on Redfern Waterloo Issues in 2005. Other statements made by REDWatch may also appear in the Media Articles and in submissions made to Government or the Redfern Waterloo Authority.
REDWatch Letter to Frank Sartor 27 Jan 2005
REDWatch request for the release of papers relating to the Redfern Waterloo Authority
Sartor Called to Release Redfern Waterloo Documents
With the Legislative Council call for papers no discovering the earlier RED Strategy working papers or counsultants reports, REDWatch called on Minister Sartor to release these documents. This has been an ongoing call.
REDWatch Press Release 28 Jan 2005
REDWatch calls for Minister Sartor to release the “Working Papers” relating to the formation and functioning of the new Redfern Waterloo Authority
REDWatch Letter to Frank Sartor 31 Jan 2005
REDWatch expresses its views on Community Advisory structures for the Redfern Waterloo Authority
“See Redfern before Frank Sells It” Parliamentarian’s Tour
To draw attention to the Government's plan to sell off some of the scarse inner city real estate to fund the RWA, REDWatch organised a “See Redfern before Frank Sells It” Parliamentarian’s Tour for 4th May 2005 to tour the most likly sale sites.
“See Block Plans First Hand” – Redfern Challenge to Carr
Following the visit of NSW Opposition Leader John Brogden to the AHC and the Block, REDWatch invited the Premier to also visit the Block and see the AHC plans. The REDWatch invitiation ran on the front page of the May 2005 South Sydney Herald and people were encouraged to write to the Premier encouraging him to see first hand the project his Government was no longer supporting.
REDWatch Press Release 11 May 2005
REDWatch Press Release urging Bob Carr to visit the Block - 11 May 2005
REDWatch Media Release 30 May 2005 #2
REDWatch Media Release in response to the state government's control of planning in Redfern and Waterloo
REDWatch Media Release 30 May 2005 #1
REDWatch Press Release in response to the map released by the RWA showing State Significant sites in Redfern and Waterloo
Sartor takes Planning Control of Redfern’s Block
This was the first of two REDWatch media statements issued when the RWA State Significance boundaries were released.
Sartor makes land claim for Redfern’s Block
This was the second of two REDWatch media statements issued on 30th May 2005 when the RWA State Significance boundaries for Redfern Waterloo were discovered in the Government Gazette. This Media statement was issued with contacts for other interested organisations in Redfern Waterloo.
REDWatch Statement 31 May 2005
REDWatch statement on how to plan for Redfern and Waterloo
Reconciliation Bridge Walk and Candle Light Vigil in Support of Aboriginal Housing on the Block June 9th
Following the declaration of State Significant Boundaries REDWatch joined with other groups to organise a Candle Light Vigil and Reconciliation Bridge Walk in Support of the Aboriginal Housing Company and the Block.
Introductory Leaflet
Refern Waterloo can not just trust in Frank - This ia an introductory leaflet about the Issues facing Redfern - Waterloo and why REDWatch should be supported.
Introductory Leaflet Download
This is a pdf file download of the current REDWatch Introductory Leaflet.
Submission on RWA Draft Human Services Plan
In October 2005 the RWA released a Draft Human Services Plan for public comment. REDWatch met with RWA staff soon after the release of the draft and made a submission covering our concerns about the Plan.
Submission on RW Plan
In May 2005 REDWatch adopted a report from the REDWatch Redfern Waterloo Plan Working Group to go to the Minister and the RWA setting out REDWatch's thoughts on how the RWA should go about the process of developing the Redfern Waterloo Plan. This submission sets out some of REDWatches concerns as well as a practical framework for creating an integrated planning framework.
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