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Following please find details of the anouncement by the Department of Housing and the RWA regarding the refurbishment.

On October 25, 2005, The Minister for Housing Cherie Burton MP announced a “Major redevelopment to improve public housing in Waterloo”. The full text of the announcement can be found in the media section of this website at http://www.redwatch.org.au/media/051024doh .

The Ministers statement said:

“Current residents will be re-located in the area while the project is being completed and will have the first right of refusal on the new apartments.”

The RWA also announced the redevelopment in its November 2005 Update http://www.redwatch.org.au/RWA/statements/2005/redfern-waterloo-update-november-2005 which said:

“Creating Better Public Housing

The NSW Government is to undertake a major refurbishment of the Matavi and Turunga high rise public housing complexes in Waterloo.

The project will convert 28 bed-sit units into improved one bedroom apartments as part of a $30 million plan to improve the standard of public housing in the Central Sydney area.

The bed-sit improvements will include creation of a separate bedroom, refurbished bathroom, new kitchen and carpet.

Current residents will be re-located in the area while the project is underway and will have first option on moving back into the new homes.

Outcomes from the project will be evaluated to determine whether it should be extended to other similar apartments.

Photo:The NSW Government is to undertake major refurbishment of the Matavi and Turunga high rise complexes in Waterloo.”

The undertakings that people will be re-located in the area and will be given first option in moving back after the renovation are important undertakings and the community will be watching to ensure they are delivered.