HNSW Preliminary Master Plan
The Preliminary Master Plan is funded by a 2009 Federal Government Affordable Housing Fund Grant and is to be completed by June 2012. While it falls within the Draft BEP2 framework it is not the comprehensive Master Plan referred to within the BEP2. More work will need to be funded to both take the Preliminary Master Plan to a full Master Plan for the area covered in the project and to cover off all the areas in BEP2. REDWatch is posting these documents so they are publicly available electronically in the absence of Housing NSW being able to post them on their own website.
- What is the HNSW Preliminary Master Plan?
- At the Planning Expo in August 2011 HNSW provided some information about what was covered in their Preliminary Master Plan. As more information is made available by HNSW about the Master plan we will add it here.
- Studies related to Preliminary Master Plan
- A series of studies will be undertaken as part of the Preliminary Master Plan. Some like those associated with the Draft BEP2 and the Baseline study have already been done. As more studies become available we will post them here. We have also included a compilation document based on HNSW and RWA/SMDA documents setting out what the Master Plan is expected to include.
- Housing NSW Waterloo Update September 2011
- In late September 2011 Housing NSW distributed new Update newsletters to public tenants in Redfern and Waterloo. Below is the combined text of the Redfern & Waterloo Updates. When the pdf's of both are available from Housing NSW we will post them.
- Developers to fund Masterplan
- The full Redfern Waterloo Masterplan is someway off and will probably be done with developer funding according to budget clarification from HNSW reports the November 2011 issues of the South Sydney Herald.
- Community Engagement
- HNSW have chosen a Master Planning topic each month to engage the community. Here are the materials for SEP 2011 - Connections, Shops & Community Services; OCT 2011 - Streets Parks & Open Space; NOV 2011 - Community Design Workshop; JAN 2012 - Building Design; and MAR 2012 - Enquiry by Design (Note Changes have been made in October and November)
- Preliminary Master Plan not to be made Public
- Housing NSW have declined a REDWatch request that the Preliminary Masterplan be made public for community consultation before it is reported to the Federal Government by advising that "the preliminary masterplanning is an internal working document exploring options for Housing and Property Group’s major sites and is in a constant state of development". Housing NSW has also declined REDWatch's request to publicly release the HNSW Preliminary Masterplan progress reports to the Federal Government. Below you can see what REDWatch requested and why and how HNSW have responded. REDWatch wrote to HNSW when it became apparent HNSW had made no provision in their consultation to publicly exhibit their Preliminary Masterplan.
- Housing NSW - Redfern and Waterloo Preliminary Masterplanning - Areas of Responsibility
- Housing NSW released the following list showing the areas of responsibility of various people associated with the HNSW Redfern and Waterloo Preliminary Masterplan on 20 March 2012. This updated an earlier list of responsibilities from 21 September 2011. HNSW have undertaken to update details on the list as changes take place so residents are aware of the roles played by various staff and advisors involved with the project. The release of the updated list followed a request by REDWatch as a result of a number of changes over the last few months.
- HAF funded non-public Masterplan?
- Housing NSW has finished the advertised Preliminary Masterplan (PMP) design workshops for Redfern and Waterloo. HNSW will now take this material away and firm up the PMP in light of other research and studies that have happened away from the public discussions. No indication was given to those attending the final sessions about if and when the background studies and resultant work would be brought back to the community for comment writes Geoff Turnbull in the April 2012 edition of The South Sydney Herald.
- HAF Preliminary Masterplan Agreement and HNSW / DFS Reports
- On 27 October 2010 the Australian Government through the Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA) and Housing NSW (HNSW) signed an agreement under the Housing Affordability Fund (HAF) for the Redfern Waterloo Preliminary Masterplan. Here you will find details of what was covered by the agreement and the HNSW / DFS Project Performance reports submitted to the Federal Government.