CoS Response to REDWatch Discussion Paper
Redfern and Waterloo Public Housing
Thank you for sending me your REDWatch discussion paper about public housing in Redfern and Waterloo.
The redevelopment of the Housing NSW sites in Redfern and Waterloo presents a significant opportunity to renew the area and provide housing that meets the needs of existing and future residents. I am hopeful this will include a mix of social, affordable and private market housing.
I do, however, share some of your group’s concerns about the project, particularly the potential dwelling mix; the protection of housing rights for existing residents; the impact of construction on surrounding residents and the demand an additional population might create for community infrastructure such as schools, parks, libraries, pools and community centres.
The City has not been advised whether new controls for the sites redevelopment will be put forward for the City's LEP or developed through a State level planning instrument.
I have asked Monica Barone, the City’s Chief Executive Officer, to write to Mike Allen, the Chief Executive Officer of Housing NSW, requesting an urgent briefing about the of project.
If you would like to speak with a Council officer about the plan to redevelop public housing in Redfern and Waterloo, you can contact Tye McMahon, Strategy Specialist on 9265 9333 or at
Yours sincerely
Clover Moore MP
Lord Mayor of Sydney