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31 March 2005

Redfern-Waterloo Ministerial Advisory Committees Call for Expressions of Interest before 5pm 22nd April / Redfern-Waterloo Human Services E-Newsletter Issue One March 2005 / Correction on REDWatch Fundraiser is Saturday 16th April (not Sunday) / “Metro strategy and the city” – Institute of Public Administration Seminar 26th April 5.30pm Dixson Room State Library of NSW / Aboriginal Child Sexual Assault Taskforce Community Information Session - Redfern Monday 4th April 2pm Redfern Community Centre / Redfern-Waterloo Human Services E-Newsletter Issue One March 2005

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Redfern-Waterloo Ministerial Advisory Committees Call for Expressions of Interest before 5pm 22nd April

Redfern-Waterloo Human Services E-Newsletter Issue One March 2005

Correction on REDWatch Fundraiser is Saturday 16th April (not Sunday)

“Metro strategy and the city” – Institute of Public Administration Seminar 26th April 5.30pm Dixson Room State Library of NSW

Aboriginal Child Sexual Assault Taskforce Community Information Session - Redfern Monday 4th April 2pm Redfern Community Centre 

Redfern-Waterloo Human Services E-Newsletter Issue One March 2005

Redfern-Waterloo Ministerial Advisory Committees Call for Expressions of Interest before 5pm 22nd April

Advertisements for Expressions of Interest for three Ministerial Advisory Committees have started to appear. The three committees are those indicated by the Minister last December as those he was thinking of establishing prior to public consultation. There is no mention of the broad based community advisory group that has been requested by REDWatch and a number of other groups to provide a overarching community advisory committee to the Minister as distinct from there being a few community representatives on each the Ministerial Advisory Committee now being advertised. The text of the advertisement is as follows:

Redfern-Waterloo Ministerial Advisory Committees Call for Expressions of Interest

The Redfern-Waterloo Authority (RWA) was established on 17 January 2005 to manage public infrastructure and achieve sustainable social and physical renewal in the area.

Following community consultation, the Minister for Redfern-Waterloo, the Hon. Frank Sartor MP, is now inviting Expressions of Interest from residents of Redfern, Waterloo, Eveleigh and Darlington to participate in any of three Ministerial Advisory Committees. Community representatives may be appointed as individuals to each of the following Committees:

Built Environment - considering urban design, traffic, public access, public transport, land use, affordable housing, public housing, and urban renewal.

Employment and Enterprise - considering strategies to increase job and business opportunities in the area, including the Indigenous community.

Human Services - considering human services and health issues affecting Redfern-Waterloo.

Please note that the Minister is seeking at least two Indigenous residents for each committee.

Expressions of Interest should outline relevant interests, skills and experience in no more than two pages (including contact details) and be forwarded to: Aldo Pennini, RWA Community Relations Manager, PO Box 3332, Redfern NSW 2016. Telephone: 9202 9100 Fax: 9202 9111  Email:  

Expressions of Interest should be received by the Redfern-Waterloo Authority by 5.00 pm Friday, 22 April, 2005.

Robert Domm - Chief Executive Officer Redfern-Waterloo Authority


Redfern-Waterloo Human Services E-Newsletter Issue One March 2005

We have just received the first Redfern-Waterloo Human Services E-Newsletter so we are forwarding it on at the bottom of this email for your information. We suggest that if you wish to see future E-Newsletters that you email Samantha Nolan and ask to be added to the E-Newsletter list.

The E-Newsletter reports on the First meeting and mentions the next meeting on 7th April. There has been a meeting in between and we understand that this meeting agreed that at least some of the documents being considered by the HSAC would be made publicly available after the HSAC had reviewed them. We await details also as to how this part of the community engagement is going to work.

Correction on REDWatch Fundraiser is Saturday 16th April (not Sunday)

Put the date in your diary and come along and hear Tom Uren, Jack Mundy and Tom Zabrinski and hear about the earlier struggle for “Waterloo”. While the fundraiser is initiated by the Darlington ALP it is being supported by a wide range of other political and community groups including the South Sydney Greens.

“Metro strategy and the city” – Institute of Public Administration Seminar 26th April 5.30pm Dixson Room State Library of NSW

Speakers at this seminar include Jennifer Westacott, Director General and DIPNR John McInerney, Deputy Lord Mayor of the City of Sydney. For further information download flyer at  or contact: Tel 02 9228 5225, Fax 02 9241 1920 or Email

The leaflet describes the Metro Strategy as: “ the NSW Government's long-term plan to manage growth and change in Sydney and the Greater Metropolitan Region. It provides a vision, directions and strategies to guide the developments that will transform Sydney over the next 30 years. The Strategy is not one single document: instead, it is a living action plan that will be responsive and adaptable as the city changes and grows”. Urban Regeneration projects like Redfern Waterloo are also part of the Metro Strategy.

Aboriginal Child Sexual Assault Taskforce Community Information Session - Redfern Monday 4th April 2pm Redfern Community Centre 

The Aboriginal Child Sexual Assault Taskforce is currently holding community consultations with Aboriginal communities across the state. After talking with communities, the Taskforce will make recommendations to the Attorney General about how Government and Communities can better respond to child sexual assault. This information session is your chance to come and have a cuppa and yarn with the Taskforce about what we are doing. A light lunch will be provided. Consultations with the community will be held at a later date. However, if you want to know more information about the Taskforce, or if you just want to come and have a yarn with us, now is the time to do it. If you have any questions before then, give us a call on 9228 8053 or email . Other information sessions are being held on Monday 4 April 2005 at La Perouse and Tuesday 5 April 2005 at Mt Druitt.


Redfern-Waterloo Human Services E-Newsletter

Issue One March 2005



The Human Services Advisory Committee (HSAC)

Establishment of the HSAC

Membership of the HSAC

The Human Services Plan

First meeting of the HSAC

Upcoming community workshop


This is the first edition of E-News which will be disseminated by the Redfern-Waterloo Partnership Project and Council of Social Service of NSW on behalf of the HSAC.  The aim of E-News is to ensure that interested members of the Redfern-Waterloo community and service providers are kept informed of current events relating to the development of the Human Services Plan for the area.

The Human Services Advisory Committee (HSAC)

The HSAC advises the Minister with responsibility for Redfern-Waterloo on human services in the area.  The Committees role and purpose is to:

  • Provide advice to the Minister on the human services system in Redfern and Waterloo and the most effective means of achieving outcomes for service users and the community
  • Ensure integrated human services planning
  • Foster and support the development of local community based solutions to identified areas of concern as appropriate
  • Serve as a forum for raising community concerns
  • Support the capacity of service providers to achieve positive outcomes for service users and community members
  • Conduct research and manage projects, as required or approved by the Minister
  • Provide advice to the Minister on the social outcomes to be pursued in the Redfern-Waterloo Plan and its specific strategies
  • Provide advice on other matters referred to it by the Minister. 

Whilst adopting a broad advisory role in relation to human services, the first project of the HSAC is to develop part one of the Human Services Plan, 2005-2006.  The HSAC began this work on 3 March 2005.  Details about the HSAC's first meeting are outlined below. 

The complete terms of reference for the HSAC are available on the Redfern-Waterloo Partnership Project's website:

Establishment of the HSAC

On 1 July 2005, the Redfern-Waterloo Partnership Project is merging with the Redfern-Waterloo Authority.  As a result of this amalgamation, processes have been streamlined and the HSAC has replaced the Human Services Implementation Working Group which was to be established to oversight the development of the Human Services Plan.  These initial appointments will be for 6 months.  The RWA will shortly be advertising for additional community representatives for the HSAC. 

Community representatives for the HSAC were selected, following a public call for Expressions of Interest (EOI).  Representatives were selected on the basis of selection criteria outlined in the EOI by a panel consisting of two community members and the co-chairs of the HSAC.  

Membership of the HSAC

The 17-member HSAC is co-chaired by Mr Michael Ramsey of the Redfern-Waterloo Partnership Project and Mr Gary Moore of the Council of Social Service of NSW.  In all, the HSAC has three representatives of services users and the Redfern-Waterloo community, seven members from the NSW State Government, two representatives of Commonwealth Government, three representatives of the non-government sector, and one from the City of Sydney Council.  Members are:

Mr John Becker                    NSW Government representative (Department of Housing)

Ms Helen Campbell             Non-government representative         

Ms Mabel Chang                  Community/service user representative (interim appointee)

Ms Janelle Chapman            NSW Government representative (Department of Community Services)

Mr Paul Cramer                    Commonwealth Government representative

Ms Monica Barone               Local Government representative

Ms Gay Horsburgh              NSW Government representative (Department of Health)

Mr Colin Kay                         Commonwealth Government representative

Dr Phil Lambert                    NSW Government representative (Department of Education and Training)

Ms Shirley Lomas                 Community/service user representative

Mr Gary Moore (co-chair)   Non-government representative

Mr Aldo Pennini                    NSW Government representative (Redfern-Waterloo Authority)

Mr Michael Ramsey             NSW Government representative (Premiers

(co-chair)                               Department)

Ms Lynette Stewart               Community/service user representative

Mr Carlo Svagelli                   NSW Government representative (Department of Aboriginal Affairs)

Mr Rob Welsh                       Non-government representative

The Human Services Plan

The Human Services Plan is being developed in two stages. 

Part one of the plan will focus on youth services, services for Aboriginal people, family and childrens services (including domestic and family violence), and health services (particularly mental health, drug and alcohol and dual diagnosis).

Time limited cluster groups will be established in each of these service areas to develop action plans, which will be incorporated into the plan.

First Meeting of the HSAC

The Redfern-Waterloo Partnership Project hosted the first two meetings of the HSAC on 3 March and 15 March 2005.  At the meeting, members discussed the following key issues:

'         Principles for working together and for the Human Services Plan

'         The terms of reference for the Committee

'         The findings of the human services review and the need for the human services system to change

'         Linkages between the broad social outcomes identified through the human services planning process and the development of the Redfern-Waterloo Plan

'         The framework for the Human Services Plan

'         Membership, role and purpose of the cluster groups

'         Upcoming workshops on integrated services, delivery, community outcomes and measuring performance and results

'         Communicating with the community about the development of the plan

'         Confidentiality of information shared between members

'         Evaluating the Human Services Plan; and

'         The closure of Redfern Local Court. 

The next meeting of the HSAC will be held on 7 April 2005. 

Upcoming Community Workshop

To ensure that the Human Services Plan meets the needs of the local community, a community outcomes workshop will be held on 4 April 2004 at 10 am and repeated again at 6 pm at the PCYC, 638 Elizabeth Street, Redfern.  The purpose of the workshop will be to identify the outcomes that community members want achieved through the Plan.  See for more details. 

Samantha Nolan
Senior Project Manager
Redfern/Waterloo Partnership Project
(ph) 9698 0911
(fax) 8243 9466