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DoH Letter to Tenants 20 May 2005

This letter was sent to Public Housing Tenants advising the Departments decision to include the PCYC for Expressions Of Interest in the development. The letter advises that depending on the outcome of the new advertisements and Councils requirements a new Master Plan may be necessary.

I am writing to you as promised, to keep you updated about the Elizabeth Street, Redfern Redevelopment Project.

In late 2003, the Department advertised to seek proposals from private companies interested in entering into a partnership on this Project. The process closed in November 2004 and there has since been a detailed review of the responses we received. This process has now been completed but no partner for the redevelopment has been selected.

In response to some of the feedback we received, a decision has now been reached to re-advertise for new partners for a modified redevelopment, which will also include a more flexible approach to the land which the PCYC occupies.

The original project proposal included the retention of the PCYC on its current site on the corner of Elizabeth Street and Phillip Street. However, we are now considering the benefits for everyone, including current and future tenants of the Department and the PCYC if a new club facility could be provided in a location to better fit with the overall design for the site. This may or may not be the existing location. The Department hopes that this approach will also produce a much-improved urban design for this well-known corner and remains committed to the PCYC.

The Department will be re-advertising in the newspapers in the near future, and we hope to select a shortlist of potential partners who we will invite to submit proposals for the project.

If the development of a new Masterplan is required by Council, residents will be consulted during this process. It is now unlikely that affected tenants will be required to relocate from the area until sometime later in 2006.

We acknowledge that this process has been lengthy and emphasise that this is because we consider it vital to make the correct decisions for the long-term benefit of the communities of Redfern and adjoining areas.

Department staff will make contact with you as the plans progress.

Should you have any questions in the meantime, please feel free to contact Sam Leisham, Housing Manager on telephone 9319 9304.

Yours sincerely

Paul Vevers

General Manager

Central Sydney Housing Services