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Metropolitan Strategy for Sydney 2031 - Sydney Regional Growth Plan

Here we have collected material regarding the Metro Strategy for Sydney 2031 which creates the Strategic Planning framework for the Sydney area which feeds into the requirements for the Subregional Delivery Plans and the Local Plans.
REDWatch Submission on Draft Metropolitan Strategy for Sydney to 2031
This is the July 2013 REDWatch submission on the Draft Metropolitan Strategy for Sydney to 2031.
Growth targets inner city
If you live on a major transport corridor and are close to the city your area will likely be targeted to absorb the extra homes and jobs for Sydney’s growth under the Draft Metropolitan Strategy for Sydney to 2031. The Metro Strategy is to be Sydney’s regional plan. All sub-regional and local plans in the New Planning System for NSW have to be consistent with it. Geoff Turnbull looks at the issues in the July 2013 issue of the South Sydney Herald.
REDWatch Petition on the Metro Strategy Exhibition June 2013
REDWatch launched a petition on 3 June 2013 asking the Minister for Planning to "Please Exhibit Metro Strategy for Sydney under the New Planning System!". The details of the Petition and the link to the online petition can be found below. The comments made by people signing the petition also provide a good indication of people's concern about the continuing exhibition.
Draft Metro Strategy Exhibition - extended until 28 June 2013
Here REDWatch has provided links to key documents necessary to understand the Draft Metro Strategy and its implications for Redfern Waterloo.
Inner Sydney "Balanced Growth" Maps - Draft Metro Strategy
These maps show some of the priorities in the Draft Metro Strategy 2031 that impact on the Inner City. These maps are taken from Section 3 - Balanced Growth and show pages 19, 20, 21, 23 & 24. File is 6.4 MB PDF.
Metro Strategy Priorities for Central Subregion - Draft Metro Strategy 2031
The Metropolitan Strategy for Sydney contains detailed directions for subregional planning. This advice guides each subregion in helping to achieve the desired outcomes for Sydney to 2031 under the New Planning System. Attached is what the Metroi Strategy proposes for the 17 councils of the Central Subregions including the inner city suburbs like Redfern and Waterloo. File is 1.6 MB PDF.
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