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ALP 2022 State Conference Resolution on Public Housing

The resolution below was considered by NSW ALP Conference on Sunday 16 October 2022. The motion was strengthened by an amendment from the floor to remove the Words "in principle" from the motion so the final wording was that the motion was supported by the Conference.


This party unit calls on the 2022 NSW Labor Conference to bind the NSW Labor Parliamentary Caucus to the following effect:

A future NSW Labor Government will:

1.     Implement legislation which places a moratorium on the privatisation of public housing including the sale, outsourcing, or leasing of any public housing assets or services.

2.     Implement legislation which guarantees that the number of public housing residences in NSW increases in both:

        1. Aggregate terms and,

        2. As a proportion of total new housing stock,

3. Implement legislation which guarantees that where the NSW Government must rebuild or renovate existing public housing assets:

        1.    Affected public housing residents will be rehomed in high quality local accommodation for the duration of any construction works,

        2.    Affected public housing residents have a right to return to public housing in their local community at the conclusion of any construction works,

     3.    New public housing developments will improve residents' access to public amenities including: schools, hospitals, libraries, childcare facilities, public transport, and suitable employment opportunities,

        4.    New public housing developments will be built to a high standard such that residents' homes are sustainable, durable, and conducive to a fulfilling life,

        5.    The Government will only engage construction companies which demonstrate that they will offer their employees secure, well-paid, and safe jobs.

4. Implement legislation to ensure that public housing in the inner suburbs of Sydney:

        1.    Increases in aggregate terms at a rate exceeding local private housing developments,

        2.    Promotes the history, interests, and Self-Determination of First Nations Peoples.

Recommendation:    Support in principle — the committee notes that stand alone legislation is not necessarily the best way to manage these issues but the principles contained in the motion are consistent with how a Labor Government will approach these issues.

Speech on Floor: Zac GP Speech - NSW Labor Conference 2022 - Public Housing Motion.mp4 - Google Drive

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