RWA Releases BEP2 Stakeholder Engagement Report
- Media Release: BEP 2 Stakeholder Engagement Report released - PDF 19KB (reproduced below)
- RWA response to the report’s recommendations – PDF 22KB (reproduced at the foot of this page after media release)
- BEP2 Stakeholder Engagement Report PDF 2MB.
BEP 2 Stakeholder Engagement Report released - media release - 21 July 2011
The Redfern-Waterloo Authority (RWA) has released the Stakeholder Engagement Report for the Built Environment Plan Stage 2 (BEP 2), capturing the community’s feedback on this important project.
Undertaken by an independent consultant, Mediate Today, RWA is pleased to make available the Stakeholder Engagement Report that outlines the community feedback on BEP 2, a planning framework for the renewal of social housing sites in Redfern-Waterloo and South Eveleigh over a 20-25 year timeframe.
Roy Wakelin-King, CEO of RWA, recognises the importance of feedback from the community in the BEP 2 process saying, “The feedback we received through the BEP 2 consultation process was very valuable. The feedback was constructive, insightful and of good quality.
“During the non-statutory exhibition period from 27 January to 28 February 2011, over 100 people attended the public exhibition events, around 800 people were involved in street corner discussions, and more than 500 feedback forms were received by the RWA from social housing tenants. These activities have captured the important feedback from a broad spectrum of stakeholders including residents, government and non-government organisations, local businesses and the wider community.”
The Stakeholder Engagement Report concludes that there a large number of respondents (across all stakeholder groups) who generally support the potential changes that BEP 2 outlines. Key findings from the feedback forms are: residents want a safe environment; that development caters for the needs of specific groups; and open space encompasses areas for vegetation and recreational facilities.
“The RWA’s BEP 2 community consultation has outlined some key important learnings and we will be working closely with the community to address these,” explains Mr Wakelin-King.
“We will be using the Stakeholder Engagement Report in preparation for further studies of the Redfern-Waterloo area and acknowledge the need to have a far reaching consultative process. We will also consider the issues raised in the BEP 2 submissions about providing more detail on the design and allocation of open space and the social impacts of the changes and how these will be supported in the future. A Community Facilities Review will be carried out as part of this process.
“Further community consultation will be an essential part for the next stages of BEP 2 and we will be engaging with the community as the project moves forward.”
The BEP 2 planning framework, developed by the Redfern-Waterloo Authority in close consultation with Housing NSW, profiles the renewal of social housing sites by providing better residential amenity and a sustainable mix of private, affordable and social housing. The proposal outlines an increase in dwellings from 3,500 to 7,000 in the Redfern-Waterloo area with a mix of 60% private and affordable housing dwellings and 40% social housing.
To view the full report please visit the RWA website or download from this link BEP2 Stakeholder Engagement Report (pdf~2Mb).
Source: Media Release: BEP 2 Stakeholder Engagement Report released
RWA Response to Stakeholder Engagement Report prepared by Mediate Today on Draft Built Environment Plan (Stage 2) (BEP 2)
The Redfern-Waterloo Authority (RWA) exhibited Draft BEP 2 from 27 January 2011 to 28 February 2011, with submissions accepted after that date. Mediate Today, an independent firm, was appointed provide a Stakeholder Engagement Report on feedback received from the exhibition. The RWA is pleased to publicly release the report, and is appreciative of the many wide ranging submissions received resulting from the engagement efforts by the RWA and Housing NSW (HNSW) with the wider community.
The main recommendations from the Stakeholder Engagement Report are outlined below. It is appropriate that, in releasing the report, the RWA provide a response to the report’s recommendations, which is outlined in the table below:
Recommendation |
RWA Response |
RWA commits to exhibit the next Plan for longer than the statutory period. The RWA has appointed Straight Talk Pty Ltd, a consultancy specialising in community engagement and strategic communications, to provide a strategy for future consultation activities related to planning and development in the Redfern-Waterloo area. Additionally, RWA will continue to meet with key stakeholders to discuss consultation issues, while HNSW will continue to engage with the community regarding its Master Planning phase. |
While the next planning stage is intended to be the recommendation of a planning framework within the context of the wider area, the RWA will aim to provide more detail on what could be built (noting that planning controls do not prescribe specific and exact outcomes), particularly visual material that may assist the community to understand the proposal. |
The RWA has met with the City of Sydney a number of times since the exhibition of Draft BEP 2 to discuss matters raised in its submission and further planning in the area. The RWA is committed to working closely with the City of Sydney, who is an extremely important stakeholder in the future of the BEP 2 sites and wider area. |
Source: RWA response to the report’s recommendations – PDF 22KB