Consultation & Community Engagement
One of the major issues in any proposed re-development is how consultation is undertaken. Does it provide a genuine opportunity for people to understand what is being proposed? Does the process allow for considered input? Is community feedback encouraged and properly considered? These are just some of the issues that need to be considered.
- What Should Happen regarding Consultation on BEP2
- REDWatch is concerned that the RWA will follow the same process used for their earlier Built Environment Plan (BEP) for BEP2 covering the public housing areas of Redfern and Waterloo. The earlier process involved removing the area from the control of council and only allowing a statutory exhibition. Here we raise some of REDWatch’s concerns.
- Comments on Proposed HAF Master Plan Community Engagement
- Housing NSW circulated a Draft Community Engagement Action Plan for the Redfern and Waterloo Masterplan looking for feedback in May. They received some feedback including comments from The Factory and REDWatch. Subsequently there has been a meeting with Housing and we are awaiting a revised draft. HNSW have asked that we not put their document up on the REDWatch website until it is finalised so we are unable to share it with you. What we can do to provide some transparency is to provide make our comments available which will provide some idea of the areas of concern to REDWatch and the Factory. These are provided below.
- REDWatch Information Required and Received for Consultation on Public Housing
- This link is to a list of reports, information and activity that is been sort by REDWatch. This is information and reference material relevant to community discussion about BEP2 & the Housing NSW Affordability Fund Preliminary Master Plan. As documents are supplied we will indicate this on the list with a link to the information. As the need for new information or action is required it too will be added to the list. Over time it is hoped that this document will move from being a list of what is predominantly required to a list of where the information can be found. In cases where research is ongoing, such as baseline studies, the information should be released as it becomes available so the community can make use of the information in the consultations rather than the information being kept from the community until a final report is available.
- Re-development of public housing estates - How can public housing tenants be informed and consulted?
- The following guide for public tenants in dealing with redevelopment on public housing estates has been produced by Shelter NSW in JUne 2010.
- Preliminary Master Plan Engagement Documents
- Documents connected to the Monthly Engagement programme for the Preliminary master Plan can be found here