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SMDA Affordable Housing Strategy and Program

The SMDA placed a Draft Redfern Waterloo Affordable Housing Strategy and Program on exhibition on 20 April 2012. Here you will find information relating to SMDA Affordable Housing policy. Material relating to Affordable Housing at North Eveleigh can be found in the North Eveleigh section of this website.
SMDA Releases Affordable Housing Details
Since 2006 the RWA had a policy for collecting affordable housing developer contributions in Redfern Waterloo but had no public policy about what it meant by affordable housing or how it would be managed. With $33m expected to be in the kitty by 2013 the Sydney Metropolitan Development Authority (SMDA) has now placed its Redfern Waterloo Draft Affordable Rental Housing Strategy 2011-2030 on public exhibition until 24 May 2012 reports Geoff Turnbull in the May 2012 edition of The South Sydney Herald.