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Government Architect to Review Redfern-Waterloo Urban Renewal Plans

The Sydney Metropolitan Development Authority (SMDA) announced in this media release of 1 December 2011 that it has engaged the Government Architect’s Office to review draft plans for a major housing revitalisation project in Redfern-Waterloo, providing an additional 3,700 new dwellings. This review is part of the NSW Government’s ongoing commitment for urban renewal in identified areas close to public transport to provide much-needed dwellings. The full text of the media release is below.


The Sydney Metropolitan Development Authority (SMDA) announced today that it has engaged the Government Architect’s Office to review draft plans for a major housing revitalisation project in Redfern-Waterloo, providing an additional 3,700 new dwellings. This review is part of the NSW Government’s ongoing commitment for urban renewal in identified areas close to public transport to provide much-needed dwellings.

Mr Wakelin-King, CEO of the SMDA, said that the Government Architect’s Office will review the draft Redfern-Waterloo Built Environment Plan Stage 2 (BEP 2) which identifies a number of Housing NSW sites in Redfern, Waterloo and South Eveleigh to be re-developed, which was publicly exhibited in early 2011.

“This plan is not about re-locating existing residents but is about planning for the future in partnership with Housing NSW,” Mr Wakelin-King said “Our initial plan, which was released for public comment early this year, identified that these areas can sustain up to 7,300 dwellings, which includes 700 affordable housing dwellings and 3,500 private dwellings.”

Draft BEP 2 provides for a mix of social, affordable and private housing to achieve long term social sustainable outcomes. The provision of new dwellings within well-located sites close to jobs and public transport is one of the NSW Government’s top priorities.

Redfern-Waterloo is well serviced by major transport hubs, world-class tertiary education facilities, major health infrastructure, established employment lands and the evolving creative centres of the Australian Technology Park and North Eveleigh.

The review of draft BEP 2 will build on previous community feedback received and will include consultation with City of Sydney Council and state agencies, and will involve a number of targeted community workshops. The review will inform the draft plan which will be placed on formal public exhibition in 2012, in conjunction with a master planning process being undertaken by Housing NSW.

The review will focus on sustainable outcomes and the planning controls proposed in the draft plan including appropriate building heights, setbacks, landscaping and provision for public parks.

“The SMDA looks forward to the positive contribution the Government Architect’s Office will bring to this important urban renewal opportunity for the area,” Mr Wakelin-King said.

The draft BEP 2 sites form part of the Redfern-Waterloo urban renewal area which is currently being investigated by the NSW Government under the Urban Renewal State Environmental Planning Policy.

Source: www.smda.nsw.gov.au/downloads/bep2%20_media_release_011211.pdf