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You are here: Home / UrbanGrowth, SMDA & RWA Plans & Activities / Explorer Street Eveleigh Renewal / Explorer Street, Eveleigh Social Infrastructure and Social Impact Assessment (fully searchable PDF)

Explorer Street, Eveleigh Social Infrastructure and Social Impact Assessment (fully searchable PDF)

This is a copy of the Social Infrastructure and Social Impact Assessment for Explorer Street that is searchable as a PDF. The report on exhibition have pages throughout the report that are not searchable and hence make it difficult for interested people to find all the references that may occur. As the Social Impact Assessment Section of this report is of potential relevance to other public housing redevelopments in the inner city and was undertaken for the Department of Planning and Environment, REDWatch has performed an optical character recognition (OCR) on the non text pages. OCRs are not perfect so users should check the PDF search result against the underlying text. It maybe that some search occurrences may not show up if the OCR has not correctly identified the letters correctly. Users of this document should hence exercise their own judgement in extracting text and check it against the underlying image. Even though the OCR process may create errors this process makes this document much more accessable to users who wish to find parts of the document that might be of interest.