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2006 Census Data Comparison of Public and Private Tenants in Redfern and Waterloo

These figures compare various key indicators between public and private tenants. These figures were extracted from the 2006 Census and show the contrast between public housing tenants and private housing tenants in a number of areas. This compares to the usual suburban views of the data that spread certain differences accross the entire population mix of the area.

              2006 Census data relating to Redfern and Waterloo

Variable Public Housing Private Housing Source*

Redfern Waterloo Redfern Waterloo  

Total residents 1502 2888 3283 2358 B01

Total households 1058 1736 1201 892 B31d

 Median age of persons 59 54 37 37 B02

 Average number of persons per bedroom 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.2 B02

 Median family income (weekly) 451 447 1879 1576 B02

 Median household income (weekly) 237 246 1217 1116 B02

 Median housing loan repayment (monthly)     2222 2058 B02

 Average household size 1.4 1.6 2 1.7 B02

 Median individual income (weekly) 215 213 658 706 B02

 Median rent (weekly) 63 70 320 302 B02

0-5 years 1.8% 3.8% 3.2% 3.7% B04

6-12 years 2.4% 4.9% 2.3% 3.0% B04

65 years and over 39.6% 31.2% 13.6% 17.7% B04

85 years and over 3.3% 2.4% 1.0% 1.7% B04

Indigenous persons 6.7% 9.5% 2.0% 2.7% B01

Unemployment rate 29.6% 24.4% 5.3% 4.8% B41

No motor vehicle in household 80.8% 72.9% 35.3% 30.7% B29

Single person households 69.1% 61.2% 39.8% 50.4% B30

Overseas born 22.9% 22.8% 7.5% 9.2% B09

Language other than English at home 44.4% 48.6% 23.6% 17.3% B12

Voluntary work 12.0% 8.6% 12.5% 8.0% B18

No internet connection 74.2% 68.4% 25.2% 26.0% B35

* 2006 Census Basic Community Profile table references

Please note that this is derived from a ‘special run’ by the ABS specifically for Housing NSW, in which public and Aboriginal housing is disaggregated from the general population. The data will therefore not be directly comparable to data derived from the ABS website or other publicly accessible sources.

This information was supplied to REDWatch by David Lilley from Housing NSW on 22 Nov 2010