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Planning for public housing renewal

The Department of Housing and the Redfern-Waterloo Authority are working in partnership to facilitate a comprehensive social housing improvement strategy for the area, reports the RWA in its Update of October 2007.

Work is underway on Stage 2 of the Built Environment Plan, including the aim over the longer term of improving existing public housing stock, enhancing the mix of housing types and tenancies in order to reduce the concentration of public housing, establishing a more sustainable social mix and facilitating affordable housing.

The strategy will seek to build on community strengths, recognise that high rise public housing in particular is home to significant communities and to ensure that the physical environment matches the community's needs.

The NSW Government has given a clear commitment that in developing Stage 2 of the Built Environment Plan:

  • There will be no cuts to the amount of public housing.
  • Current residents will not be disadvantaged.
  • All public tenancies are secure.

The Redfern-Waterloo community and public housing tenants in particular will be extensively consulted on any proposals for public housing renewal. It is currently anticipated that a draft of Stage 2 of the Built Environment Plan could be available for public exhibition by March 2008.