Greens - Marrickville - Greens Back Aboriginal Housing on the Block
“It is clear the decision of the NSW Government to rezone land on the Block is an attempt to prevent the redevelopment of the area as a vibrant Aboriginal community” said Clr Byrne.
“The NSW Government does not believe that an urban Aboriginal community can be socially and economically sustainable. We believe that assumption is racist.”
“The AHC must be treated like any other land holder and have its proposals assessed on the merits of its case. The Pemulwuy project incorporates mixed used development, environmental and social planning and open space.
“We believe the Government does not have sound planning grounds for rejecting the AHC plans. Instead it is hiding behind a rezoning that was designed to prevent Aboriginal housing from being rebuilt on the Block.”
“We are going to make the Block an election issue in Marrickville. We are going to campaign against the discriminatory policies of this Government and for a fair go for Aboriginal people.” Clr Bryne said.
Ben Spies-Butcher, the Greens candidate for the neighbouring seat of Heffron. which includes the majority of Redfern and large public housing communities, said the Government’s position on the Block was an ominous sign of things to come.
“The NSW Government is trying to force long term communities out of Redfern Waterloo so that it can increase the value of public land and sell that land off to developers.
"The decision to rezone the Block is nothing more than a transparent attempt to force Aboriginal people out of the inner city. We know the Government also has plans to redevelop public housing in Redfern and Waterloo, and we know it has advice that forcing public housing tenants out of the inner city will increase its property values.
“The Government must release its plans for public housing before the election. We need to know what housing will be targeted, what land sold and which residents forced to move. Otherwise, residents will have no power, no chance to express their views. It will be a massive land sale” said Dr Spies-Butcher.