Planning Across all of the North Eveleigh site
Currently disused railway land between Wilson St and the railway line with the old Carriage Workshop renovated as a Contemporary Performing Arts facility in the middle of the site. This site has had many studies done across the entire site and this section contains that material. Within this site there are sub precincts for The Paint Shop, Carriageworks and the Clothing Store Precincts and where planning relates specifically to these precincts we have included this work under the different precincts. There are also issues relating specifically to the Chief Mechanical Engineers building and to the proposed connection across the rail line at Carriageworks that we have also given their own sections on the website.
- Transport for NSW Planning for North Eveleigh Precinct
- With the demise of Urban Growth Development Corporation planning for the North Eveleigh site has moved to TRansport for NSW in conjunction with The Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE). DPIE say they are taking "a new approach to precinct planning which centres the planning system around people, places, public spaces and the environment. While the planning process for the Redfern North Eveleigh precinct will be led by the NSW Government due to its strategic importance, a key element of the new approach is close collaboration with local councils, stakeholders and the local community." Here we are gathering information about this planning process that publically started in August 2020.
- North Eveleigh could be New Enterprise Zone :Green Paper - Exhibition until 14 Sept 2012
- The NSW Government released on 14 July its Green paper on the new Planning System, it is on exhibition until 14 September. The plan proposes greater up front community involvement in where development goes with less community input once these decisions have been made. Included in green paper are new Zonings including an Enterprise Zone with "very little, if any, development controls providing they do not result in any significant adverse environmental impacts". The Green Paper uses North Eveleigh as an example of where an Enterprise Zone could be established. REDWatch is concerned as the Department of Planning has previously recognised that traffic impacts from this site have a significant impact on the surrounding area. More details on the New Enterprise Zone is provided below.
- People's Planning - The North Eveleigh Propositional - 2011
- In February 2011 a peoples planning project was started using North Eveleigh as a case study. The North Eveleigh Propositional aims to upend the typical process of city-making. The Propositional does not aim to find one perfect design, rather it seeks an accumulation of ideas, polished or rough, wild or pragmatic, heart-warming or spine-chilling, a permanently evolving catalogue of potential North Eveleighs. Here REDWatch has collected some of the Propositional ideas. You can see more at
- Railway Uses at North Eveleigh
- Some of North Eveleigh is being retained by RailCorp for the City Relief Line which also impacts on private property to the west of the North Eveleigh site. Here you can find material about proposed rail uses on North Eveleigh and the City Relief line. You will also find information about the Save Leamington Avenue Campaign from June 2010. Items have been added with most recent at the bottom.
- Last Chance for the historic North Eveleigh site.
- The Vice Chancellor of Sydney University, Dr Michael Spence, lamented that the market value offer to purchase the North Eveligh site has not been accepted by the State government at a public forum that the University hosted on 28 April 2010, whose speakers included the City of Sydney Lord Mayor of Sydney, Clover Moore writes Guido Gouverneur in this article in May 2010.
- North Eveleigh Major Project Application by RWA 2008
- In January 2008 the Redfern Waterloo Authority submitted their Major Project Application for the Redevelopment for residential, commercial, retail and cultural uses of North Eveleigh. On March 13 2008 the Minister for Planning declared the proposal to be a major project under Part 3A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.
- RWA Draft Built Environment Plan - North Eveleigh
- This section contains the Land Use and Design Concepts for this RWA Strategic Site provided in the RWA Final Redfern Waterloo Built Environment Plan (Stage One) in August 2006 and the Draft of February 2006.