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Homes NSW Advise Tenants Stockland Consortium is Waterloo South Developer

In keeping with undertakings to tenants, Homes NSW Minister Rose Jackson advised Waterloo tenants that a decision has been made on the successful consortium to develop Waterloo South. A message to tenants read: Dear Residents of Waterloo. Rose Jackson, the Minister for Housing has some important information to share with you regarding the Waterloo South Renewal Project. Please click the link to read the letter. The text of the letter is provided below. A media statement was issued the next day along with further information for tenants and agencies. These are also provided below.

Important update on Waterloo South

A message from Minister Jackson to Waterloo housing estate tenants.

Dear Tenant,

I am writing to provide you with an update on the next steps for the Waterloo Renewal Project.

My commitment to you has always been ensuring you are updated first and as soon as we have new information.

Which is why I wanted to let you know that the NSW Government has selected its preferred delivery partner, consisting of Stockland, Link Wentworth Housing, City West Housing and Birribee Housing, to build our new homes in Waterloo South.

Over the next six months, the group will work with the government to ensure that you are provided with the appropriate support and assistance throughout the renewal, as we build new, accessible, better homes.

Your voice and input are crucial, so we will be on the ground and actively reaching out in the community. We will also have our local Waterloo Connect office open two days a week – they can provide in-person support and advice.

I know this has been a long process, and we want to keep you informed every step of the way.

Relocations were initially planned to start mid-2024, however there are still further steps in the process before relocations can begin.

For this reason, the notification letters are likely to be sent to tenants by the beginning of 2025, with information on relocations.

This will not mean tenants need to move straight away when they receive the letter. Tenants will be given at least 6 months’ notice before needing to move.

Important relocation information for you:

  • Tenants are NOT being asked to move yet. You do not need to do anything right now.
  • When relocations start, tenants will be relocated in stages, which means not all tenants in Waterloo South will be moving at the same time.
  • You will be given at least 6 months’ notice before you need to move.
  • All tenants will be supported by a dedicated Homes NSW Relocation Officer who will find you a suitable home that meets your individual housing needs – if you wish to stay in the Waterloo area you will be able to do that.
  • All tenants have a right to return to the Waterloo estate once the redevelopment is complete.
  • Tenants living in the high-rise buildings will not need to move for a few years.
  • At this stage the proposed redevelopment plan only impacts Waterloo South, not the entire estate. I have attached a map below so you can clearly see the area.

As I said, you are our priority, you deserve to be kept up to date and consulted throughout this process.

We are with you on this journey, we support you and we respect your voice and ideas.

If you have any questions or feedback, please contact Tuyen Duong, Community Engagement on 02 9384 4134 or Waterlooconnect@homes.nsw.gov.au.

Yours Sincerely,

Rose Jackson

Minister for Housing

Source: www.nsw.gov.au/departments-and-agencies/homes-nsw/waterloo-renewal-project

Next step complete for Australia’s largest social housing build

Media Release 9 August 2024 released by: Minister for Homelessness, Minister for Housing.

The Minns Labor Government has reached a significant milestone in delivering one of the largest social housing renewal projects in Australian history, with the announcement of delivery partners for Waterloo South.

Following a tender process, the NSW Government has selected Stockland, Link Wentworth Housing, City West Housing, and Birribee as the preferred partners to build homes and lead the Waterloo renewal. 

Waterloo Estate is one of the largest social housing estates in the country, it will be renewed in stages, starting with Waterloo South where 750 older public housing properties with be replaced with new, well-designed and fit-for-purpose homes. 

The delivery team is tasked with delivering a substantial increase in social and affordable housing in inner-city Sydney, with 50 percent of all new homes in Waterloo South dedicated to social and affordable housing. This adds 500 homes beyond what the previous government committed.

This is significant increase in social and affordable homes compared to the former government’s plans.

Committed to building better communities, the mixed-tenure Waterloo South project will deliver approximately 3,000 new social, affordable, and private homes, along with new facilities, retail precincts, and public open spaces. 

Homes NSW will now start negotiating contracts with the building partners to plan, design, deliver and fund the development over the next 10-15 years, as well as ongoing operations. The negotiations are expected to take six months, and are the final step in the competitive, multi-stage procurement process.  

This will ensure Homes NSW and the building partners are aligned on roles and responsibilities, a program for renewal and how the partnership will work with the community to deliver better outcomes for the people of Waterloo.

Residents of Waterloo remain the priority throughout this process, Homes NSW will work with the local community through the staged relocation process. All impacted residents will be given at least six months’ notice before having to move and provided with dedicated support every step of the way. All residents will be given the right to return when the renewal is complete. 

Homes NSW and the delivery partners will work together to support residents through change and create a vibrant and mixed inner-city community with a genuine sense of place.

For more information visit: nsw.gov.au/homes-nsw/waterloo

Minister for Housing and Homelessness Rose Jackson said:

“We are proud to be building Australia’s largest ever social housing project – modern, accessible and better homes to confront the housing crisis head on.

“This is another step forward in addressing the state’s housing crisis, the announcement of our delivery partners for Waterloo South means we are closer to building 1500, new and sustainable social and affordable homes.

“This has been a hugely competitive process and we look forward to continuing to partner with the sector to deliver our vision for a stronger and vibrant community for the people who need it most.

“We are especially proud to be working Birribee to deliver dedicated homes for our Aboriginal community.

“Tenants deserve to be with us every step of the journey, which is why we will continue our efforts to be out and about in the community, and I want to thank people for their patience.”

Member for Heffron, Ron Hoenig said:

“I have been fighting to improve the conditions of my constituents living in Waterloo Estate for more than a decade. The most important thing for me has always been ensuring the more vulnerable members of our community can live in safe and healthy homes.

“This announcement brings us a step closer to vastly improving the quality of life for these residents, many of whom have lived in their homes for many years and have built a community with their neighbours.

“Importantly, we are making sure these residents are given every right to return to their new homes once the renewal is complete so they can maintain these community ties.

“We desperately need more social housing in NSW and I am proud we are delivering the country’s largest social housing renewal project in my electorate.”

Source: https://www.nsw.gov.au/media-releases/next-step-complete-for-australias-largest-social-housing-build

Update on the Waterloo Renewal Project

Email from Tuyen Duong  Senior Engagement Officer Partnerships & Communications Homes NSW

Dear All,

I am writing to provide you with an update on the Waterloo Renewal Project.  

The NSW Government has selected the Stockland consortium, consisting of Stockland , Link Wentworth Housing, City West Housing and Birribee Housing, as the preferred partner to lead the renewal of Waterloo South. 

Homes NSW will now start negotiating contracts with the Stockland consortium to plan, design, deliver and fund the development over the next 10-15 years, as well as ongoing operations.

The negotiations are expected to take six months, and are the final step in the competitive, multi-stage procurement process. This will ensure Homes NSW and the Stockland consortium are aligned on roles and responsibilities, a program for renewal and how the partnership will work with the community to deliver great outcomes for the people of Waterloo. 

Once contracted, the consortium will collaborate with government and the community to support tenants through change and enhance the strength and diversity of Waterloo to create a vibrant and mixed inner-city community.

To support the community, we will be on the ground staffing the on-site office two days a week, providing project updates and information, and holding community activities across the estate where we can talk directly to tenants.

I know this has been a long process, and we want to keep you informed every step of the way.

While this is an exciting milestone for the project, there are still further steps in the process before the consortium is officially on board. We will provide more information about that in the coming months.

We acknowledge that relocations were initially planned for mid-2024, however we want to ensure that support is in place for tenants and the community. For this reason, the notification letters are likely to be sent to tenants by the beginning of 2025, with information on relocations.

This will not mean tenants need to move straight away when they receive the notification letter. Tenants will be given at least 6 months’ notice before needing to move.

Important relocation information for tenants:

Tenants are NOT being asked to move yet. Tenants do not need to do anything right now.

When relocations start, tenants will be relocated in stages, which means not all tenants in Waterloo South will be moving at the same time.

Tenants will be given at least 6 months’ notice before they need to relocate.

All tenants will be supported by a dedicated Homes NSW Relocations Officer who will help find them a suitable home that meets their individual housing needs.

All tenants have a right to return to the Waterloo estate once the redevelopment is complete.

Tenants living in the high-rise buildings will not need to move for a few years.

For your awareness, tenants have been informed directly regarding the update. Here is a link to the letter from the Minister sent to residents at Waterloo Estate. https://www.nsw.gov.au/departments-and-agencies/homes-nsw/waterloo-renewal-project

If you have any questions or feedback, please contact Tuyen Duong, Community Engagement on 02 9384 4134 or Waterlooconnect@homes.nsw.gov.au.

Source: Email from Tuyen Duong Senior Engagement Officer Partnerships & Communications Homes NSW