SMDA Releases Details of Studies for redfern & Waterloo
Draft BEP 2 and Urban Renewal SEPP Study
The Sydney Metropolitan Development Authority (SMDA) is currently considering the submissions received regarding the non-statutory exhibition of draft BEP 2 which occurred earlier this year. The SMDA is also arranging for a range of further studies and analysis to support the appropriate future controls for the draft BEP 2 sites. This forms part of an urban renewal study for the Redfern-Waterloo Precinct with priority for the draft BEP 2 sites.
When complete, these studies and draft planning controls will be exhibited. The key studies that will inform the future controls for draft BEP 2 are:
- A Communications Strategy (to guide the consultation process and engagement with key stakeholders);
- An Urban Design and Public Domain Study (reviewing the previous draft BEP 2 and associated analysis and all submissions received, together with the study requirements from the NSW Department of Planning and Infrastructure);
- Transport, Traffic and Accessibility (reviewing previous preliminary work, augmented with more detailed analysis of the wider area and appropriate modelling, in close consultation with Transport for NSW);
- A Social Impact Assessment (building upon previous review work on community facilities, and appropriate scoping for social impact assessment);
- Economic analysis (including the economic/industry profile of the area and retail needs, availability, and impact on centres);
- Infrastructure and environmental capacity (including utility capacity, natural and man-made processes and sustainability measures);
To date, Aecom has recently been appointed to undertake the Infrastructure and Environmental Capacity Study and Straight Talk has been appointed to undertake a Consultation Strategy.
[REDWatch Note - as of the RWA Email Update of 23 November the following consultants had been appointed:- Straight Talk will undertake the Consultation Strategy;
- Aecom will undertake the Sustainable Servicing and Supporting Infrastructure Capacity Study;
- Parsons Brinckerhoff will undertake the Transport, Traffic and Accessibility Study; and
- Hill PDA will undertake the Economic Analysis.]
Consultants for other studies are yet to be appointed at this stage. However, it is anticipated that consultants will be appointed shortly and work will be underway in November 2011.
The SMDA will progressively advise on its website of the appointment of consultants and welcomes feedback from individuals, organisations and other stakeholders on key issues which they would like considered in the relevant study by the SMDA. This way, SMDA will be able to ensure key issues are considered appropriately and in a timely manner.
If you have any questions, please contact the SMDA Urban Renewal Team on 9202 9100 or email