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RWA Places BEP 2 on Exhibition Only Until 28th February

The RWA placed its Draft Plan for Built Environment Phase 2 (BEP2) on public exhibition on 27th January 2011. The Draft BEP2 proposes new planning controls for public housing estates in Redfern Waterloo and Eveleigh and is on exhibition until 28th February 2011. The short exhibition is not a statutory exhibition. The RWA is looking for comment before finalising the planning controls for the area which will then be placed on formal exhibition. The area covered by the RWA BEP2 have been removed from the City of Sydney Local Environment Plan which is to go on exhibition in February. Below REDWatch has provided the details of the exhibition as they appeared on the RWA website on 27 January 2011 - This was adjusted when the RWA website closed to point to the SMDA and then UGDC websites.

What is BEP 2?

Draft BEP 2 is a proposed planning framework to continue the renewal of Housing NSW sites in the Redfern and Waterloo area, including South Eveleigh, over a 20-25 year timeframe. This renewal will provide better residential amenity, public spaces and a more sustainable mix of social, private and affordable housing within the sites to bring long-term benefits for the entire community.

Draft BEP 2 provides the planning controls which will enable Redfern and Waterloo to be redeveloped to provide approximately 7,000 social, affordable and private housing dwellings. The aim is to achieve a mix of 60% private and affordable housing dwellings and 40% social housing.

What benefits will BEP 2 have for the community?

Draft BEP 2 will support development that:

  • Provides quality parks, public spaces and built form, integrated with neighbouring areas and the city;
  • Provides a safe and sustainable mixed-income community with great urban amenity for all residents;
  • Provides good quality homes with modern facilities, suited to the diverse needs of current and future social housing tenants;
  • Provides required shops and community facilities for the benefit of the community;
  • Maintains and builds on the strengths of the current strong and diverse community;
  • Increases the number of new homes built in established urban areas close to public transport, contributing to government targets for additional and more affordable housing; and
  • Retains social housing and increases affordable housing in the Local Government Area.

The BEP 2 Report

Click on the links below to access the sections of the report.


Information Session Displays

Please find below links to the Display Panels for BEP 2.

Draft BEP 2 Newsletter

The Redfern-Waterloo Authority produced a BEP 2 newsletter featuring the details for the planning framework, what the Draft BEP 2 development would look like, the future of social housing, the proposed dwelling mix, research and analysis and feedback details. Read the BEP 2 Newsletter here.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Read the Draft BEP 2 FAQs 1 here.
Read the Draft BEP 2 FAQs 2 here.

Have your say

The RWA values your opinion and the community is invited to provide feedback on the Draft BEP 2.

BEP 2 Information Sessions

The RWA is holding BEP 2 Information Sessions at Redfern Town Hall on the following dates:

Thursday 3 February


Saturday 5 February


Thursday 10 February


Wednesday 16 February


Saturday 19 February


Thursday 24 February

10-12pm & 2-4pm

Feedback form

A feedback form will be available at the Information Sessions and online starting from 3 February.

Written submissions should be sent to:
Attention: Redfern-Waterloo BEP 2
Redfern-Waterloo Authority
PO Box 3332
Redfern NSW 2016

Or emailed to:

Feedback will also be recorded at the Information Sessions.

Written submissions must be provided by close of business on Monday, 28 February 2011.

Source: RWA website 27th January 2011 -


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