News Since Last RWIU
News since last Redfern Waterloo Issues Update.
- Public Open Space needs interogation at North Eveleigh
- In this post REDWatch interrogates the Paint Shop proposal for public open space using some of the graphics from the proposal and raise some issues to consider in commenting on the public open space aspect of the proposal.
- Simon Newport New Chief Executive of NSW Land and Housing Corporation (LAHC)
- Simon Newport was named as the new Chief Executive of LAHC on 9 August 2022. The announcement was made by NSW Department of Planning and Environment Secretary Mick Cassel who up until is appointment of Department Secretary headed the Land and Housing Corporation. The text of the Departmental release is below.
- Waterloo South Post Exhibition Report & Proposal Amendments Guide
- On 5 August 2022, the Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) advised submitters that the department had reviewed all feedback received during the exhibition period. DPE had undertaken some further studies and had made changes to the exhibited plan. Here REDWatch provides a guide to the documents, the changes and the new studies
- Heritage Impacts of Masterplan on Paint Shop and Extension
- In this section of the site we have provided the details on the heritage significance of the two heritage buildings mostly impacted by the North Eveleigh Planning Proposal. These details are taken from the heritage significance section of the Heritage Interpretation Strategy for the project. We have also used two images from the exhibition materials to show how the proposal impacts on these two important heritage buildings.
- Paint Shop Precinct – what the LEP maps tell us
- When looking at a planning proposal like North Eveleigh, it is useful to start at the proposed planning controls. This is the place the developer starts in working out what they can do within the rules or where bending them might be possible and hence what they might pay for the site. Below REDWatch has extracted the four maps proposed for the Sydney Local Environment Plan (LEP) and provided some comments.
- Lack of Bridge between North and South Eveleigh a major concern
- One of the problems REDWatch has experienced in dealing with Transport for NSW (TfNSW) is that it wants to divide the precinct around Redfern North Eveleigh up and then refuse to talk about connectivity across the entire site. The Paint Shop Master Plan is another classic in that discussion. The reports say it is still feasible to have a connection between North and South Eveleigh.
- Minister's media release on Redfern North Eveleigh Paint Shop Precinct Rezoning until 25 August
- This is the text of Minister Stoke's media release regarding the rezoning of the Paint Shop Precinct of Redfern North Eveleigh of 26 July 2022. Links to related sites about the site and the exhibition have been added to the foot of this post.
- LAHC Search for renewal partner for Waterloo Estate
- Land and Housing Corporation (LAHC) issues the following statement in their news section on 7 July 2022 announcing the launch of the EOI process for the redevelopment of Waterloo South and the option to redevelop the rest of the Waterloo Estate. The EOI is inviting interested parties, who must include a developer and a registered Tier 1 Community Housing Provider but may also include non-CHP members such as builders or investors. The tender summary says "LAHC is also seeking excellence in the long-term management of social housing residents and assets, including the provision of wrap around services to residents that improves their social and economic wellbeing. In addition, LAHC is focused on ensuring that the needs and ambitions of the Waterloo Aboriginal community are specifically addressed and advanced through the Waterloo Renewal Project". The tender documents are not assessible to the public and tenants, only to potential tenders under a confidentiality agreement.
- LAHC statement on the Waterloo redevelopment post exhibition
- In late June 2022 the Land and Housing Corporation (LAHC) briefed Waterloo tenant representatives and agencies about LAHCs decision to proceed with the redevelopment. These briefings were not made public and more details will be released in the near future. On 30 June 2022, REDWatch requested a statement of what LAHC could say at that time to the wider community. This statement is below. A newsletter to all Waterloo tenants will advise the community in early July.
- REDWatch Comments on CME ROI
- The following comments were made by REDWatch to the news of the CME ROI.
- REDWatch comments on LES use by Mirvac
- Mirvac held two two information sessions on the future of the Large Erecting Shop (LES) on 31 May and 1 June 2022 about their pre-planning for the redevelopment of the South Eveleigh Large Erecting Shop. Below is the background to this development prepared by REDWatch.
- REDWatch Submission on Planning Proposal Waterloo Estate (South) PP-2021-3265
- Below is the text of the REDWatch submission on the Waterloo South Planning Proposal made on 29 April 2022. The links at the top will take you to the relevant part of the REDWatch submission.
- Do your submission Now: Waterloo South Submissions close Friday 29 at midnight!
- A request for an extension by Council to extend the exhibition has been rejected by the Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) Planning Proposal Authority (PPA).The deadline for submissions remains midnight Friday 29th April 2022.
- REDWatch Waterloo South suggested submission points
- As part of the Submission writing workshop for Waterloo public housing tenants on 22 April 2022, REDWatch prepared some submission points dealing with issues identified during the exhibition period that tenants may want to include in addition to their own observations and comments. These points have been provided for consideration in peoples submissions.
- Make a Waterloo South Submission by 29 April 2022
- Members of the Community are encouraged to make a submission on the Waterloo South Planning Proposal. In doing so it is important that they respond to what is actually on exhibition rather than to the lower density proposal indicated by the support material circulated as part of the exhibition.
- Safety Considerations in Waterloo South Planning Proposal
- The following analysis has been provided by a safety consultant to help people to help people understand the safety and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) issues raised by the Waterloo South Planning Proposal. IMPORTANT UPDATE - DPE advised the Waterloo Redevelopment Group on 20 April 2022 that they were commissioning a CPTED study on the proposal as part of their assessment.
- REDWatch on Council's Draft Waterloo South Submission
- REDWatch wrote to Councillors of the City of Sydney regarding the draft submission being considered by Council Committee on 4 April 2022. Prior to this being considered by the Council meeting of 11 April 2022, council officers responded to the issues raised. REDWatch responded again to Councillors on 11 April. As a result of this correspondence and discussions between Councillors, Council passed an improved Waterloo South motion moved by the Lord Mayor and seconded by Councillor Sylvie Ellsmore. Below is the text of the original email posted on 4 April, with council officer’s response (in italics) and REDWatch’s reply now inserted (bold italics) as well as the Council Resolution outcome. Hopefully this information will help inform people’s submissions on this project. We have broken the correspondence up by issues for ease of reference.
- Unpacking Housing Mix in the Waterloo South Planning Proposal
- The housing mix materials for the consultation (website, information boards and brochure) explain housing mix based on the number of units or front doors prior to any of the possible 10% floorspace increase from design excellence. The planning proposal itself provides figures by both housing units and the proportion of residential gross floor area prior to uplift. As the average unit sizes of public and affordable housing is smaller than the private housing the proportion of the floor space allocated to social and affordable housing are lower percentages. Here REDWatch unpacks the housing mix figures.
- REDWatch Guide to Waterloo South Study planning proposal documents
- The Waterloo South planning proposal documents are complex because they contain documents relating to the original LAHC proposal, Council’s proposal, the Gateway determination and then the subsequent additional studies produced by the Planning Proposal Authority that was not Council. They are also complex because the Planning Proposal does not contain all the necessary information in one place and finding the correct information is not straightforward. This document tries to provide guidance through these documents so the reader can find the information they are looking for as easily as possible.
- REDWatch Update on Waterloo South Issues - 7 April 2022
- This REDWatch Update was part of a REDWatch email circulated prior to the REDWatch meeting on 7 April 2022. It sets out REDWatch's concerns about the Waterloo Planning Proposal on exhibition at that date.