RWA BEP2 Survey Results Data

The Redfern-Waterloo Authority (RWA) Stakeholder Engagement Report for the Built Environment Plan Stage 2 (BEP 2) contains an analysis of the surveys returned during the BEP2 consultation. REDWatch has concerns about how this data has been reported and has hence extracted from the report the raw data for further analysis. This data has been provided to the RWA/SMDA for checking and is being made available for researchers who are interested in peer reviewing this aspect of the Mediate Today report. The data sheet contains some questions that REDWatch would like to clarify that have been raised during the preparation of this data set. REDWatch will now prepare its own comments on the Mediate Today report. File is 43KB PDF

BEP2 Survey confirmed.pdf — PDF document, 43 kB (44529 bytes)