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News articles concerning Redfern Waterloo from various sources. Click on the headlines below for more details.
Pemulwuy lives, say hundreds who attend Block protest
On Thursday 10th August, more than 400 people attended a candle light vigil in Redfern in support of the Aboriginal Housing Company's (AHC) Pemulwuy Project - a redevelopment plan for the historic Indigenous precinct in Sydney known as The Block, reports Ben Falkenmire in the South Sydney Herald September 2006.
UN Special Rapporteur puzzled over obstacles to Pemulwuy Project
The UN Special Rapporteur on adequate housing, Miloon Kothari, visited the Aboriginal Housing Company on 3 August reports Vladimir Korotkov in the South Sydney Herald of September 2006.
Lost: another opportunity for excitement
GOVERNMENT is like shampoo. You have to use it, but the less you can get away with, the healthier. What's worse than one shampoo, therefore, is two. The Carlton and United Brewery site on Broadway offers a fine exemplar of this maxim: the only thing more ruinous than one level of government is two. [By Elizabeth Farrelly Sydney Morning Herald September 13, 2006].
Statement on the Block and the Aboriginal Housing Company
Member for Heffron Kristina Keneally has told the Aboriginal Housing Company that she looks forward to the lodging of their development application for the area known as ‘the Block.’ [From a media release from Member for Heffron Kristina Keneally issued 13 September 2006].
3801 Limited calls for answers on its future now!
3801 Limited Chairman, Dr John Glastonbury has called for the half a million citizens of NSW who have enjoyed the iconic experience of locomotive 3801 to ask for answers from the Premier.
Move to extend privacy law exemption
THE New South Wales Government has proposed changes to privacy laws that will enable its agencies to share information about young people at risk of falling into a life of crime reports AAP on 26th September 2006.
Edgy venue forged from gritty past
Dance beats and theatre voices will soon drum out yesterday's echoes of metalwork at an old railyard, writes Valerie Lawson in the Sydney Morning Herald of October 2 2006.
Train station CCTV to reduce terrorism threat
Sydney's busiest train stations will have cameras installed that can recognise faces, in an attempt to curb terrorist threats reports ABC News October 1 2006.
Dingoes in Darlington - Netball lives in South Sydney
In 2004, a parent from Darlington public school proposed a netball team for her daughter and classmates. The team began competition that year at Heffron Park, Randwick, playing under 9s modified netball called Netta reports Julie Moffat, Coach, Darlington Dingoes, Orange in the October 2006 edition of the South Sydney Herald.
Comment on story, 3801 train leaves Redfern
I would like to add a correction [to an article in last months SSH].
Vision of dance - An Interview with Donald Enoch
Dancer, choreographer, community worker, Donald Enoch has a vision. It’s a world-class vision for kids from The Block. As an original and founding member of Bangarra, Donald Enoch knows his special training, the quality of that dance education, his style of choreography and his steely determination can win through to produce a school of dance for young people on The Block that could one day rival the extraordinary Bangarra reports Jane Barton in the October 2006 edition of the South Sydney Herald.
Operation Edgewater, cleaning up drugs in Redfern-Waterloo
A major operation targeting the manufacture of narcotics in home laboratories has resulted in numerous arrests and the seizure of large quantities of illegal drugs in the Redfern and Waterloo areas. The police investigation conducted from Redfern Command was known asOperation Edgewater and involved both overt and covert police action over the past four months reports Todd Dagwell in the October 2006 edition of the South Sydney Herald.
Upgrade challenges: watch your step in Redfern Street
The Redfern Street upgrade is causing challenges for pedestrians and cars alike, according to local businesses affected by the works reports Bill Birtles in the October 2006 edition of the South Sydney Herald.
Cana Kids Can Cook
For local Indigenous teenager, Elizabeth Haines, cooking is a learning skill that she says she can take into her adult life. When I dropped in on the latest Cana Kids Can Cook class of four, the schnitzel’s being prepared supported her comment reports Vladimir Korotkov in the October 2006 edition of the South Sydney Herald.
Those troublesome DA’s
The assessment process for development applications has been called into question with communication proving a problem reports Bill Birtles in the October 2006 edition of the South Sydney Herald.
Chippendale residents champion bicycling plan for inner west
An innovative plan for an off-road pedestrian and cycle route through Chippendale, masterminded by a group of Chippendale residents and small business, is set to be integrated into the City of Sydney Council’s (City) ten year cycle strategy reports Ben Falkenmire in the October 2006 edition of the South Sydney Herald.
Alexandria warm-up for Swans faithful
The AFL grand final was in Melbourne, but the best warm up was in Sydney. Last Thursday, the Swans faithful congregated at the Alexandria Hotel’s beer garden to hear ABC 702’s Adam Spencer present a special Sydney Swans breakfast show reports Bill Birtles in the October 2006 edition of the South Sydney Herald.
CarriageWorks brings Parking Changes to Darlington
The letter below from Arts NSW has been circulated to Darlington residents proposing the introduction of 8am-10pm seven day a week 1 hour parking (permit holders excepted) for the area in response to the opening of the new Carriageworks Contemporary Arts Centre. One condition of the Carriageworks DA was that they were to arrange an extension of residents parking scheme hours on nearby streets if residents supported this.
The Director General of Planning has directed that any redevelopment proposal for the Carlton United Breweries (CUB) Site in Chippendale must be consistent with the recommendations of the Expert Advisory Panel appointed by the Minister. [Report from CLOVER'S eNEWS - Friday 13 October 2006 - No. 318]
The Redfern-Waterloo Authority (RWA) continues to rely on existing resources in its planning to improve human services. The RWA has adopted this approach as a key component of its draft plan forming phase 2 of its Human Services Plan for older people, people with disabilities, migrant communities and homeless people. [Report from CLOVER'S eNEWS - Friday 13 October 2006 - No. 318]
New South Wales Rail Transport Museum on Rail Heritage 3801 and Eveleigh
The following article “RTM Mail” was published in the October 2006 Australian Railway History journal of the Australian Railway Historical Society. The Article is a report from Peter Berriman President of the New South Wales Rail Transport Museum (NSWRTM) at Thirlmere. The report carries some background on RailCorp's Rail Heritage Management Strategy announcement of which NSWRTM is the major beneficiary, as well as NSWRTM’s position on 3801. These provide good background to the RailCorp announcement and the Railway heritage politics around it. Of major interest however to people of Redfern Waterloo will be the final section which shows how Eveleigh is caught up in this. [Please note that we have requested a copy of any statement made by Minister Sartor which “firmly refutes” that the “Large Erecting Shop at Eveleigh will be demolished to make way for high-rise development”. The RWA have responded that Minister has stated his position in the media statement issued on August 30th. This was the statement made on the day that the Minister both showed the Large on the gazetted heritage map and at the same time gazetted planning control changes to permit the Large to be replaced by an up to 12 storey development.]
CFMEU Lift Red and Green Ban on Redfern Oval
The Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU) have lifted the red and green ban on Redfern Oval today, clearing the path for the City of Sydney Council to begin demolition of the site and the construction of the new Redfern Park facilities which will be used by the South Sydney Rabbitohs as their new home base for training in 2008. [ 18 October 2006]
3A projects add a new dimension to rules
THE real problem with the arrogance that typically afflicts our upper echelons is not that it's offensive and tedious - which it is - but that it quickly becomes a learning disability, condemning sufferers to repeat their mistakes ad nauseam. That's if you weren't sick the first time writes Elizabeth Farrelly in the Sydney Morning Herald October 25, 2006.
Eveleigh - Large Erecting Shop - Friends of Eveleigh Statement
The following media release dated 28th October 2006 has been issued by the Friends of Eveleigh to bring attention to the need for action to ensure a future for the Large Erecting Shop at Eveleigh.
Reality of tower blocks exposed to daylight
AN APARTMENT block as tall as the reviled University of Technology building would be built directly opposite it, under the final proposal for prime city land that residents say will cast a pall over them reports Justin Norrie Urban Affairs Reporter SMH October 27, 2006.
Birthing boom to put a squeeze on schools
THE booming birth rate is forcing Sydney schools to extend enrolment requests until 2011 and draw up plans to convert unused space into much-needed classrooms reports Hannah Edwards in The Sun-Herald October 29, 2006.
Truth on The Block. Beyond compliance journalism!
Sydney Morning Herald columnist and Redfern resident Elizabeth Farrelly has been a vocal critic of the Redfern Waterloo Authority (RWA) since the State government body was conceived in 2004. A frank conversation with Elizabeth Farrelly by Ben Falkenmire in the South Sydney Herald November 2006.
Trevor may need more time
The South Sydney Herald November 2006 reports on Trevor’s attempts to exercise and loose weight.
Greens select Fiona Byrne as their candidate for Marrickville
Trevor Davies writes in the South Sydney Herald November 2006 that the SSH continue to provide profiles on candidates for the forthcoming State Election in March. In previous editions, we introduced the Member for Marrickville, Carmel Tebbutt, and Edward Mandla the Liberal part candidate for Sydney. Now we introduce Greens candidate Marrickville Councillor Fiona Byrne, chosen as their candidate after the withdrawal from the campaign of Marrickville councillor, Collin Hesse.
Rock the Block
Joel Beasant reports on Youth Rock the Block in the South Sydney Herald November 2006.
Appetite for fun
Tim Brunero reviews Appetite Café in the South Sydney Herald November 2006.
Back to their roots for Regent St Indigenous business owners
Indigenous business owners have set up shop in Redfern’s Regent Street, keen to participate in the growth of the area and, more importantly, its community writes Ben Falkenmire in the South Sydney Herald November 2006.
Mental health stretched at the Cross
“The NSW Government continues to drag its feet over providing adequate services for the mentally ill”, said Graham Long, Pastor at the Wayside Chapel writes Darren Mara in the South Sydney Herald November 2006.
Homeless people have stories we need to hear
Trevor Davies reports on Sydney’s Homeless Person’s Week in the South Sydney Herald November 2006.
Redfern is short of loos!
Sydney City Council has several public toilets in storage, yet there remain only one accessible public toilet in Redfern - making life difficult for those who need to make a pit-stop. The public toilet in Redfern Park has been closed for sometime, due to vandalism writes Brenden Hills in the South Sydney Herald November 2006.
The Women’s & Girls’ Emergency Centre Inc needs our support
WAGEC is a unique women’s only service in Surry Hills which has been providing support to homeless women and girls for the past 29 years reports the South Sydney Herald in its November 2006 edition.
Fosters' Concept Plan for the Carlton and United Breweries (CUB) site on Broadway will be the focus of a meeting organised by the City on Saturday 11 November. The Concept Plan is the official document submitted to the Minister for Planning that will be used to determine planning approval for the site's redevelopment.
This is an invitation put out by the Coalition Chippendale Community Groups to encourage involvement in the Public Meeting being organised by the City of Sydney about the CUB site exhibition.
Fosters Information Sessions on CUB - 15th and 18th November
Following the City's response to resident's requests for a public meeting about the Carlton and United Breweries (CUB) site, the site's owners, Fosters, has also announced two "information sessions" on their Concept Plan for the site, the official document submitted to the Minister for Planning to determine the site's future.
New Assistant Commissioner Selected
The new Police Assistant Commissioner with responsibility for the Professional Standards Command has today been announced by Police Commissioner Ken Moroney. Currently the Local Area Commander for Redfern, Superintendent Catherine Burn has been a member of the NSW Police Force for 22 years. Following a rigorous selection process from an exceptional field of candidates Superintendent Burn was offered the position on Wednesday.
Redfern LAC Commander Catherine Burn Update
The following email was received from Catherine Burn on 11th November 2006, the day her promotion to Assistant Commissioner appeared in the press. In the email Catherine asks us to pass on her comments to the update readers. Catherine makes comment on her move and her time and acheivements at Redfern LAC. She also provides information about a conference she and Dixie Gordon will be attending in New Zealand at the end of November 2006.
Yes, Prime Mover - 4th November 2006 SMH
Despite an abrasive nature and public stoushes, the Minister for Planning has steadily gained respect in his portfolio from most quarters, writes Anne Davies in the November 4 Sydney Morning Herald.
Sartor slammed for planning power play
PLANNING Minister Frank Sartor has been branded a dictator after introducing a bill to Parliament that opponents say will further increase his powers reports Catharine Munro in The Sydney Morning Herald of November 5, 2006.
Reborn Rabbitohs bid to keep leagues club at Redfern - SMH 10th November 2006
AS THE furniture was being delivered for new coach Jason Taylor's office, South Sydney officials yesterday were raising concerns about the relocation of the leagues club reports Brad Walter in the SMH November 10, 2006.
Gathering Ground
Artists want to take you on a trip through Sydney's most maligned neighbourhood reports Katrina Lobley SMH November 13, 2006.
Coalition Chippendale Community Groups Update - 14th November 2006
Fosters have organised two "information sessions" on their proposed Concept Plan for the CUB site. The Coalition Chippendale Community Groups has produced this update to alert residents to the sessions and to provide some background information about the concept plan that might be helpful for the information session.
The South Sydney Football Club today launched a public campaign to prevent the failed South Sydney Leagues Club from leaving the home of the Rabbitohs in Redfern reports .
Sartor under fire over planning change
PLANNERS and politicians yesterday accused Frank Sartor of staging a power grab by attempting to manipulate the make-up of a city planning panel reports Justin Norrie the Sydney Morning heralds Urban Affairs Reporter on November 22, 2006.
The quality of mercy is likely to be severely strained
IT'S a belt-and-braces thing. The only reason we need laws and governments is so when governments stumble into delinquency, there's some chance of keeping our collective pants up. But when the laws are designed to give government a full stretch of the elastic, there's nothing, when the delinquency hits, 'tween them and knee-deep do-do writes Elizabeth Farrelly in the Sydney morning Herald of November 22, 2006.
Asbestos halts Oval works
REDFERN Oval's $19 million redevelopment was stopped yesterday after asbestos was found on the site, sparking fears for nearby residents' safety reports The Daily Telegraph on November 22, 2006.
Extra Time for CUB submissions
The Minister for Planning has refused to extend the exhibition period for the Carlton United Brewery Site Concept Plan, but has agreed to accept submissions informally while the proposal is assessed according to CLOVER'S eNEWS - Friday 24 November 2006 - No. 324.
3801 to leave Eveleigh Mon 27 Nov 6pm under own steam
3801 Ltd's lease of the 3801 Engine ceases at midnight on 26th November 2006. The 3801 Engine will leave Eveleigh the following day.
Holmes a Court's coup complete
WITH his vision for the Rabbitohs taking another step forward, majority owner Peter Holmes a Court yesterday rated victory in the battle for the struggling South Sydney Leagues Club alongside the historic day he and Russell Crowe took over the football club reports Brent Read and Stuart Honeysett in The Australian of November 30, 2006.
The scene of some of the fiercest struggles over Aboriginal rights, the Block in Redfern is embroiled in a planning battle that could make or break the battered community, reports Lisa Dabscheck in the SMH’s the(Sydney)magazine December 06.
The curtain is about to rise on one of Sydney's boldest arts projects, to date - the renovated and re-invented Eveleigh rail yards reports Mark Chipperfield with Photograph by Sahlan Hayes in the SMH’s the(Sydney)magazine of December 06.
Council Meeting for ACI Site Revised Plans - 9th December 2006
Revised plans for the major ACI Site redevelopment, between Bourke, Crescent and Danks Street Waterloo, will be discussed at a public meeting next Saturday, 9 December.
Clover Moore update on CUB Concept Plan
The City this week finalised its submission on the Carlton and United Brewery (CUB) Site Concept Plan and will next Monday consider a request from Fosters, the site owners, to include some sections of Council owned land within the Concept Plan, primarily for parkland.
CCCG - CUB Sun Access also an Issue for CUB Site Submissions
The following email was put out by the Combined Chippendale Community Groups on 2 December to encourage submissions and to provide information on the sun access proposals with the concept plan.
Aboriginal kids to get top private education
A NEW private school for Aboriginal children will be established at the Block at Redfern, the cultural centre of the city's indigenous population reports Hannah Edwards in the Sun Herald of December 3, 2006.
Sartor dismisses rail heritage worries
Claims Australia's rail heritage is under threat from development have been dismissed by State Planning Minister Frank Sartor reports Rowan Barker Reporter Macquarie National News Friday, 08 December 2006.
Street drinking banned at casino and on Block
THE troubled streets of the Block and those around Star City casino might become alcohol-free as part of a City of Sydney plan to cut crime and antisocial behaviour across the inner city reports Caroline Marcus in the Sun Herald of December 10, 2006.
Sydney's Inner City Homelessness Action Plan Phase Two
The NSW Government has developed a plan to address the problem of homeless people sleeping rough around inner Sydney. It came about in order to guide the Partnership Against Homelessness, a Department of Housing led initiative bringing together 12 NSW Government agencies that fund or administer programs for homeless people (established in 1999).
Off the rails in a creative move
Sydney's Victorian-era railway yards are being reborn as a contemporary arts centre, writes Matthew Westwood in the Australian December 11, 2006.
Turnbull updates: empowering the community
Before Redfern residents Geoff and Lyn Turnbull joined community group REDWatch, they sent out e-mail updates to a community starved of information reports Samantha Van in the December 2006 issue of the South Sydney Herald.
Public Housing Tenants face uncertain future
The World Health Organisation recognises Northcott
Chippendale battles for Survival
St Vincent’s sells Caritas to developers - aggravating residents
St Vincent de Paul Society is to sell its Caritas Centre mental health site in Darlinghurst to developers to fund Australia’s first integrated mental health, drug and alcohol and community health facility reports Ben Falkenmire in the December 2006 issue of the South Sydney Herald.
Graffti – potential cultural asset or environmental vandalism?
Graffti is widely regarded as a form of crime against the environment but this sweeping generalisation ignores the distinction between a well-crafted mural and a dopey “tag” writes Anna Christie in the December 2006 issue of the South Sydney Herald.
No meal means no drink at the corner pub
One of Redfern’s oldest pubs, the Berkley Hotel, is set to turn into a bar and grill, despite strong community resistance against the plan reports Bill Birtles in the December 2006 issue of the South Sydney Herald.
More Low Cost Counselling Clinics open in South Sydney
The Gay and Lesbian Counselling Service (GLCS) in Newtown has provided an anonymous telephone counselling service since 1973 reports Samantha Van in the December 2006 issue of the South Sydney Herald.
Political Profile - Ben Spies-Butcher, Greens’ Heffron community-minded candidate
The Greens party has nominated the community-minded Ben Spies-Butcher to take on the ALP’s Kristina Keneally in the district of Heffron in next March’s State elections reports Ben Falkenmire in the December 2006 issue of the South Sydney Herald.
The divisions over Regent Street changes: Council and RWA support it, RTA is against it
In the mid 1990s, the RTA turned Regent Street into a one-way traffic strip. At the time, there was a demonstration led by former Waterloo resident Margaret Barry reports Trevor Davies in the December 2006 issue of the South Sydney Herald.
Public housing sold to private owners
The dwindling amount of public housing available has left many concerned about the availability of housing for low-income earners in the Redfern-Waterloo area. This comes as five Waterloo properties owned by the NSW Department of Housing were sold to private owners reports Brenden Hills in the December 2006 issue of the South Sydney Herald.
CarriageWorks, Redfern/Newtown’s - newest theatrical venue opens
CarriageWorks, on land formerly owned by State Rail, is managed by Arts NSW and directed by Sue Hunt, a former director of performing arts at the Sydney Opera House reports Peter Whitehead in the December 2006 issue of the South Sydney Herald.
A Void exisits in drug and alcohol treatment centres in the inner city
Intravenous drug users in the inner city are not receiving adequate treatment because of shortfalls in detoxifcation services, an expert in Indigenous health has said reports Darren Mara In the December 2006 issue of the South Sydney Herald.
The Streetbeat Bus Service
An opportunity to support your local community
The World Health Organisation declaration of the Surry Hills Northcott Department of Housing estate as a "Safe Community" is evidence of that community's success in overcoming disadvantage and isolation. It is the only public housing community in the world to be given this accreditation. (from CLOVER'S eNEWS - Friday 15 December 2006 - No. 327)
In response to a request from Fosters for permission to include sections of Council's roads in its Concept Plan for the CUB site, the City reaffirmed its commitment to public open space that is adequate to meet future population needs and contribute to parkland usable by the whole Chippendale community. (From CLOVER'S eNEWS - Friday 15 December 2006 - No. 327).
The 3801 steam locomotive was recently transferred from the Large Erecting Shop in Eveleigh to the Hunter Valley Training Company workshops. Clover Moore is concerned that this makes way for redevelopment of the Eveleigh site for non-rail uses. (From CLOVER'S eNEWS - Friday 15 December 2006 - No. 327)
3801 Moving to Thirlmere on 20 December 2006
The Rail Transport Museum have posted a schedule for the movement of the locomotive 3801 on Thursday 20 December 2006 on their website. The transfer is taking place on this date due to the reduced fire danger. The RTM website also contains other recent information on 3801.
Revealed: the Sydney flats squeeze
TENS of thousands of new homes will be forced upon traffic-choked Sydney suburbs under a State Government plan that councils have condemned as being unrealistic and shrouded in secrecy reports Justin Norrie and David Braithwaite in the Sydney Morning Herald of December 26, 2006.
St Andrew’s Cathedral School Redfern (Gawura) Campus Consolation – 9th January 2007
St Andrew’s Cathedral School have advised that they would like to hold a second community consultation meeting in regards to the Gawura Campus Development Application. The Consultation is to be held Tuesday 9 January 2007 at Redfern Community Centre Level 3, 29 Hugo St Redfern NSW 2016 from 2.00pm to 3.00pm. All interested persons are invited to attend.
RailCorp to Move Heritage carriages from the Large Erecting Shop
The following is the text of a Media Statement from the Friends of Eveleigh concerning the decision by RailCorp to remove eight Heritage Carriages from Eveleigh’s Large Erecting Shop. The transfer is scheduled for Tuesday 9th January 2007.
Business and flats will follow arts to Eveleigh
WHEN the glittering Sydney Festival crowd hit the CarriageWorks arts precinct last night, the Eveleigh railyard workers of the past would have turned in their graves writes Sunanda Creagh Sydney Morning Herald Urban Affairs Reporter on January 6, 2007
Mr. Premier - This (Rail Heritage) is your responsibility
The Following media statement was issued by Friends of Eveleigh on Sunday, 7th January, 2007 concerning the Office of Rail Heritage’s decision to remove eight carriages from Eveleigh’s Large Erecting Shop on Tuesday 9th January 2007. The Cariages did not leave as scheduled but the move is still planned. The Friends of Eveleigh Media Release raises major concerns about the handling of state rail heritage and the proposal to move the carriages.
When push comes to shove landowners stand up for their rights
The natives are getting restless. On February 11 there will be a rally in Hyde Park to protest against the State Government's long-running assault on democracy and private property. At a meeting at Rouse Hill just before Christmas, about a dozen community groups decided to join forces for what they hope will be a big event writes Michael Duffy in The Sydney Morning Herald of December 30, 2006.
Carriageworks... Or will it?
Government is aware of what it has really done. In a disused old railway carriage works, a stone’s throw away from inner city Redfern, there is a bubbling... a simmering sound writes Nicholas Pickard in Arts Hub Australia of Friday, December 15, 2006. .
Open weekend for CarriageWorks
Sydney’s new home for contemporary arts is holding an open weekend to celebrate its debut on the local arts scene reports Arts Hub Australia on Wednesday, January 10, 2007.
Friends of Eveleigh write to Minister
The Friends of Eveleigh (FOE) have heard that the eight heritage carriages are now scheduled to be moved from the Large Erecting Shop to Thirlmere on Tuesday 16th January 2007 after the morning peak. FOE have written to Ministers concerning the carriages as the move will see the carriages leave enclosed storage at Eveleigh and go to a site that has no storage for them. A copy of the letter to the Minister for Transport has been provided by FOE and has been reproduced below.
Former Rail Workers to Relive Old Times at CarriageWorks January 21-22 2007
This Media Release has been issued by the CarriageWorks with details of their Open Weekend events for January 20th- 21st 2007 which have been aimed at those who have earlier worked at Eveleigh.
Chippendale Improvement Plan
The draft Chippendale Improvement Plan, currently on exhibition until 13 February, details projects to improve local area traffic management, public domain, open spaces and community facilities reports CLOVER'S eNEWS - Friday 19 January 2007 - No. 330.
City’s Draft Homelessness Strategy
A vision to end to chronic homelessness in the inner city over the next 10 years has been spelled out in the City's draft Homelessness Strategy, currently on public exhibition until 26 February 2007 reports CLOVER'S eNEWS - Friday 19 January 2007 - No. 330.
Developer Contributions for Redfern Waterloo
The City has sought better provision for open space in the Redfern Waterloo Authority's (RWA) Draft Development Contributions Plan and is now also preparing a submission on the Authorities new Draft Affordable Housing Contributions Plan. CLOVER'S eNEWS - Friday 19 January 2007 - No. 330.
Shot in the arm for inner south
BUSINESSMAN and co-owner of the Rabbitohs rugby league club, Peter Holmes a Court, has set up a forum of community and business leaders to re-invigorate the inner southern suburbs according to the Sun Herald December 31, 2006.
Owning a home: it's an 8-year bitch
AN ASPIRING home buyer would have to save every cent of a median salary for more than eight years to pay for a house in Sydney, an international housing affordability survey has found. In 1980 it took a buyer 3½ years reports Catharine Munro Urban Affairs Editor Sydney Morning Herald January 23, 2007.
CUB Deed secures Public Benefit
CLOVER'S eNEWS - Friday 26 January 2007 - No. 331 reports that The City has secured commitment to vital public benefits from Carlton and United Breweries (CUB) site owners through our negotiations with them on including some Council roads in their plans.
New Heritahe DCP Strengthens Protection
CLOVER'S eNEWS - Friday 26 January 2007 - No. 331 reports that support of our heritage has increased with a new City-wide Heritage Development Control Plan (DCP) now in force to strengthen protection for distinctive features such as rows of terraces, laneways, chimneys and decorative balconies.
Oasis and the duty-free store in the Citygold building
The following item is taken from the 25 January 2007 email update put out by the Coalition Chippendale Community Groups. The item deals with recent wins against premises operating without council approval in Chippendale and with issues connected to brothels in Chippendale. While the locations are outside Redfern Waterloo they do apply to broader City of Sydney issues that may also impact on Redfern Waterloo.
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