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Ethical Food

The City of Sydney Council is developing an Ethical Food Policy to ensure that sustainable, healthy and cruelty-free options are considered and implemented for all catered functions says this media release from City of Sydney Greens Councillor Irene Doutney on 2nd March 2009.

Greens Councillor Irene Doutney said, ‘One of the first things I did when I came into Council was talk to the CEO about an ethical food policy. 

‘I believe that the Council can set an example and create a market for ethical food such as not buying battery produced eggs and chicken products, buying locally produced fresh fruit and veg, organic products such as wine and buying fair trade coffee and chocolate.’

Council showed their commitment to this idea last week when it hosted a Business Lunch Forum attended by Premier Nathan Rees and Treasurer Eric Roozendaal.  The menu included locally grown steamed fresh vegetables; seasonal fresh fruit; organic NSW wines and Blue eyed cod – a fish selected from the ‘Sustainable Fish Shopping’ guide produced by the Australian Maritime Conservation Society.

Councillor Doutney said she was pleased that Council was taking such a progressive approach to the ethical food policy.

‘It shows a great commitment to sustainable food production and support for our local fresh food producers.

‘I would like to see Council extend its approach to healthy, fresh, sustainable food production to public housing residents via fortnightly fresh food stalls on Housing NSW estates.

‘The recently opened CarriageWorks Markets are a step in the right direction but at present are too expensive for Housing Department residents.  I would like to see this idea taken even further to make it more affordable and convenient for residents in the Redfern and Waterloo estates.’

The Ethical Food Policy is currently in its draft stage and will come before council for approval in the coming weeks.