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29 June 2006

RWA releases Issues Human Services Plan Phase Two Papers - submissions due by 20th July / RWA Agreement for large Private Development including Channel 7 at ATP / Redfern Station Tender to look at Options / RWA Built Environment Plan (BEP) Progress / Redfern Waterloo Urban Design Study for New Building Controls – Feedback by 3 July 2006 / Carlton United Brewery Mayoral Minute / Official Opening - Waterloo Skate Park – 1 July 2006 / REDWatch Meeting with Gary Moore – Wednesday 5 July 2006 6pm / Redfern Waterloo Street Team Papers / City of Sydney Access Forum and Disability Studies Underway / Start of Redfern Area Traffic Calming Works Review / Redfern and Regent Street Upgrade Report / New City of Sydney NAIDOC Week Street Banners

In This Update

RWA releases Issues Human Services Plan Phase Two Papers - submissions due by 20th July

RWA Agreement for large Private Development including Channel 7 at ATP

Redfern Station Tender to look at Options

RWA Built Environment Plan (BEP) Progress

Redfern Waterloo Urban Design Study for New Building Controls – Feedback by 3 July 2006

Carlton United Brewery Mayoral Minute

Official Opening - Waterloo Skate Park – 1 July 2006

REDWatch Meeting with Gary Moore – Wednesday 5 July 2006 6pm

Redfern Waterloo Street Team Papers

City of Sydney Access Forum and Disability Studies Underway

Start of Redfern Area Traffic Calming Works Review

Redfern and Regent Street Upgrade Report

New City of Sydney NAIDOC Week Street Banners

Coming Events (Use this link to see what local events are on the REDWatch website)


RWA releases Issues Human Services Plan Phase Two Papers - submissions due by 20th July

The RWA has issued a 23 page document Human Services Plan Phase 2 Issues Papers (pdf ~91kb) which includes ten Issues Papers (each of 2 to 3 pages) that have been prepared to assist with the development of Phase 2 of the Redfern-Waterloo Human Services Plan. Phase 2 focuses on improving the delivery of human services to older people, people with disabilities, homeless people and migrant communities. The RWA point out that these papers are not the Plan itself; they are a resource to assist and inform discussion.

The process for preparing the Phase Two Human Services Plan is as follows:

1.       Pre-forum submissions - Community groups and residents are encouraged to read the Phase 2 Issues Papers and contribute to the discussion by making written submissions to the RWA, which will be distributed to those attending the forum. Submissions will be received up to 5pm on Thursday July 20 but to allow time to produce copies for the forum the RWA is encouraging all those wishing to make pre- forum submissions to send them in as early as possible so that they can start examining issue raised. They can be hand delivered, posted, faxed or emailed to .

2.       Forum on 24 and 25 July will bring together service providers, government agencies and members of the community to discuss and analyse issues as part of the development of this Plan. The aim of the Forum is to invite participants to consider and discuss the priorities and actions identified in the Issues Papers. Participants will also have opportunity to recommend additions to the suggested actions as well suggesting removal or amendment of the proposals.

3.       The RWA will write Phase 2 of the Redfern Waterloo Human Services Plan after the Forum, taking into account outcomes of discussion.

4.       The Draft Plan will be submitted to the NSW Cabinet for endorsement.

5.       Release of Draft Plan for public comment.

The Forum is premised on the identification of actions and suggested changes to the service delivery system being realistic, achievable and within existing funding resources. Of particular interest are people’s views on the sorts of changes which will improve service delivery and client access, encourage service integration and strengthen the governance and day-to-day management of non-government services. Steps to be considered in achieving these outcomes include:

-          joint service planning

-          sharing of administrative resources

-          common reporting, monitoring and evaluation arrangements

-          physical and virtual co-location of services using modern communication technologies and out-sourcing arrangements

-          training and professional development of staff

-          improving facilities

Following is a list of the areas covered by the ten issue papers:

  1. Better service delivery - page 2
  2. Access to dementia support - page 5
  3. Migrant communities - page 7
  4. Access to aged care and health services by Aboriginal people 45 years and older - page 9
  5. Intergenerational relations - page 11
  6. Homelessness - page 13
  7. Disabilities: identification of needs and access to services - page 15
  8. Social isolation - page 17
  9. Local and community transport - page 19
  10. Housing safety and amenity for older people - page 22

RWA Agreement for large Private Development including Channel 7 at ATP

Premier Morris Iemma has announced that the Redfern-Waterloo Authority had signed a heads of agreement with Sydney Broadcast Property - a joint venture between Rebel Property Group and Seven Network Ltd. A 1.4 hectare site at the ATP valued at $13.1 million will be leased to Sydney Broadcast Services for 88 years. Sydney Broadcast Property will invest more than $120 million to design and build a state-of-the-art, high definition television production facility and commercial offices. The Seven Network will lease the new television production centre and move much of its television production including Home & Away and All Saints to the new facility. Pacific Magazines, one of Australia's largest magazine publishing companies with titles such as New Idea, Marie Claire, Men's Health, and Better Homes & Gardens, will be the anchor tenant in the 43,500 sqm development. Mr Iemma said the project would generate more than 600 construction jobs and potentially bring more than 2,000 permanent jobs to Redfern. The developer will provide 350 car spaces for the ATP and an additional 365 for the TV studio and offices as well as spend $2.6 million on infrastructure including landscaping and road works. Work on the construction of the centre will commence by the end of the year, with completion scheduled for the end of 2008. "This is a signpost deal that will put Redfern on Sydney's commercial and media map, and provide a significant long-term boost to the New South Wales television and film industry,'' Mr Iemma said. The Premier’s media statement can be found at $120M Deal to Make Redfern a Media and Employment Hub Wednesday, 28 June 2006 Some artist impressions of the development have been added to the RWA home page .

According to media reports the new building will be 11 storeys. Seven and Pacific magazines will lease 18,000sqm of the new Redfern complex for 15 years. This will leave the owners with some 25,500sqm of space for which they will need to find other tenants. Sydney Broadcast Property, which also owns the Chanel 7 Epping site, has applied to Mr Sartor for planning approval to build about 650 units on the site once the production centre is closed. We have provided links to the major media coverage of the story; The Australian $150m TV studio for Redfern; The Sydney Morning Herald Home and away: Seven's new face and the AAP story carried by a number of media outlets Seven plans $120m move.

Redfern Station Tender to look at Options

The Premier’s media release also states that the ATP announcement follows the recent news that a tender has been advertised for design consultants to investigate the options for the redevelopment of Redfern station on behalf of the Redfern Waterloo Authority and RailCorp. Tenders are currently being assessed and the appointment of a successful consultant is expected by the end of July. The study should take about 16 weeks. The Station Redevelopment will increase capacity to cater for the type of growth in the local residential and business communities that the ATP expansion will provide, and includes:

  • Additional safety features for all commuters including increased CCTV and lighting
  • Better access to the station platforms for families with prams, the elderly and people with disabilities
  • Improved passenger flow in and out of the station.

Some limited information is available on the RWA web site.

RWA Built Environment Plan (BEP) Progress

The RWA has finished going through the 300 plus submissions it received from the BEP exhibition and has made a number of changes to the draft BEP. The final document went to the RWA Board and has now been approved by cabinet. The Built Environment Plan is currently with Department of Planning for them to draw up the final SEPP. The release of the BEP and SEPP is expected by the middle of July 2006.

The RWA will not be releasing submissions but will make available a summary of the major issues raised by submissions. The main areas covered by submissions in descending order were: Marian Park, Open Space, Traffic and Transport, Heritage, The Block, The Commercial Core development, The Wilson Street Tunnel.

The RWA is currently developing a couple of policy papers on the existing South Sydney Controls to go the RWA Board as the precursor to the RWA’s Development Control Plan.

Redfern Waterloo Urban Design Study for New Building Controls – Feedback by 3 July 2006

As part of the City of Sydney revising their building controls for Redfern Waterloo, there was a public forum at Redfern Town Hall on Saturday 24 June 2006. The City has now posted the Waterloo and Redfern - June 24 Meeting Presentation (PDF 1.2Mb) on their website as well as maps showing the current controls, what actually exists and proposed new controls for Floor Space Ratios and heights in various parts of Redfern Waterloo. As part of refining the controls before they go to council the City is accepting feedback on the proposals until 3 July 2006. You can comment on the proposals displayed on the Feedback form - June 24 2006 Meeting (MS Word 28Kb). The detailed maps for comment can be downloaded at the following links:

Carlton United Brewery Mayoral Minute

City of Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore issued a mayoral minute at the 26 June 2006 Council meeting setting out the City’s concerns over the site being declared state significant. The minute which made a number of recommendations, including looking at legal action, can be read at Carlton United Breweries Site - Minute by the Lord Mayor. The Council’s deliberations on this matter were also covered in the Daily Telegraph’s Political pub brawl. We also noticed the comments on the CUB site made in Frankly, these are no Sartorial masterpieces (Naked eye Sun-Herald June 26). In one of three short pieces on the CUB site decision Alex Mitchell and Kerry-Anne Walsh contrasted the Minister’s statement that he was concerned the City of Sydney would deliver “an inferior design outcome” on the CUB site with some of the “architectural triumphs” that occurred during the time Mr Sartor was Lord Mayor.

Official Opening - Waterloo Skate Park – 1 July 2006

Sydney’s newest street skateboard complex, Waterloo Oval Skate Park, will be officially opened on Saturday, 1 July between 10.30am and 5.30pm. A full day of activities has been organised by the City of Sydney in conjunction with South Sydney Youth Services including live music and the park’s first ever Street Skate Competition. Entry is free and prizes will be awarded to the best male and female skaters in four divisions – U/12, U/14, U/16 and Open. Registration for the competition starts at 8.30am. More information about the Skate Park can be found on the City of Sydney Website at Waterloo Skate Park and in an article by Alexandra Walker in the Sydney Central Courier Skater's paradise - Waterloo Skate park.

REDWatch Meeting with Gary Moore – Wednesday 5 July 2006 6pm

Gary Moore, until recently the Director of NCOSS and Co-chair of RWA Human Services Ministerial Advisory Committee will speak at the next REDWatch meeting and reflect on his involvement with the RWA and in the “Reforming Human Services” process. Gary will need to go to another appointment at about 6.45 so it is important for people attending to arrive early so the meeting can kick off promptly at 6pm. Following Gary’s talk there will be discussion of the HSP Phase Two discussion papers on services delivered to homeless people, people with disabilities, older people and migrant communities living in the area. REDWatch will meet downstairs at The Factory, 67 Raglan Street Waterloo.

Redfern Waterloo Street Team Papers

We have been told that the Government has not included the Evaluation Report in the Redfern Waterloo Street Team documents provided to the NSW Parliament. The Evaluation report has been withheld on the basis that the document is cabinet in confidence. All other documents covered by the terms of the motion are publicly available for inspection at NSW Parliament.

City of Sydney Access Forum and Disability Studies Underway

The City of Sydney held an Access forum on 27 June 2006 to outline the process it will use to assess its existing Disability Action Plan 2002-2005 (which was prepared prior to council amalgamation) and develop a new Disability Action Plan 2006-2009. Council has recently appointed Joanna Nicol as Inclusion Officer (Disability) to oversee this process.

West Wood Spice (contact Sue Warth ph: 9555 4429) has been contracted to undertake an Inclusion Study to assist the City of Sydney with the development of the Disability Action Plan 2006-2009. This will assist Council to continue to meet its obligations under the Commonwealth Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) 1992 and the Local Government Act 1993 in making its local government area accessible to all, including people with disabilities.

The project aims to:

  • Identify good practice of operation of the City of Sydney to promote access and equity for all, including those who work in, live in or visit the City
  • Identify areas for improvement to enable the City of Sydney to better meet the needs of people with a disability.

The study will produce the Disability Action Plan, by mid October 2006 and see the incorporation of Council practices that make the City of Sydney equitable for all, including in the following areas:

  • City services (including council’s role as an employer)
  • City infrastructure
  • Public information
  • Community advocacy
  • Public events.

More information on the project can be obtained from Joanna Nicol: Ph: 9265 9465 or on the CoS website at Action Plan for People with Disabilities - City of Sydney.

A Survey of People with a Disability / Carers is being conducted as part of the Open Space & Recreation Needs Study.

Further information about the study or a copy of the survey can be obtained from Laurie Johnson, Sydney City Council's Project Development Officer on telephone 9246 7579 or Richard Simon, Senior planner Stratcorp Consulting on 8912 2180 or  A copy of the Survey will be available on the REDWatch web site ASAP.

Start of Redfern Area Traffic Calming Works Review

The City of Sydney has commissioned consultants Arup to undertake a review of traffic calming works in the Redfern area (East Redfern and West Redfern Traffic Precincts east of the Railway Line). The review will look at the combination of street closures, one way systems, speed humps and road narrowing that help to restrict the use of local streets by through traffic. It is not envisaged that the review will recommend the removal of any existing devices but may identify some streets where additional works are required to address relatively high traffic speeds in certain streets in the East Redfern area.

The review will commence with a briefing newsletter and invitation to comment to be sent out by the City of Sydney to all addresses in the Redfern area, followed by initial community workshop public meetings in late July/ early August 2006. The dates for these meetings are currently being determined. Following these meetings, additional traffic surveys will be undertaken in identified streets and a program of revised traffic calming works for the area will be identified. The results of the proposals will then be exhibited for comment by a second community newsletter and further public meeting before the program of works is finalised to be submitted for Council approval and RTA approval (if any further road closures or one way streets are proposed).

Prior to the first public meetings in late July/early August (one to be held in each of the East and West Redfern precincts) the consultants, Arup would welcome the opportunity to meet with representatives of any Community Group which has a specific interest in traffic safety in local streets, to hear first hand any comments in relation to the existing situation and the local community concerns regarding traffic safety. For further information contact Tim Brooker, Arup Transport Planning ph 9320 9549.

Redfern and Regent Street Upgrade Report

A summary of comments from the public meetings and how they have been included into the final design can be viewed on the City's website along with the plans for Jack Floyd Reserve at Redfern and Regent Streets Upgrade. Construction works will commence around late July 2006. There will be regular updates during the construction phase and a program of community meetings with the City and Contractors coordinated by the community liaison officer for the project.

Art and cultural initiatives will be incorporated into the project to capture the unique identity of Redfern. These initiatives will include:

•           Decorative architectural lighting of special places along Redfern Street

•           Community Art Banner Program

•           Site specific public artwork for Jack Floyd Reserve

•           Develop an interpretation strategy with community workshops

The success of the community art banner program and interpretation strategy is dependent on community involvement and the City encourages members of local community groups and residents to participate.

If you would like to speak with someone further on the proposed upgrade, please contact the Redfern and Regent Street Upgrade Project Manager, Mukesh Malhotra on (02) 9246 7768 or email at  

New City of Sydney NAIDOC Week Street Banners

City of Sydney has produced new banners with stunning Aboriginal art work. They are flying outside the council’s Redfern Neighbourhood Service Centre and will be flying around other parts of the city during NAIDOC week July 2-9 2006.