RWA Places BEP 2 on Exhibition Only Until 28th February
What is BEP 2?
Draft BEP 2 is a proposed planning framework to continue the renewal of Housing NSW sites in the Redfern and Waterloo area, including South Eveleigh, over a 20-25 year timeframe. This renewal will provide better residential amenity, public spaces and a more sustainable mix of social, private and affordable housing within the sites to bring long-term benefits for the entire community.
Draft BEP 2 provides the planning controls which will enable Redfern and Waterloo to be redeveloped to provide approximately 7,000 social, affordable and private housing dwellings. The aim is to achieve a mix of 60% private and affordable housing dwellings and 40% social housing.
What benefits will BEP 2 have for the community?
Draft BEP 2 will support development that:
- Provides quality parks, public spaces and built form, integrated with neighbouring areas and the city;
- Provides a safe and sustainable mixed-income community with great urban amenity for all residents;
- Provides good quality homes with modern facilities, suited to the diverse needs of current and future social housing tenants;
- Provides required shops and community facilities for the benefit of the community;
- Maintains and builds on the strengths of the current strong and diverse community;
- Increases the number of new homes built in established urban areas close to public transport, contributing to government targets for additional and more affordable housing; and
- Retains social housing and increases affordable housing in the Local Government Area.
The BEP 2 Report
Click on the links below to access the sections of the report.
- Section 1 Overview
- Section 2 Characteristics Analysis
- Section 3 Renewal Opportunities
- Section 4 Planning Framework
- Section 5 Where to from here?
- Section 6 Appendices
- Section 7 Appendix B: Redfern and Waterloo Traffic and Transport Context: Built Environment Plan (Stage 2) (2011) prepared by Parsons Brinckerhoff (file size 6.77 Mb)
- Figure 1: Housing NSW sites in RWA operational area (jpg file size 0.92 Mb)
- Figure 2: HNSW Precincts (jpg file size 0.84 Mb)
- Figure 3: regional and local context (jpg file size 0.58 Mb)
- Figure 4: HNSW existing house types (jpg file size 0.88 Mb)
- Figure 5: land uses within the RWA operational area (jpg file size 1.06 Mb)
- Figure 6: activity nodes (jpg file size 0.96 Mb)
- Figure 7: transport and access (jpg file size 1.04 Mb)
- Figure 8: parks, open space and public domain (jpg file size 1.07 Mb)
- Figure 9: topography and drainage (jpg file size 0.91 Mb)
- Figure 10: views and landmarks (jpg file size 1.02 Mb)
- Figure 11: heritage items and conservation areas (jpg file size 3.25 Mb)
- Figure 12: constraints and opportunities (jpg file size 1.08 Mb)
- Figure 13: precinct and blocks (jpg file size 2.15 Mb)
- Figure 14: precinct a - cooper street (jpg file size 3.39 Mb)
- Figure 15 - poets corner (moorehead & kettle streets) (jpg file size 0.9 Mb)
- Figure 16: precingure 15: precinct c - elizabeth street east (jpg file size 0.88 Mb)
- Figure 17: precinct d - wellington street south (jpg file size 0.95 Mb)
- Figure 18: precinct e - elizabeth street west (jpg file size 0.96 Mb)
- Figure 19: precinct f - raglan street or george street north (jpg file size 0.93 Mb)
- Figure 20: precinct g - george street south (jpg file size 0.94 Mb)
- Figure 21: precinct h - south eveleigh (jpg file size 0.92 Mb)
- Figure 22: precinct i - scattered sites (jpg file size 1.21 Mb)
- Figure 23: precinct j - eveleigh street sites (jpg file size 0.93 Mb)
- Figure 24: proposed statutory implementation of planning controls (jpg file size 0.76 Mb)
- Figure 25: proposed land use zoning (jpg file size 0.99 Mb)
- Figure 26: proposed floor space ratio (jpg file size 1.13 Mb)
- Figure 27: proposed building heights (jpg file size 1.14 Mb)
- Figure 28: potential road openings (jpg file size 1.16 Mb)
- Figure 29: artists impression of a possible application of the proposed planning controls (jpg file size 4.43 Mb)
- Figure 30: redfern & waterloo sites - aerial photo (jpg file size 0.95 Mb)
- Figure 31: example 1 - block 5, precinct b, redfern hnsw site (jpg file size 0.93 Mb)
- Figure 32: example 2 - block 12, precinct f, waterloo hnsw site (jpg file size 0.95 Mb)
- Figure 33: example 3 - block 16 precinct g, waterloo hnsw site (jpg file size 0.91 Mb)
- 2010_7_01 Redfern Areas (jpg file size 0.81 Mb)
- 2010_10_19 Waterloo Areas (jpg file size 0.87 Mb)
- AERIAL South Eveleigh Precinct (jpg file size 0.42 Mb)
Information Session Displays
Please find below links to the Display Panels for BEP 2.
- Display Panel 1 (file size 6.45 Mb)
- Display Panel 2 (file size 6.42 Mb)
- Display Panel 3 (file size 0.13 Mb)
- Display Panel 4 (file size 0.92 Mb)
Draft BEP 2 Newsletter
The Redfern-Waterloo Authority produced a BEP 2 newsletter featuring the details for the planning framework, what the Draft BEP 2 development would look like, the future of social housing, the proposed dwelling mix, research and analysis and feedback details. Read the BEP 2 Newsletter here.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Read the Draft BEP 2 FAQs 1 here.
Read the Draft BEP 2 FAQs 2 here.
Have your say
The RWA values your opinion and the community is invited to provide feedback on the Draft BEP 2.
BEP 2 Information Sessions
The RWA is holding BEP 2 Information Sessions at Redfern Town Hall on the following dates:
Feedback form
A feedback form will be available at the Information Sessions and online starting from 3 February.
Written submissions should be sent to:
Attention: Redfern-Waterloo BEP 2
Redfern-Waterloo Authority
PO Box 3332
Redfern NSW 2016
Or emailed to:
Feedback will also be recorded at the Information Sessions.
Written submissions must be provided by close of business on Monday, 28 February 2011.
Source: RWA website 27th January 2011 -