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15 October 2007

In this Update: Inquiry into Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage (including in Redfern Waterloo) – Submissions Close 30th November 2007 / “Creating a Culture of Work in the Redfern Waterloo Area” – RWA Study Now Available / Housing Forum for the Federal Electorate of Sydney – REDWatch Forum / The ILC’s National Indigenous Development Centre (NIDC) given Development Approval / Concept Approval for Rachel Forster Redevelopment / Frasers Broadway Exhibition / RWA October 2007 Newsletter / New Volunteer Activity at Eveleigh’s Large / RailCorp Rail Heritage Problem Update / Darlington Chippendale Urban Design Study Proposal Documents on Web / Green Square Design Workshop - 17 & 20 October 2007 / Redfern Waterloo and the Media / South Sydney Herald – October 2007 / Redfern Girl’s Basketball Team Needs Help to Get to Perth / New Village to Village Bus Time Table / Connect Redfern Family & Children’s Services Updated lists for Term 4 2007 / NCOSS Policy Conference - Perspectives on Poverty - 8.30am-5pm Wednesday 17th October 2007 / Danks Street Waterloo Festival – 21st October 11am to 5pm / Solar Hot Water Information Evening - 6:30pm 24th October 2007 – Redfern Town Hall / Waterloo’s Summer on the Green – Friday 7th December 2007 / Have your say – Summary of Current Consultations

[Please use the list of articles below to find what is of interest to you. We do not expect you to be interested in everything. Depending on your email programme and computer settings these headings may also give you a link to jump directly to the story of interest.]

In this Update:

Inquiry into Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage (including in Redfern Waterloo) – Submissions Close 30th November 2007

“Creating a Culture of Work in the Redfern Waterloo Area” – RWA Study Now Available

Housing Forum for the Federal Electorate of Sydney – REDWatch Forum

The ILC’s National Indigenous Development Centre (NIDC) given Development Approval

Concept Approval for Rachel Forster Redevelopment

Frasers Broadway Exhibition

RWA October 2007 Newsletter

New Volunteer Activity at Eveleigh’s Large

RailCorp Rail Heritage Problem Update

Darlington Chippendale Urban Design Study Proposal Documents on Web

Green Square Design Workshop - 17 & 20 October 2007

Redfern Waterloo and the Media

South Sydney Herald – October 2007

Redfern Girl’s Basketball Team Needs Help to Get to Perth

New Village to Village Bus Time Table

Connect Redfern Family & Children’s Services Updated lists for Term 4 2007

NCOSS Policy Conference - Perspectives on Poverty - 8.30am-5pm Wednesday 17th October 2007

Danks Street Waterloo Festival – 21st October 11am to 5pm

Solar Hot Water Information Evening - 6:30pm 24th October 2007 – Redfern Town Hall

Waterloo’s Summer on the Green – Friday 7th December 2007

Have your say – Summary of Current Consultations

Coming Events (look at the new local events entered on the REDWatch website that are not covered here)

Inquiry into Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage (including in Redfern Waterloo) – Submissions Close 30th November 2007

A NSW inquiry has been called into “Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage” with submissions closing on 30th November 2007. This is the first inquiry of the NSW Legislative Council’s Standing Committee on Social Issues in the new Parliament. It will examine the policies and programs aimed at addressing the life expectancy gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. The Committee will conduct an audit of these policies and programs, and seek meaningful assessment of their effectiveness in closing that gap. The inquiry was referred to the Committee by the Hon Paul Lynch MP, Minister for Aboriginal Affairs. The full details can be found in the Inquiry into Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage media Release and more information can be found on the Inquiry website at Overcoming Indigenous disadvantage.

In 2004 the same Standing Committee on Social Issues held an “Inquiry into Issues Relating to Redfern and Waterloo” to which many local people and organisations made submissions and appeared before the Inquiry. The details of this Inquiry can be found at Issues relating to Redfern/Waterloo on the Parliamentary website and many documents in text form can also be found on the REDWatch website at . If you wish to remind yourself of the recommendations of this enquiry these are easy to access on the REDWatch website at Interim Recommendations - August 2004 and Final Recommendations - December 2004 .

The Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage Terms of Reference (56KB KB PDF) are quite wide and can cover international, federal and the experience of state programmes inside and outside NSW. Of special interest to Redfern Waterloo will also be item 1(c) which allows the committee to look into the implementation of earlier inquiries such as the one into Redfern Waterloo. This reference says:

1. That the Standing Committee on Social Issues inquire into and report on: …

 (c) previous Social Issues committee reports containing reference to Aboriginal people – and assess the progress of government in implementing adopted report recommendations,

The NSW Government in its formal response to response the “Inquiry into Issues Relating to Redfern and Waterloo” of 22nd February 2005 said:

“The Government's plans for Redfern-Waterloo, which were announced in mid to late 2004 took into account issues raised through the course of the Inquiry. Accordingly, the Government's response is divided into seven sections, including: Policing in Redfern-Waterloo, Minister with responsibility for Redfern-Waterloo, Redfern-Waterloo Plan, Redfern-Waterloo Authority, Redfern-Waterloo Partnership Project, Human Services in Redfern-Waterloo, and the Aboriginal Housing Company and Redevelopment of the Block.”

All these areas are covered by the terms of reference of the new Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage Inquiry, as are all the subsequent activities of the RWA in seeking to overcome Indigenous disadvantage in Redfern Waterloo.

Much concern has been expressed within the Aboriginal community about how the RWA has gone about its business and the lack of consultation and engagement that has been practiced. These were also issues covered by recommendations in 2004 which called on the NSW Government to improve its response in these areas.

While the Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage Inquiry will provide the opportunity to discuss the broad brush issues of Aboriginal disadvantage it also allows for the specific issues of what is happening in Redfern Waterloo to come under the gaze of the Inquiry. Even though a hectic federal election will be happening, local organisations are encouraged to take the opportunity to make submissions on the issues of concern to them to this Inquiry.

The members of the current Social Issues Committee are The Hon. Ian WEST (ALP) Chairperson [the only person remaining from the earlier committee], The Hon. Trevor KHAN (Nat) Deputy Chair, The Hon. Greg DONNELLY (ALP), The Hon. Marie FICARRA (Lib), Dr John KAYE (The Greens), The Hon. Mick VEITCH (ALP).

“Creating a Culture of Work in the Redfern Waterloo Area” – RWA Study Now Available

There has been much interest in the content of The Culture of Work Study undertaken by Indigenous consultants Arrilla in November 2006 for the RWA. In part this interest has been driven by the consultants asking for and receiving input from local human service organisations. The study "sought to identify the barriers for creating a culture of work (in consultation with the local community) and to develop a series of strategies aimed to overcome such barriers". A copy of the Culture of Work Study has recently been made available to us by the RWA in hard copy and we have placed a scanned copy with OCR overlay on the REDWatch site so interested parties can download it from Creating a Culture of Work in the Redfern Waterloo Area.

We have shown the report to a couple of agency workers and they, like us, were surprised at the lack of detail in the report. For example the potential conflict for Aboriginal people between Sorry Business obligations and work obligations were not covered. While the concern that public housing tenants have about losing their housing if they get a job was identified, it was not dealt with in the recommendations and implementation strategy. We would be interested in comments from others with expertise in this area.

Housing Forum for the Federal Electorate of Sydney – REDWatch Forum

In the lead up to the Federal Election REDWatch has decided to hold a Sydney Electorate Forum on Housing Affordability to explore this important federal issue as it relates to our area. Shelter NSW held a Housing affordability forum on October 3rd 2007 which identified some of the key issues needing to be addressed. In October 2007 Shelter also produced a comprehensive paper by Craig Johnston titled After the 2003-08 Commonwealth-State Housing Agreement - a background to some debates in national housing policy (pdf - 365 kb). Shelter also produced a NSW Housing Fact Sheet (pdf - 200 kb) and a Housing Australia Fact Sheet (pdf - 90 kb).

REDWatch is currently trying to find a time suitable for the local candidates for Sydney to attend the forum which we hope will be held in the first two weeks of November. When known, details of the forum will be posted on the REDwatch website. Shelter SA produced a pre election summary of the parties housing platform which can be found on the REDWatch website at 2007 Federal Election: The Parties' Housing Policies.

The ILC’s National Indigenous Development Centre (NIDC) given Development Approval

The Minister for Planning Frank Sartor issued a statement NSW Government Supports Facelift for Redfern Site on 8th October 2007 advising approval of the ILC’s “$30.6 million sports, education and community centre at Redfern”. The RWA in its October newsletter announced it as a $45m Indigenous project which is up $14.4 million (47%) on the Minister’s figure which was also used by ABC News in Redfern 'will welcome' development centre. A brief ILC Statement on National Indigenous Development Centre (NIDC) Approval was issued by the ILC about the approval. The ILC has also issued the National Indigenous Development Centre Response to Submissions (PDF 117 KB). The Department of Planning has not posted details of the approval and conditions on its website and all that is currently known about the conditions set by the Minister is from the media statement which says:

The Minister has attached a number of conditions to the approval, including: 

  • An experienced conservation architect must be engaged in the design, development and construction of existing heritage buildings on site.
  • Alterations, demolition and new penetrations to existing heritage listed buildings are to be kept at a minimum.
  • A test excavation must be undertaken on the site by a qualified archaeologist prior to construction with respect to Aboriginal and European heritage.

The ILC advise they also have not seen the approval to date so it is not known if the Minister has accepted the ILC application for the project to be exempted from RWA Development and Affordable Housing Levees.

As soon as the Department of Planning updates its determinations website the REDWatch website will also be updated. If you have an RSS feed set up on the REDWatch Recent Changes page you will be advised when the approval documents are available.

Concept Approval for Rachel Forster Redevelopment

The Minister for Planning Frank Sartor has also issued a statement Concept Approval for Rachel Forster Redevelopment on 11th October 2007 advising that he has given approval for the RWA’s $70 million redevelopment concept plan for the former hospital site. The Minister also formally announced the “site will now be put to the market for sale by the Redfern-Waterloo Authority” and that “Net proceeds from the sale of the Hospital site will be committed towards the development of a new $10 million community health centre at the former Redfern Courthouse/Police Station, which is expected to become operational in 2009”. The RWA in its October Update article $50m residential development at hospital site again used a different value to the Minister, this time it was $20 million (28%) lower than the Minister’s valuation.

Again the Department of Planning has not posted details of the approval and conditions on its determinations website and the REDWatch site will be updated when the approval is posted.

The RWA has advised in the October Newsletter article Application lodged for new health centre that the Department of Health had lodged its Project Application with the Department of Planning, but true to form the Department of Planning has not posted the documents on its website! The details of the RWA’s application for the Pedestrian and Bicycle Bridge at North Eveleigh took many months to appear.

Frasers Broadway Exhibition

Frasers held the exhibition of its plans for the CUB site and brewery tours on 26th and 29th September. However those who could not attend are still waiting for the content on the display boards to go up on the website at Elton Consulting say the delays were caused by finding how best to get the files onto the Frasers website. We are assured by Elton Consulting that the display boards are currently with the website designer and will be published on the website this week!

Frasers used the exhibition launch to explain to the media what it is seeking to do on the site. See for example Quek's olive branch in the Australian Financial Review and Developer to go it alone on greenhouse gases in the Sydney Morning Herald. Frasers is keen for the development to be seen as an iconic development so together with the imperative to make a green development to get the commercial clients they need for the site, it will also fulfil Frasers’ need to be seen to be responding to community concerns about green issues. There has however been no commitment to community requests for variations to the concept plan to be considered if they are necessary to obtain a better solution for the CUB site.

RWA October 2007 Newsletter

The RWA produced a Redfern Waterloo Update in early October 2007. If you have not seen the update yet you can download the October 2007 RWA Update - PDF Version (PDF 408KB) or read the October 2007 - RWA Update - text version on line. The links to all the individual articles below link to the text version of the RWA update on the REDWatch website.

The October Update leads off with Planning for public housing renewal which announces that “The Department of Housing and the Redfern-Waterloo Authority are working in partnership to facilitate a comprehensive social housing improvement strategy for the area. Work is underway on Stage 2 of the Built Environment Plan, including the aim over the longer term of improving existing public housing stock, enhancing the mix of housing types and tenancies in order to reduce the concentration of public housing, establishing a more sustainable social mix and facilitating affordable housing”. It is anticipated that Stage 2 of the Built Environment Plan will be available for public exhibition by March 2008. The Update also provides an update on the Elizabeth Street redevelopment which also featured in the RWA’s last Update in June 2007.

Also on the public housing side, the RWA advises in Action Plan to improve Waterloo Green that “With the RWA's support, the Department of Housing and other government agencies have developed an Action Plan to make Waterloo Green a safer and more user-friendly place. The plan also adopts the recommendations of a community safety audit undertaken by Redfern Police”. The involvement of the RWA in this process is very important as the Waterloo Green issues bring together many of the concerns facing public tenants across Redfern and Waterloo and, if the RWA and the Department of Housing can deliver solutions for these issues, it will have a big impact of the quality of life for public tenants. Something concrete like this will provide a good test of both the RWA and the DoH’s willingness and ability to find lasting solutions to the some of Redfern Waterloo’s important public housing issues.

On the Employment and Enterprise side the RWA Update covers the graduation of the most recent group from the Koori Job Ready Course in Rabbitohs chief says self-belief is key. It also provides details of the next Koori Job Ready Course in Construction which starts on 15th October 2007. In Making school more interesting the Update looks at a practical and environmentally sustainable building program at Alexandria Park Community School for year 9 students. The Update also carries ads for RWA supported projects such as Yaama Dhiyaan and Tribal Warriors Experience an Aboriginal Cultural Cruise. The RWA is also advertising that any Redfern, Waterloo, Eveleigh or Darlington resident who has an idea for a business, or with an existing business that requires assistance, can access the Redfern Waterloo Business Service under Need business help?

Under Combatting family violence the RWA has provided an update on The Redfern Waterloo Family Violence Taskforce that is seeking to address family violence in the area. The Taskforce has representation from both government and non-government agencies. A culturally specific information resource has also been developed by Mudgin-gal in conjunction with the RWA and funded through the support of the NSW Department of Community Services to promote the Black Out Violence campaign. The RWA say achievements to date of the task force include:

  • Development of a Charter for the Family Violence Taskforce.
  • Mapping of support services available to the Redfern Waterloo community.
  • Preparation of a Family Violence Services Directory that is available to the general public and agencies.
  • Establishment of a Family Violence Services database.
  • Hosting of a Family Violence Stakeholder Forum to develop an action plan for 2007-08.
  • Other plans also underway:
  • Developing a response model for the area that could promptly link victims to appropriate services immediately following an incident.
  • Providing specialist training for family violence workers through the Southern Cross University's Gnibi College for Indigenous Australian Peoples.

On the Built Environment side the RWA Update covered the expected approval of both the ILC’s in $45m Indigenous project and the Rachael Forster Concept Plan in $50m residential development at hospital site [Both these have now been announced by the Minister of Planning as covered above in this update]. The RWA Update also announced the Application lodged for new health centre at the old Police Station and Court House.

On the ATP site the RWA reported in $54m works near complete that the building to be occupied by National ICT Australia and the Defence Science and Technology Organisation will be completed at the end of this year and that the RWA's $7.2 million project to build new roads and infrastructure to facilitate the ATP's future development is scheduled for completion in October this year. The new main entrance to the Park will be via Henderson Road. The RWA reports progress on the $123 million media hub with early works expected to commence in October 2007 and completion now due by the end of 2009. Readers are also advised in Eveleigh Heritage Walk that Cox Richardson and engineers Arup have been appointed to the RWA's $6 million project to build a pedestrian/cycle bridge linking the Australian Technology Park with North Eveleigh and that project managers have also been selected following a tender process. [Note - We check the RWA tenders web page constantly and it has not been used to announce any tenders, which makes us wonder why it is there?].

Finally on the North Eveleigh site, the Update covered the re-advertisement of the Blacksmiths Shop DA and the RWA’s plan for Community markets at the site. While the RWA made no reference to the design competition underway for the North Eveleigh site [see RWA Built Environment Update in our RWIU of 24th September] in the Plan for former Railyards section of the RWA Update it did say:

“A concept plan is being prepared by the RWA to facilitate the sale of the western and eastern ends of the former railyards at North Eveleigh. Planning for the site will be in accord with the Built Environment Plan (Stage One) which was the subject of extensive community consultation in 2006. The CarriageWorks performing arts space, the Yaama Dhiyaan Indigenous training/function centre and the proposed Blacksmith's Workshop/community markets space will be among those lands retained in public ownership on the 10.5 hectare site. It is expected that the concept plan application will be lodged in early 2008 to enable community consultation and that relevant surplus lands will be put to the market for sale later next year.”

New Volunteer Activity at Eveleigh’s Large

Volunteers are again buzzing around the Large Erecting Shop (LES) in Eveleigh. The focus is the restoration of the 1937 sleeping car TAM 502, L516. The carriage was used as a works van and most recently for crew quarters by 3801 at Port Kembla, for 3801 Limited’s ‘Cockatoo Run’, before it went into storage at the Goulburn Roundhouse. In June 2007, L516 returned to Eveleigh for restoration by 3801 Ltd volunteers. Much progress is being made and the volunteers have set up a blog at to document the restoration of the carriage.

This new activity at the LES underlines the important place volunteers play in the preservation of heritage rail rolling stock and the importance of such activities in building the heritage skill base. It also emphasises the importance of the LES as a well equipped and easily accessible location for such maintenance work. The ongoing uses of the LES for both training and for volunteer projects are central elements of the Friends of Eveleigh’s Concept Plan (PDF 974 Kb) for the continued use of the LES for heritage rail purposes. If you want to see what volunteer involvement can achieve visit the L516 blog.

The removal of Locomotive 3801 and many of the carriages used by 3801 from the LES in Eveleigh had a detrimental impact on approximately 150 regular volunteers that worked at the LES. Over the 20 years that 3801 was at the LES, volunteers and RailCorp apprentices had drawn on the expertise of the 3801 Limited staff and former railway tradesmen. The removal of some of the carriages in early 2007 without any recognition of the volunteers who had spent hundreds of hours restoring and maintaining “their” carriages was particularly hurtful to many of the volunteers. This was compounded when volunteers found that “their” carriages were no longer being stored undercover but left outside exposed to the elements. Understandably many were reluctant to consider starting new projects on RailCorp or other rolling stock that might similarly be taken away at some time in the future without any recognition of the emotional and financial investment made in the carriages by the dedicated volunteers.

The expectation in the Office of Rail Heritage seemed to be that the volunteers would follow the carriages to Thirlmere, but this is not practical for the majority of the volunteers. Over 90% of the volunteers at the LES travelled to Eveleigh by train from the Illawarra, Western and Northern Lines even as far as from Swansea and some from the Northern Beaches. As most used public transport, to get to Thirlmere would entail a round trip of 5 to 6 hours, so the lack of volunteers moving to Thirlmere was very much a product of its location and the difficulty they faced in getting to and from the location.

The Friends of Eveleigh have argued in their concept plan for the future of the LES that it should continue to function as a railway workshop for the rail heritage operators and railway heritage groups across the state. Key to their proposal is having a Sydney base where volunteers can easily work on rolling stock, with others who have the skills in steam, in diesel and in carriage building, and so broaden the skills and expertise available to all heritage rail groups.

The Friends of Eveleigh argue Sydney needs to have its own Heritage Rail Centre to service the state’s population centre and the local, interstate and international tourism trade. Sydney also needs an easy to access place where volunteers can develop their skills and contribute to maintenance of the state’s rail heritage. Those restoring L516 are not only preserving NSW heritage rolling stock, they are also demonstrating a vital aspect of the future for the site proposed in the Friends of Eveleigh concept plan for the LES.

RailCorp Rail Heritage Problem Update

On 30th September 2007 RailCorp authorised the movement from the protection of Eveleigh’s Large Erecting Shop of two of the Commissioner’s carriages. These carriages are two of the state’s most valuable heritage carriages and are listed on the State Heritage Register. A week later with their roofs now peeling, the carriages were photographed sitting at Thirlmere in the open. The Friends of Eveleigh have issued a media release Commissions Set in the Open at Thirlmere - FOE Media Release and Photos (102 KB PDF). RailCorp decided not to replace the skin on the carriages three years ago. Sitting outdoors in the heat and wind at Thirlmere could have lead to the damage, but on Rail Page Thirlmere sources say the carriages were kept undercover except for when they were photographed. The day that the photographs were taken, those who took the photos for Friends of Eveleigh were able to substantiate that seven of the heritage carriages removed from the Large Erecting Shop early in 2007 continue to be stored in the open at Thirlmere.

White ants are not only eating away at the management of RailCorp; we have been informed that termite damage has been discovered at the heritage listed Mortuary Station. Caterers were initially informed in early September that the venue would not be available until further notice. On 2nd October, 2007 caterers were informed that an inspection had taken place to determine the extent of the damage; a report would be available in the next two to three weeks and then a decision would be made regarding Mortuary's future availability.

A letter RailCorp Reveals Plans for Mortuary Station dated 14.8.07 from Vince Graham CEO of RailCorp stated - "The periodic use of the sidings and some Mortuary Station facilities in connection with heritage steam train operations is complementary to the historic nature of the precinct and not inconsistent with its original use. The decision to use these facilities is made in the knowledge that a special maintenance regime is needed, in particular, the sandstone facade of the station building. Recent independent advice from a heritage architect has confirmed that a monitoring and cleaning regime for the sandstone, as part of the normal maintenance program for the building, is appropriate. RailCorp has committed to this and other works on the site as part of the regular maintenance of the site."

Either the regular maintenance program for Mortuary Station has not started or they forgot to include a check of the woodwork.

Darlington Chippendale Urban Design Study Proposal Documents on Web

The City of Sydney has now posted the presentations made to the 19th September 2007 Community Meeting as well as the draft development controls for the Urban Design Study for Chippendale, West Redfern, Darlington, North Newtown and Camperdown. The documents can be now viewed on the council’s website at West Redfern Urban Design Study. The site also has a response form from the presentation where people can make comments about the documents and the proposals. Please check the documents carefully as these will be used as a basis for future development controls.

Green Square Design Workshop - 17 & 20 October 2007

The City of Sydney is holding a special Public Domain Design Workshop to provide input into the concepts which will shape the public spaces in the Green Square Town Centre. A series of concept options for the public spaces will be developed and placed on public exhibition. Help shape the identity of the new spaces by coming to tell Council how you wish to use the public domain spaces, how local history can be recognised through the design of the public spaces, what gives Green Square its distinct and unique identity, and the elements of local character which are important to you.

The workshops will be held from 6pm to 8.30pm on Wednesday 17 October 2007 and Saturday 20 October from 2.30pm to 5pm at Green Square Community Facility, 3 Joynton Ave Zetland. For further information on the workshop contact: Garth Shayler, City of Sydney Tel: 02 9265 9333 Email: or download the Green Square Design Workshop brochure (PDF 337Kb).

Redfern Waterloo and the Media

The South Sydney Herald ran A community flourishes at Victoria Park so it caught our eye when Southern Courier ran the story Government has lofty plans for Victoria Park village which quotes Minister Sartor about the Anglican Retirement Villages proposed vertical retirement village in Victoria Park Zetland. According to the article, NSW Ageing Minister Kristina Keneally said the proposed initiative would meet a need for quality retirement residences in the Eastern Suburbs. When REDWatch first suggested to the RWA some years ago that the Rachael Forster site should be used for aged accommodation we were told that there was no recognised need for aged care facilities in the area and that such facilities could not be housed in a multi story building! Would someone like to explain to us again why something like this would not have been a suitable use for the Rachael Forster site?

In a recent media release NSW Aboriginal Housing Office Board Appointed Minister for Housing Matt Brown announced changes to the AHO’s board including the appointment of a new AHO Chair replacing RWA Board Member Anne Weldon.

The Science and Medical Research Minister, Verity Firth has announced a $1m medical business centre for Sydney to be situated at the ATP. The new facility is a Clinical Trials Business Development Centre to try to facilitate NSW getting a larger slice of the huge international medical research dollar.

South Sydney Herald – October 2007

The October 2007 edition of the South Sydney Herald (SSH) contains a number of Redfern related stories which we have put onto the REDWatch website. The SSH has provided a brief overview of the Labor, Liberal and Greens candidates in Federal Election ’07: The seat of Sydney. They have also covered the latest Koori Job Ready Course graduation in Broad support for Indigenous construction course, the Council’s Urban Design Study in Chippendale East safe, or has the battle only just started?A community flourishes at Victoria Park and Tony Pooley becoming A new Deputy for the Lord Mayor. The SSH also takes credit for a SMH article on The Block in Lending a hand to the SMH and in Kristina Keneally’s advertisement we learn that South Sydney Schools to benefit from Capital Works and Extra Maintenance. There are a number of stories about the arts in Redfern Waterloo including Circus rehearsals on the Block about Craig Hull and his aerial students, Elvis sings the songs of Jimmy Reed, Lionel Rose, Slim Dusty about David Paul “Elvis” Beckett, Country & Redfern – with a passion about musician Joe Fenech, also visual and performing artist Adam Hill: Defying illogic and a new vibrant artist-run space in  Bill and George – a new space for local artists. The SSH has also run a number of other good articles, including a few following up on APEC which we have not put up on the site as they do not directly relate to Redfern Waterloo but you can find in them in the full 3.9 MB PDF version of the October SSH from .

Redfern Girl’s Basketball Team Needs Help to Get to Perth

The all girl Aboriginal basketball team “Sista Girls” representing the Redfern community have been playing together for a year and remain undefeated with two 2nd division grand final wins under their belt. The girls are all from the Redfern/Waterloo Aboriginal communities and have put in a massive commitment each week to earn the reputation as the team to beat if you want some real street cred in the local basketball comp. The Sista Girls has brought all age groups together and provides many young teens with an opportunity to break the vicious cycle of drugs and drinking with a good solid support system and one-on-one mentoring.

Like most good programs financial support is difficult to come by and they are looking for a sponsor to enable the team to travel to Perth to compete in the A grade women’s annual Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Basketball Nationals. The event will be held this year from Nov 12th – 15th and although a commitment was made the original sponsor has not met his pledge and time is running out. They are looking for $10,000 to cover airfares, accommodation and other travel. If you can help please contact: Dominica Siu | Team Manager Mob: 0402709239 W: (02) 969-89249

New Village to Village Bus Time Table

The Village to Village bus continues to link Redfern Waterloo public housing with the Redfern shops and station, the RPA Hospital, Broadway shops and Glebe. South Sydney Community Transport have released a new Village to Village Bus link Time Table (458KB PDF).

Connect Redfern Family & Children’s Services Updated lists for Term 4 2007

Connect Redfern has produced their updated Term Four 2007 lists on Redfern Waterloo Family & Children’s Services. They can be downloaded from the REDWatch web site. The REDWatch site also contains links to a number of directories of services including the searchable Lincs directory which includes information on local services submitted by CoS and other councils.

NCOSS Policy Conference - Perspectives on Poverty - 8.30am-5pm Wednesday 17th October 2007

NCOSS is holding a major policy conference during Anti-Poverty Week in October 2007 at the NSW Teachers Federation Auditorium, Surry Hills. This is a conference for anyone interested in the reasons, conditions and solutions on aspects of poverty in NSW. The program will comprise three major themes, Poverty and Place; Poverty and the Working Poor, and Poverty and Rights. An impressive range of expert and prominent speakers will explore these themes. For more information on the conference download Full Conference Program  (18 Kb PDF), the Flyer (394KB PDF) or the Registration Form (MSWord 102KB).

Danks Street Waterloo Festival – 21st October 11am to 5pm

Following its enormous success over the last two years, Danks Street Festival returns with lots more entertainment, fun and food than ever before, including live music, DJs, gourmet food stalls, an Artists Market, kids interactive Arty Pants area and roving entertainers. The festival will be extended into Young Street for the first time, to host a Sydney produce market, with fresh food from growers and bakers. Nearby, the Waterloo Oval Skate Park will host the annual Fernside Skate Competition for all ages and demonstrations by pro-skaters. Bonhams & Goodman will auction a piece of art on the main stage at 2pm, and will also have their Bay East Rooms in Young Street open from 10am for viewing of over 600 lots of collectable and affordable art.

Catching Public transport, cycling or walking to the event is strongly recommended as parking is very limited. See below for details:

  • Free community bus - running between Redfern & Waterloo to Danks Street every 15mins from 10:30am - 5:15pm.
  • Buses - #343 down Elizabeth Street, alight at the corner of Phillip Street, parallel to Danks Street. Buses #301-4 and #339 from Circular Quay, alight at Bourke Street. Visit for details.
  • Bike Parking - Free bike parking will be located at the Bourke Street end of Danks Street. Please bring a lock to secure your bike.

For more details on the Stage programme and activities go to the City of Sydney website - Danks Street Festival.

Solar Hot Water Information Evening - 6:30pm 24th October 2007 – Redfern Town Hall

The City of Sydney, through the Local Community Grants Program, is supporting an industry Solar Hot Water Information evening at Redfern Town Hall on Wednesday, 24th October 2007. 6:30 PM for a 7:00PM. If you have been thinking about doing your bit for climate change and installing a solar hot water system but not sure about what rebates are available, about what type of systems are available or if you can retrofit solar panels to an existing hot water system then come to this free information evening presented by The Australian and New Zealand Solar Energy Society – NSW Branch. On the night you will hear Emeritus Professor Graham Morrison supported by representatives of suppliers such as Anthony Johnson - Technical Sales Manager Rheem Australia. Please RSVP by Monday, 22nd October, to confirm seating. Contact: Graham Hunt, Secretary: E-mail:, Ph: 9918 9613 or Mobile: 0403-547-457

Waterloo’s Summer on the Green – Friday 7th December 2007

Local residents and community workers are proposing to hold an all day celebration entitled ‘Waterloo’s Summer on the Green’. Support is being sort from community organisations and the broad community to participate in the event. The proposed event will take place on Friday 7th December 2007, within the Green Area beside the Marton Gardens. The event will be presented in three stages 11am – 2pm for the older residents’ picnic themed event; 3 – 5pm for the young people’s Christmas party and 5-8pm for The Factory Community Centre silver anniversary family entertainment party. We hope to have appropriate activities such as light music, stage performances, bouncing castles, BBQ, information stalls, face painting, sports activities, and guest appearances. It is hoped to also mark International Disability Day, and celebrate the success of local community projects such as the Marton Gardens mosaic. The event will provide great opportunity for people to consult local organisations, which will promote their services and groups.  If you would like to host a stall or a family fun activity at any of the events (space is expected to be limited) or would like more information please contact Michael M Shreenan, the Housing Communities Assistance Program (HCAP) Redfern Waterloo Community Development Worker at The Factory Community Centre Ph: 8399 1011.

Have your say – Summary of Current Consultations

Below we have listed consultations currently open for community input and provided a link for further information: