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11 February 2006

RWA Release Built Environment Plan (Stage One) / Built Environment Consultation Process / Initial Responses to Draft Plan / Employment and Enterprise Key to Redfern Waterloo Plan? / Special REDWatch Built Environment Meeting Sunday 12th February 2006 at 2.30 pm at the Factory / Redfern Oval Development Application / Midnight Basketball Launched / Expanded Index and links to Built Environment Plan

In this issue

RWA Release Built Environment Plan (Stage One)

Built Environment Consultation Process

Initial Responses to Draft Plan

Employment and Enterprise Key to Redfern Waterloo Plan?

Special REDWatch Built Environment Meeting Sunday 12th February 2006 at 2.30 pm at the Factory

Redfern Oval Development Application

Midnight Basketball Launched

Expanded Index and links to Built Environment Plan

Coming Events (entered on the REDWatch website)

RWA Release Built Environment Plan (Stage One)

On Thursday 9 February 2006 the RWA held a media conference to release the Draft Built Environment Plan. A copy of the Minister’s Media Release can be downloaded from the RWA website at the following link - Draft Plan to Drive Jobs Growth in Redfern-Waterloo (pdf ~16kb). The size of the Draft Plan has meant that the plan has been broken up into a number of still largish PDF files which were not up on the RWA website until Friday 10th February. To make it easier to find the material in the files we have produced an expanded index which shows the contents of each of the files / sections and provides the links to them. This index is at the foot of this page

As the report contains a large number of colour coded maps residents would be best advised to request a copy of the printed version from the RWA by ringing the RWA's office on 9202 9100 or emailing your postal details to .The RWA website says that a text version of the report will be added to the RWA website in the coming week. More information is expected to be posted this week on the RWA website

The SEPP which is on exhibition simultaneously with the Draft Plan has not yet been posted by the RWA. The deadline for Submissions on the SEPP and the Built Environment Plan is 7th April 2006

Built Environment Consultation Process

While the RWA have not yet posted details of the proposed consultation process, Kristina Keneally in her e-Herald on Friday Draft Built Environment Plan to Drive Jobs Growth in Redfern & Waterloo - 10 February 2006 provided the following information on the consultation proposed:

  • RWA information sessions: between 4 pm - 5 pm, Monday to Friday, 27 Feb to 10 March at Redfern Waterloo Authority, Level 11, Tower 2, 1 Lawson Square, Redfern
  • RWA Built Environment Plan Community Forum, Saturday, 4 March, 1pm - 3pm, at Redfern Town Hall, 73 Pitt Street Redfern.
  • RWA's focus groups - register your interest to participate in them by phoning ph:9202 9100 or email 

Initial Responses to Draft Plan

Initial reaction to the Draft Plan has focused on the way the Plan creates a disincentive for the Aboriginal Housing Company to use the Block area for housing. The initial media release from the AHC can be seen at Sartor changes zoning of the Block to commercial - 9 February 2006 as can a media release from Deputy Lord Mayor of Sydney Verity Firth Firth Calls on Sartor to Rethink Pemulwuy Decision - 10 February 2006 . This aspect was picked up in reports of the Draft Plan by both The Australian Aboriginal anger as Block rezoned - 10 February 2006 and the SMH New plan on the Block unwelcome to owners - 10 February 2006. The Minister said on ABC radio that Redfern redevelopment plan not about moving Aborigines: Minister - 9 February 2006 (The Minister had issued a media release attacking the NSW Opposition Geography Lesson for NSW Liberals (pdf ~14kb) over this inference a couple of days earlier)   

Initial local comments we have heard make reference to a range of other concerns including; The potential wind tunnel created by the 5 x 18 story developments along Gibbons Street; the loss of current green space between Gibbons Street and the Watertower being replaced by a smaller “Civic Space” opposite the proposed station; The idealised drawings of this civic space with no Aboriginal faces, no where to park police cars, no RSL and people being able to casually cross four lanes of traffic without pedestrian lights!; concerns about zoning the Old Redfern School for 4 and 7 story buildings where people thought there would be open space for training in sporting excellence; continued concerns that Rachael Foster may not be used for health and aged care services as many believe it should be; the loss of the iconic Aboriginal focus for the Block that was an attractive part of the AHC concept drawings for the area; just to mention a few.

If you want to share your comments openly on the RWA Plans you can do so in the REDWatch discussion forum at .

Employment and Enterprise Key to Redfern Waterloo Plan?

It is interesting that when the Minister announced the Built Environment Plan he did so in terms of “Draft Plan to Drive Jobs Growth”. The leverage from the building programme and the trickle down from all the employment created from the built environment is seen very much as the key to addressing the areas problems (the Minister almost seems to want us to believe they are doing all this development for this very reason!). There is a real need to question this hypothesis. The RWA can create 18,000 jobs but that will not mean that all those wanting employment in the area will end up with employment when the building is all finished. This is specially so if the government fails to address the disincentives in the system - like getting a low paid job leading to loosing public housing and having to leave the inner city to be able to afford private accommodation.

While the Human Services Plan has seen the government recognise some of the need to address systemic problems in welfare, we have not yet seen the same recognition of the structural issues which need to be addressed to have a both a successful employment plan and to ensure that changes in the built environment effect the current Redfern Waterloo community in a positive rather than a negative manner. In short the RWA has not yet gone far enough in addressing the concerns of the current existing communities.

The RW communities seem to be being promised that:

·         in Human Service the Government will do in the future what they have not done properly in the past;

·         in Built Environment that more people in the area will dilute the area’s social problems and make more people want to come here and presumably drive older residents out;

·         in Employment that (some) local residents will be given a hand to compete against those coming into the area for the jobs (at least initially); and

·         in consultation that the RWA is creating the future for those that will want to live here rather than trying to look after the interests of those who live here today as they face the changes that the RWA development will bring.

This seems to be the deal Redfern Waterloo is being offered in exchange for not creating too much noise over the way the NSW Government develops its surplus land in Redfern Waterloo. Currently it does not look like a good deal for the residents of Redfern Waterloo and more pressure needs to be exerted on the RWA to get better outcomes for the community. An improved Employment and Enterprise Plan would be a start so please put in your comments on it by February 28th 2006 and about the Built Environment Plan before 8th April to the RWA.

You may have noticed in the Minister’s media statement said “I can also announce that an Employment and Enterprise Plan for the area has been adopted by Cabinet which targets the creation of 18,000 new jobs”. Given that this draft Plan is currently out for community consultation we were very surprised to see this comment in the Minister’s media statement. We have subsequently checked with the RWA and have been advised that “the Cabinet only noted that the Employment and Enterprise Plan was on public exhibition and endorsed it subject to any revisions that may occur following community consultation”. This is a bit different to what the Minister said so hopefully this is so, as the Government signing off on all three drafts plans before community consultation makes you wonder if even the reduced form of consultation practiced by the RWA is being taken seriously.

Special REDWatch Built Environment Meeting Sunday 12th February 2006 at 2.30 pm at the Factory

Following the release of the Draft Plan some of the REDWatch Built Environment committee people decided to meet on Sunday to have an initial discussion on the Draft Plan. If you would like to come to this meeting at the Factory you would be welcome. REDWatch meets at The Factory, 67 Raglan Street Waterloo.  

Redfern Oval Development Application

Just after the last RWIU went out we received a media release City lodges application for Redfern Park advising the CoS was putting in a DA to pull down structures on Redfern Oval and remediate the area prior to lodging a DA for the new development. This DA has now been put on exhibition and the DA and supporting documentation can be found at – submissions on the DA will be accepted until 13th March. According to an article in The Telegraph of 11 February 2006 Souths' oval to be razed - 11 February 2006 the Football club has decided to agree to the DA proceeding rather than sticking with the CFMEU ban.

Midnight Basketball Launched

Minister Sartor may have launched Midnight basketball last week as reported in the SMH article Teenagers shoot hoops to avoid the weekend's pitfalls - 9 February 2006 but we hear that some CoS people were not happy that the RWA was trying to take a disproportionate part of the credit. In this weeks e-news Clover has also provided a report CITY SUPPORTS MIDNIGHT BASKETBALL - 10 February 2006 in which the contributions of both the City and the RWA have been disclosed.

Expanded Index and links to Built Environment Plan 

Redfern-Waterloo Authority - Draft Built Environment Plan (Stage One) February 2006



Photo: Roof of Carriage Workshop during renovation for Contemporary Performing Arts facility (front and rear cover)

Artist’s Impression: View from Civic Space looking east to Redfern Street (inside front cover)

Artist’s Impression: View looking west to Civic Square and entrance to Redfern (inside rear cover) Railway Station 3

Cover (pdf ~581kb)



Table of contents (pdf ~40kb)


Redfern-Waterloo: On the threshold of revitalisation 2

Artist’s Impression: View looking west to Civic Square and entrance to Redfern Railway Station 3

1. Introduction 4

1.1 The Redfern-Waterloo Plan 4

1.2 Purpose of the Stage One draft Built Environment Plan 4

1.3 Area Covered by the draft Plan 4

  • Diagram 1.1 RWA operational area and RWA strategic sites 5

1.4 Implementation of draft Plan 6

1.5 Structure of draft Plan 6

1.6 How You Can Comment on the draft Plan and SEPP 6

Section 1 Introduction (pdf ~2.5mb)

2. The Redfern-Waterloo Area 10

2.1 Strategic Location 10

  • Diagram 2.1 Strategic location of Redfern-Waterloo 10
  • Diagram 2.2 Proximity to Sydney CBD and other facilities 11

2.2 Metropolitan Strategy Planning Objectives 12

2.3 History and Heritage 12

2.4 Community 13

2.5 Built Environment and Public Domain 13

2.6 Transport and Access 14

Public Transport - Roads - Cycling

2.7 Land Use and Built Form 15

2.8 Natural Features 16

            Topography – Views – Public Domain and Open Space

2.9 Utility Services 16

Section 2 Redfern-Waterloo area (pdf ~1.7mb)

3. Strategies for Revitalising Redfern-Waterloo 20

3.1 Sustainable Outcomes 20

3.2 Strategies 20

  • Table 3.1 Potential development yield 20

3.2.1 Land Use Strategy 20

–         Zoning and flexibility of land uses 20

  • Diagram 3.1 Land use strategy for RWA strategic sites 21

–         Facilitate economic and employment growth 22

–         Facilitate the creation of a town centre and improved linkages  22

–         Facilitate housing provision, choice and affordability 22

  • Diagram 3.2 Land use zones for RWA strategic sites 23

–         Facilitate community and cultural development24

3.2.2 Urban Design Strategy 24

–         Design concept 24

–         General urban design principles

  • Diagram 3.3 Heights for RWA strategic sites 25
  • Diagram 3.4 Floor space ratio for RWA strategic sites 27

3.2.3 Public Domain Strategy 26

3.2.4 Infrastructure Strategy 26

3.2.5 Heritage Strategy 26

–         Conserve and protect heritage items where appropriate 26

–         Encourage the adaptive reuse of heritage items within new development 26

3.2.6 Transport Strategy 26

Public Transport 26

–         Redevelopment of Redfern Railway Station 26

–         Management of traffic generated from new development 28

–         Improved connections to bus services 28

Roads 28

–         Improved traffic operations on Regent and Gibbons Streets 28

–         Improved connections between ATP and North Eveleigh 28

Cycling 28

–         Encourage safe and easy cycling in the area 28

3.2.7 Utility Services 29

Section 3 Strategies (pdf ~2.7mb)

4. Land Use and Design Concepts for RWA Strategic Sites 32

  • Table 4.1 Existing and proposed land use zones, heights and floor space ratios for RWA strategic sites 33

[Each section of the plan for the 8 Land Use Areas also covers details of Existing characteristics; Existing land use zone; Proposed land use concept; Proposed design concept; Proposed land use zoning].

4.1 Australian Technology Park (ATP) 34

  • Diagram 4.1 ATP land use 36
  • Diagram 4.2 ATP height and floor space ratio 37

4.2 North Eveleigh 38

  • Diagram 4.3 North Eveleigh land use 40
  • Diagram 4.4 North Eveleigh height and floor space ratio 41

4.3 South Eveleigh 42

  • Diagram 4.5 South Eveleigh land use 44
  • Diagram 4.6 South Eveleigh height and floor space ratio 45

4.4 Eveleigh Street 46

  • Diagram 4.7 Eveleigh Street land use 48
  • Diagram 4.8 Eveleigh Street height and floor space ratio 49

Section 4 1 – 4.4 Land Use and Design concepts (pdf ~2.6mb)

4.5 Redfern Railway Station, Gibbons and Regent Streets 50

  • Diagram 4.9 Redfern Railway Station, Gibbons and Regent Streets land use 52
  • Diagram 4.10 Redfern Railway Station, Gibbons and Regent Streets height and floor space ratio 53

4.6 Former Rachel Forster Hospital 54

  • Diagram 4.11 Former Rachel Forster Hospital land use 56
  • Diagram 4.12 Former Rachel Forster Hospital height and floor space ratio 57

4.7 Former Local Court House and Redfern Police Station 58

  • Diagram 4.13 Former Local Court House and Redfern Police Station land use 60
  • Diagram 4.14 Former Local Court House and Redfern Police Station height and floor space ratio 61

4.8 Former Redfern Public School 62

  • Diagram 4.15 Former Redfern Public School land use 64
  • Diagram 4.16 Former Redfern Public School height and floor space ratio 65

Section 4 4.5 – 4.8 Land Use and Design concepts continued (pdf ~1.8mb)

5. Future Key Tasks 68

  • Finalise draft Development Control Plan
  • Finalise draft Development Control Plan for the ATP
  • Finalise draft Development Contributions Plan for Public Amenities and Services
  • Finalise draft Affordable Housing Contributions Plan
  • Finalise draft Public Domain Improvement Plan
  • Establish Project Coordination Group with RailCorp.
  • Establish Stakeholder Partnership on Traffic Issues and Transport Management Plan

6. Proposed Stage Two of the Built Environment Plan 69

  • revitalise public housing stock
  • improve the associated public domain
  • reduce concentration of public housing
  • increase the local population to establish a more sustainable social mix
  • facilitate the provision of affordable housing, including a shared equity model of home ownership.

Appendix 1 Community Profile 70

  • Population
  • Employment
  • Income
  • Housing Tenure
  • Housing Type

Section 5 & 6 future Tasks (pdf ~1.5mb)

The RWA website says the draft Built Environment Plan will shortly be made available as a text only file.


As the complete plan has many colour coded maps and diagrams it would be best to have a copy of the complete Plan sent to you. You can request a copy by providing a full mailing address for delivery of the document to the RWA by emailing .