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City of Sydney Urban Design Study and Elizabeth Street Public Housing

During 2006 the City of Sydney undertook an Urban Design Study of Waterloo and Redfern which included the area of the Elizabeth Street Public Housing redevelopment.

Waterloo and Redfern Urban Design Study  can be found on the City of Sydney’s website. This document is broken up into a number of large PDF files and for convenience we have provided links below to the relevant sections that relate to the area of the proposed redevelopment.

The Urban Design recommendations that cover the area of the announced Elizabeth Street DoH redevelopment is covered in section 3.2.6 Kettle Street (3. Neighbourhood Strategies - C | PDF 4.5Mb).

The Urban Design Study 5. LEP Recommendations ( PDF 4.9Mb) detail the new heights that the City of Sydney are proposing for all areas in Waterloo and Redfern including for the recently announced Elizabeth Street DoH redevelopment.

Appendix E ( PDF 114Kb) of the Urban design study shows all public housing in the Waterloo Redfern area. These areas are also covered by  the Urban Design Study which makes specific recomendations and proposes changes in controls also for these areas.

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