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Media Articles on Redfern Waterloo

This is a selection of major news items about Redfern Waterloo from various media outlets. The AHC also has a good selection of the stories about the Block in their media news section at You can get up to date news by setting up a Google News alert at News Alerts will not pick up local media and some mainstream media stories which do not appear on a news website, where possible we put these stories on our website to provide wide access to the stories.
Understanding the NSW Ministerial and Departmental reshuffle of 19 December 2021
The December 2021 reshuffle of the NSW Perrottet Government has seen also a realignment of some parts of Government as well as changes in the responsible Ministers. Here we have collected information to make it easier for people to find which minister has responsibility for what.
Redfern PCYC site work throws up interesting financial questions
REDWatch spokesperson, Geoff Turnbull in the 1 December REDWatch email reflects on the Council and Central Sydney Planning Committee's consideration of the Elizabeth Street / PCYC rezoning application as it relates to financial feasibility and Aboriginal Affordable housing.
Build a Bridge Campaign
REDWatch, Friends of Erskineville (FOE) and the Alexandria Resident Action Group (ARAG) have launched a campaign to build a bridge across the railway corridor between Carriageworks and South Eveleigh.
Draft Waterloo Human Services Plan out for comment
A draft Waterloo Human Services Action plan had released for consultation. The draft plan is being sent to agencies with an interest in Waterloo service delivery and it is also being made available within organisations.
NSW Land and Housing Corporation (LAHC) cancels Build to Rent for PCYC / Elizabeth Street Redfern
The media release below was issued by the Department of Planning Industry Environment, of which LAHC is a part, on 27 October 2021. LAHC have cancelled the Build to Rent (BTR) proposal saying that the planning proposals being considered by Council will impact the ability to deliver the BTR proposal. LAHC has issued a new EOI process for their standard Build to Sell model for this site that will deliver about a third social housing. Acording to a tender site the new EOI closes on the 14 December 2021.
REDWatch Co-ordination Group Report for 2020-2021
Questions & Answers from Botany Road REDWatch meeting
At the REDWatch briefing on the Botany Road Corridor a couple of questions were asked that Council said they would respond to after the meeting. These two questions and the answers are below concerning the impact on rates and strata compulsory sale.
Council Planning Proposal for Botany Road Precinct
On Monday 26 July 2021, Council unanimously accepted the planning proposal for the Botany Road Precinct. The proposal now goes to the Department of Planning Infrastructure and Environment (DPIE) for their assessment and approval to go on exhibition. Public exhibition is expected late 2021 or in 2022. While there may be changes made during the DPIE assessment, the Council proposal and its supporting studies provide valuable background to the area and what emerged from Councils, urban design studies and consultation. This material will be the underlying basis for the proposal when it goes on public exhibition.
Plans for Waterloo and Alexandria to create more than 15,000 jobs
This is the text of the media release from City of Sydney Council of 28 July 2021 regarding the Botany Road Precinct and the North Alexandria Precinct Planning Proposals.
Waterloo South Gateway Determination Released
As the Council proposal was the one submitted for the determination, it is the modified Council proposal that will go to public exhibition before the end of the 2021. The determination requires specific changes and study updates be made by DPIE to the Council proposal prior to its exhibition. At the time of the Gateway it is not clear when this work will be finalised or when exhibition will take place.
Minister Stokes issued the Gateway determination for Waterloo South on 23 June but it was only released publically on 29 June at 6pm. Below is the media release issued by the Minister. The story was released early to the Sydney Morning Herald. LAHC, Council and some community representatives were breifed about the decision prior to the public release.
Housing 2041 Policy Media Release from Minister for Water, Property and Housing
This is the text of the media release issued by Minister for Water, Property and Housing Melinda Pavey on 5 May 2021 on the release of the Housing 2041 strategy and an initial two-year action plan to deliver improved outcomes immediately and into the future by focusing on housing supply, diversity, affordability and resilience.
REDWatch Submission on the Redfern North Eveleigh Strategic Vision
This is the text of the REDWatch submission of 26 April 2021 on the Transport for NSW (TfNSW) Redfern North Eveleigh Strategic Vision.
Groundswell Local agency input to Independent Advisory Group on Waterloo South Planning Proposal
On 8 April 2021 11am local Groundswell agency representatives (Geoff Turnbull REDWatch, Claire McAteer ISV and Michael Mackenzie Shreenan Counterpoint) met online with the Waterloo South Independent Advisory Group (IAG) regarding Waterloo South. The agencies also responded to requests from the IAG regarding the consultation timeline for previous engagement on the Waterloo Visioning, Options, Preferred Master Plan prior to the Council proposal and LAHC's decision to only progress the southern precinct. Some Groundswell agencies also supplied written submissions to the IAG. On 8 April the IAG had separate 25 minute meetings with representatives from Groundswell, The NAB's Waterloo Redevelopment Group, The Waterloo Public Housing Action Group and representatives from the Aboriginal community. Below are the talking Points that the local Groundswell agencies managed to fit into its 8 minute presentation to the IAG.
Redfern North Eveleigh Strategic Vision on Exhibition until 23 April 2021
Transport for NSW (TfNSW) has released its Strategic Vision (PDF, 12.05 MB) to guide the renewal and redevelopment of the Redfern North Eveleigh Precinct. Exhibition has been extended until April 23 2021.
REDWatch Letter to DPIE and other key Stakeholders regarding Waterloo South
Below is the text of a letter sent by REDWatch on 25 March 2021 to DPIE Secretary Jim Betts and key stakeholders regarding the Minister's decision that DPIE would take over control of the planning proposal for Waterloo South. The statement was sent to all the key stakeholders including the independent panel members. The letter sets out some of REDWatch's key concerns resulting from the decision.
Independent expert advice to steer future of Waterloo
THis is a copy of the statement that appeared on the DPIE website on 17th March 2021 advising the names of the advisors to the departmental Secretary who will determine the Planning Proposal to be exhibited for Waterloo South.
Waterloo stalemate must not Continue - Minister Stokes
This is the text of the Media Statement Rob Stokes Minister for Planning and Public Spaces released on Twitter on Tuesday, 23 February 2021
REDWatch Preliminary Analysis of Councils Waterloo South Planning Proposal
The Analysis below was produced by REDWatch and circulated by our email distributiuon lists on 19 February 2021. This analysis seeks to explain some of the key issues arrising from the Council Planning Proposal and some of REDWatch's concerns.
City of Sydney's planning proposal for Waterloo South - 11 February
The City of Sydney (CoS) Council released its proposal for the planning controls to govern the proposed Land and Housing Corporation (LAHC) redevelopment of Waterloo South on 10th February 2021. The Council proposal is part of the papers for the Transport, Heritage and Planning Committee on Monday 15 February 2021 where Councillors will consider the proposal from Council staff. The proposal is also considered by the Central Sydney Planning Committee (CSPC) at 5pm on Thursday 18 February 2021 before going to the Council Meeting on Monday 22 February and then to the Department of Planning Infrastructure and Environment for approval for public exhibition later this year. Below is some information on the proposal documents and the original Land and Housing Corporations proposal made public by the Council.
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