News Since Last RWIU
News since last Redfern Waterloo Issues Update.
- Waterloo Human Services Action Plan Update - 13 October 2023
- This update on the Waterloo Human Services Collaborative's Action Plan appeared in the October 2023 Waterloo newsletter.
- Little Eveleigh / Lawson / Ivy / Wilson Streets traffic & parking changes – feedback until Sunday 10 Sept
- Transport for NSW has extended the consultation for the proposed redirection of Little Eveleigh Street after making available additional information. The proposed changes impact the above streets as well as requiring traffic from the west to use Shepherd Street and Vine Street to access Little Eveleigh Street. An onsite meeting has been organised with local MP Jenny Leong for Thursday 7 September at 4pm at the corner of Little Eveleigh and Lawson Streets.
- Waterloo South to proceed with new targets - updated REDWatch response
- Below is an updated REDWatch response to the announcement of new social and affordable housing targets for Waterloo South announced publicly on 21 August 2023. Some changes have been made to the initial response to reference additional material and responses as well as to cover comments made at today's media conference.
- Waterloo South – good, but still time for a better deal for social housing and to raise the bar on what Government can deliver
- This is the Shelter NSW media release on the announcement to increase the social and affordable housing on Waterloo South.
- Counterpoint Community Services on Waterloo Increase
- Below is how Counterpoint Community Services advised their newsletter readers about the Government announcement to increase the quantity of social and affordable housing in Waterloo South on 21 August 2023.
- Waterloo South social and affordable housing boosted to 50% - Media Release
- This is the media release from The Premier, Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Treaty, Minister for Homelessness, Minister for Housing that was issued about the increased targets for the Waterloo South housing redevelopment.
- Action for Public Housing condemns Waterloo decision
- Below is the text of the media release issued by Action for Public Housing, a grassroots collective of tenants and supporters who organise to defend and extend public housing, in response to the revised targets for the Waterloo South public housing redevelopment.
- Homes NSW Consultation
- On 20 July The Housing Minister held a consultation with invited organisations to get feedback on principles for the formation of Homes NSW. Further consultations are proposed. REDWatch is making available some of the details of the July consultation to encourage tenants, those on the waiting list and services to consider what they might want to say to the Minister about what should be stopped, what should be started and what should be continued. Below is what was supplied to participants at the 20 July Consultation.
- Planning reforms to deliver social and affordable housing
- The Minns Labor Government will use new NSW planning laws to focus state-owned housing corporations on tackling the state’s housing crisis, by building more social and affordable homes, faster according to this media statement on 19 June 2023 released by the Minister for Housing and the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces. The changes increase self-assessment powers for LAHC and AHO from 60 dwellings and 2 storeys to 75 dwellings and 3 storeys. Projects with more than 75 homes or more than $30 million capital investment will have an expanded State Significant Development pathway.
- Comments by Housing Minister Rose Jackson relevant to Waterloo - 5 June 2023
- At the 5 June 2023 REDWatch meeting, NSW Housing Minister Rose Jackson, responded on the proposed Federal Government housing policy initiatives. She later provided an update on the NSW Governments approach to public housing redevelopments including Waterloo. In the transcript below the Minister says it will be another month or so before the process set by the previous government can be assessed under the principles the new government wishes to apply. Later in the meeting the Minister confirmed the government was implementing the 2022 Labor Conference motion and outlined that the current focus was on items they did not need to legislate.
- Waterloo FAQs – 19 May 2023 Murawin and Land and Housing Corporation
- On 19 May 2023 Murawin and Land and Housing Corporation held a consultation with the Aboriginal community about the waterloo redevelopment. Below is the FAQ provided for that event. It contains some additional information no previously said by LAHC.
- Greens Party approach to public, social and affordable housing
- The Greens Housing Spokesperson and member for Newtown Jenny Leong spoke to the REDWatch forum on Public, Affordable and Social Housing on February 2 2023 from notes and has provided the following links to the Greens Housing policy for the 2023 NSW Election.
- Labor Party approach to public, social and affordable housing
- The Labor Shadow Minister for Housing Rose Jackson, spoke to the REDWatch forum on Public, Affordable and Social Housing on February 2 2023 from notes. Rose has supplied the link to the ALP Housing Policy. As many in our local community have an interest in social and affordable housing we have also provided a link to the NSW Labor State Confernece resolution on public housing and other material on ALP housing announcements.
- Lord Mayor Paint Shop Precinct Announcement letter to residents.
- Clover Moore has written to local residents on 14 March 2023, to make them aware of the rezoning outcome for the North Eveleigh Paint Shop Precinct. With the decision just before caretaker period the government will not be leafleting residents to let them know the outcome. Council has stepped into the void to make sure residents know what has been decided. The text of Clover's letter is below:
- DPE Media release on North Eveleigh announcements - 7 May 2023
- This media release was issued by Robert Stokes and Anthony Roberts on 7 March 2023 regarding the rezoning of the North Eveleigh Paint Shop Precinct and the shortlisting of developers for the North Eveleigh Clothing Store precinct.
- North Eveleigh Clothing Store Precinct - Four Proponents Short listed
- In a media release on 7 March 2023 regarding North Eveleigh generally it was announced that four proponents have been shortlisted to deliver build-to-rent housing on the Clothing Store sub-precinct. An extract from the media release is below as it deals with the Clothing Store Precinct. The full media statement is in the Paint Shop Precinct section.
- Liberal Party approach to public, social and affordable housing
- This is the text of a speech prepared by The Hon. Chris Rath MLC, representing the Liberal party, made to the REDWatch forum on Public, Affordable and Social Housing on February 2 2023.
- Paint Shop Precinct Rezoning Determination
- The Paint Shop Precinct Planning Controls have been finalised and posted late on Friday 24 February on both the Department of Planning and Environment’s Paint Shop Exhibition page and on the legislation website.
- Chief Mechanical Engineers (CME) Building Conservation Management Plan (CMP) Released
- Just as the CME development application exhibition is closing, Transport for NSW has released the key document that should have been available from the beginning - the CME building's Conservation Management Plan (CMP). Here we provide direct links to the four CMP documents released.
- Chief Mechanical Engineers Building (CME) SSDA Exhibition - extension until 28 February 2023 if by email
- --- ALERT : REDWATCH HAS BEEN ADVISED THAT DUE TO LATE RELEASE OF THE CMP DOCUMENTS THAT SUBMISSIONS WILL BE RECEIVED UP UNTIL 28 FEBUARY IF SENT BY EMAIL TO THE PLANNER. IF YOU HAVE ANY PROBLEMS MAKING A LATE SUBMISSION EMAIL US AT MAIL@REDWATCH.ORG.AU --- The Transport Asset Management Entity (TAHE) and Transport for NSW (TfNSW), which are handling the redevelopment of Redfern North Eveleigh, have put forward a proposal for the adaptive reuse of Chief Mechanical Engineers building on Wilson Street. The proposal is on exhibition through the NSW Major Projects portal until 21 February 2023.