Homes NSW Consultation
Homes NSW Consultation Forum 20 July 2023
The NSW Government is committed to making NSW a place where everyone has access to safe and secure housing, and where experiences of homelessness are rare, brief and not repeated.
To help achieve this we are creating Homes NSW. This involves bringing together the Land and Housing Corporation, Aboriginal Housing Office, and Department of Communities and Justice relevant social and affordable housing and homelessness functions to create a new agency.
The primary purpose of Homes NSW is to deliver better outcomes for public housing tenants, deliver more affordable and social housing, and reduce the number of homeless people in NSW.
There is a range of options to be considered for the creation of Homes NSW and detailed design work is currently underway.
At present there are some draft key principles in establishing Homes NSW:
- Leadership across government in the provision of social and affordable housing
- A sustainable budget model that delivers an increasing number of well-maintained social and affordable homes in places that people need to live and reduces homelessness
- Ensuring a customer focus whereby tenancy services, including maintenance, support, allocations and transfers are straightforward and effective to improve outcomes for tenants and the tenant experience
- Collaboration is key and Homes NSW must be able to work effectively with all relevant Government and non-Government stakeholders
- A commitment to design excellence and sustainability in the provision of social and affordable housing
- Retaining a strong link between homelessness and other service delivery for vulnerable cohorts, especially domestic and family violence, out of home care, child protection, youth justice, corrections and disability.
We are keen for feedback on these draft principles.
In addition, we would like your feedback on what Homes NSW may be responsible for. Options include:
- Social and affordable housing and homelessness policy development
- Delivering public housing including asset management, tenancy management and property maintenance
- Community housing regulation
- Homelessness services provision
The NSW Government will continue to work with all our stakeholders including people who live in public housing—the voices of tenants and the voices of people on the waiting list, our peak bodies, community housing providers, the homelessness sector and many more, as we set up Homes NSW.
We look forward to welcoming you to the upcoming consultation forum and we look forward to your feedback. Homes NSW is an important part of the Government's housing response and we are determined to make it a success.
Invited Organisations
- Aboriginal Community Housing Industry Association NSW
- Aboriginal Housing Office
- Aboriginal Legal Service (NSW/ACT)
- Aboriginal Tenants Advice and Advocacy Service
- Ageing on the Edge
- Australian Services Union
- Bridge Housing
- City West Housing
- Coast Shelter
- Community Housing Industry Association NSW
- Department of Communities and Justice
- Domestic Violence NSW
- Homelessness NSW
- Incoming NSW Rental Commissioner
- Land and Housing Corporation
- Linking Communities Network
- Local Government NSW
- National Coalition of Regional Alliances
- NSW Aboriginal Land Council
- NSW Coalition of Aboriginal Peak Organisations
- Shelter NSW
- StreetCare
- Tenants’ Union of NSW
- People with Disability Australia
- Property Council of Australia
- Public Interest Advocacy Centre
- Public Service Association of NSW
- Women and Girls Emergency Centre
- Yfoundations
Strong foundations being laid for Homes NSW