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REDWatch 2006 Statements

This is a record of statements made by REDWatch on Redfern Waterloo Issues in 2006. Other statements made by REDWatch may also appear in the Media Articles and in submissions made to Government or the Redfern Waterloo Authority.
REDWatch submission on RWA Employment Enterprise Plan
Submission of areas of concern relating to the Redfern Waterloo Authority [RWA]’s Employment Enterprise Plan [EE Plan] from REDWatch, a local community based organisation.
Picnic and Information Day - Saturday 8 April 11.30
This is the leaflet advertising the REDWatch BEP Picnic and Information day. - Reduced green space in an already concrete city, especially the loss of Marian St Park. - 18-storey buildings, where the TNT towers are only 11 storeys. - Increased motor vehicle traffic on Wilson St & other streets. - Work created in the area for professionals & not for locals. - Residents from The Block not having the right to develop an adequate amount of housing on their own land. - Moving of residents in the area rather than developing real solutions to helping the disadvantaged in the area. - Redfern becoming the next Chatswood. Unsure of what this is all about? Not sure what the Redfern Waterloo Authority are suggesting? Need help clarifying what's been planned for your community? Come to a community BBQ & info session organised by locals for locals! Saturday 8th April, 2006 11am, Marian St Park
The details below provide some information on OPen Space issues that relate to Redfern Waterloo.
Poster for REDWatch HSP2 Meeting 1st November 2006
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