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09 December 2004

Redfern Waterloo Authority Bill 2004 / Call for Papers on Redfern Waterloo Plan / Aboriginal Issues Clarification from Frank Sartor

Redfern Waterloo Authority Bill 2004

The amendments still have not been put on the Bill. It is expected that it will happen this morning not long after Legislative Council resumes at 9:45am but this has not yet been confirmed.

Yesterday was taken up with many more speeches about Redfern Waterloo and the Bill than expected when we provided our update yesterday. We have again attached a copy of the material from the draft hansard. While many people on the cross bench and the Liberal Party have spoken in the Upper House the ALP was notably silent.

Call for Papers on Redfern Waterloo Plan

The major news from yesterday was that the Liberals ended up supporting the Greens motion to call for papers. This means that within 14 days the Government is to provide to the Legislative Council with the documents covered in the motion. These documents will be available for inspection at Parliament House from Tuesday 23 December.

Going through the papers will take some time and the Greens and REDWatch will be looking for community involvement in this activity. If you are able to assist please contact Geoff Turnbull or email Seb Crawford on Sylivia Hales’s staff .

Below is the motion that was passed in the upper house which details the documents requested. Our only concern is that some documents would probably have been prepared for the earlier draft RED Strategy from which the Redfern Waterloo Authority and Plan grew. The Minister should also ensure all these documents are presented rather than try and use any possible technicality.

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 14 days of the date of passing of this resolution all documents in the possession, custody or control of the Minister for Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources, the Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources, Minister for Energy and Utilities and Minister for Science and Medical Research, the Minister for Housing, the Department of Housing, the Minister for Transport Services, the Department of Transport, the Premier's Department and the Cabinet Office relating to the proposed Redfern-Waterloo Authority including:

(a)        all documents relating to the establishment of the Redfern-Waterloo Authority,

(b)        all documents relating to the preparation of any Redfern-Waterloo Plan,

(c)        all documents produced by Cox Richardson on the Redfern-Waterloo area redevelopment,

(d)        any legal opinion in relation to the redevelopment of areas within the proposed boundary of the Redfern-Waterloo Authority, and

(e)        any document which records or refers to the production of documents as a result of this order of the House.

Aboriginal Issues Clarification from Frank Sartor

The Reverend Fred Nile has obtained some written assurances from Minister Sartor regarding Aboriginal Issues. These were read into the hansard yesterday and they are reproduced below for easy reference:

Dear Rev. Nile,

Re: Aboriginal issues in Redfern-Waterloo

I wish to confirm the following points in relation to the Aboriginal community in Redfern-Waterloo, and especially the Block:

• That advisory committees dealing with social or human services, or issues directly affecting The Block and its surrounds, will include at least two Aboriginal representatives. Indeed I would expect at least half a dozen members of the Aboriginal community would be appointed to various advisory and consultative committees;

• That consultation be conducted in good faith with the Aboriginal Housing Company on a long-term strategic vision for The Block;

• That it is the intention that The Block remain in Aboriginal ownership and be a place of significance and utility to the Aboriginal community;

• That Aboriginal Housing in Redfern-Waterloo not diminish;

• That as far as practical, attention be given to addressing the shortfall in Aboriginal Housing in the area;

• That a consultation process be set up to improve the effectiveness of the Aboriginal Housing Company and broaden its functions;

• That if after consultation with the Aboriginal Housing Company and the Aboriginal community, the decision is made on changing the management of The Block it shall be on the basis of shared oversight with the Aboriginal community.

I trust these points address some of the issues raised in our discussions.

Yours sincerely,

Frank Sartor