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You are here: Home / UrbanGrowth, SMDA & RWA Plans & Activities / Built Environment Plan Phase 1 - The State Significant Sites / North Eveleigh Precinct / Chief Mechanical Engineers Building / Chief Mechanical Engineers (CME) Building Conservation Management Plan (CMP) Released

Chief Mechanical Engineers (CME) Building Conservation Management Plan (CMP) Released

Just as the CME development application exhibition is closing, Transport for NSW has released the key document that should have been available from the beginning - the CME building's Conservation Management Plan (CMP). Here we provide direct links to the four CMP documents released.

REDWatch requested that Transport for NSW (TfNSW) also make available the CMP for the CME’s Building when it was referenced in the exhibition documents but not released. 

In the words of DPE’s Heritage NSW Conservation management plans webpage, “Conservation management plans outline what is significant about a place and how to manage changes over time to ensure the significance is retained.” They are especially important “where substantial change is contemplated to a heritage item” as is the case with the CME’s Building. Under Heritage NSWs best practice document “plans should be publicly available as reference documents”. The CMP is now publicly accessible. 

The CMP Documents released include:

You will notice from the change log in the main report and the date on the files that changes have been made to the CMP document since the CME exhibition started and that the report is still marked as draft.

Given the late release of such a key report REDWatch suggests that if you need more time to digest them then you contact the planner responsible for the exhibition and request an extension to make a submission.

Links to other documents on exhibition can be found at Chief Mechanical Engineers Building (CME) SSDA Exhibition until 21 February 2023