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You are here: Home / Other RW Issues / Public Housing / Redevelopment / Elizabeth & Walker Streets Redfern Redevelopment / ELIZABETH ST, REDFERN REDEVELOPMENT - FACT SHEET - September 2003


Urban renewal - BUILDING SAFER AND STRONGER COMMUNITIES - “a greater mix of public and private housing will help lessen the stigma sometimes associated with living on estates”

Public housing in the new century is all about building safer and stronger communities.

In recent years, the Department of Housing has been undertaking a major program of community renewal on estates to improve services, security, infrastructure and community involvement.

A New Mixed Community

The Department of Housing is now embarking on a $90 million project to redevelop some of the older housing situated within its large Redfern/Waterloo Estate into a mix of private and public housing. This will help to rejuvenate the area and compliment the community renewal work being undertaken on the Estate.

  • In December 2002, after considerable consultation with residents and the wider community, South Sydney Council approved a master plan prepared by noted Architects PTW.
  • The masterplan allows for the development of 158 private units facing Redfern Oval on Elizabeth St and 88 new public housing dwellings on Walker and Morehead Streets.
  • The new homes will replace older housing stock, which is on an under-used site and generally in poor condition. The new homes will better match the needs of current and future clients in the area and will reduce maintenance costs for the Department.
  • The new public housing will comprise terrace-style family homes with gardens providing private amenity for residents together with medium density units designed for aged and disabled residents. All existing residents will be offered alternative housing in the area and many will eventually live in the new accommodation.
  • The Department of Housing will continue to provide Intensive Tenancy Management for residents on this Estate.
  • The redevelopment will be done by a limited risk Pubic-Private partnership. It is expected that the private developer will construct the new public homes in exchange for the site on Elizabeth Street.
  • By including private sector residents in the redevelopment there will be a more diverse social mix and this should have the added benefit of supporting local businesses. In the longer term this approach will assist in revitalizing the area.
  • The Department will benefit from an overall increase in the number of bedrooms available to house more clients as well as obtaining brand new public housing in a high demand inner city location.
  • Homes elsewhere on the Estate are benefiting from extensive upgrading and further improvements under the existing Accelerated Improvement Program are proposed.
  • The next step in the process is to advertise for Expressions of Interest from the private sector for redevelopment options. It is anticipated that the project will be advertised during October with a decision on a shortlist based on design and other criteria being made in early 2004. This will be followed by a transparent tender process.
  • The selected private partner will then obtain detailed development consent and there will be further rounds of public consultation. It is unlikely that construction work will commence before 2005 and for this reason we will not be formally speaking to residents about relocation until the end of 2004.
  • The Department's proposals for redevelopment of housing in Elizabeth St Redfern are not part of the RED Strategy. The RED (Redfern Everleigh Darlington) Strategy Planning Framework is an initiative of the NSW Premier’s Department under the banner of the Redfern-Waterloo Partnership Project. Further the Department’s plans are not related to any proposals to redevelop Redfern Oval.
  • The Department will be appointing a Relocations officer who will work through the relocation process with residents. It is anticipated that relocations will not commence until late 2004.

Who will Benefit?

We believe that everyone will benefit from the proposed changes-tenants, the broader community and local businesses.

  • Tenants will benefit by having access to more appropriate housing. Terraces with private open space will better meet the needs of families and smaller dwellings will be designed to suit elderly residents. Accommodation will be modern and mobility accessible.
  • The inclusion of private sector dwellings will allow a more balanced community to emerge, which will reduce the social impacts often associated with having a concentration of public housing in one area.
  • The construction project should provide extensive employment opportunities for local people and enterprises.

Media inquiries:

Department of Housing Media Unit

8753 8202


Information correct as of September 2003

[This text is taken from a PDF file the original can be downloaded from the DoH web site from the following link Fact Sheet (221Kb PDF)]