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Minister for Housing Letter on Waterloo Housing Issues

The following letter, dated 20 February 2008, was received by some public housing tenants from the minister for Housing NSW Matt brown addressing issues such as the RWA BEP 2 and the Human Services Accord.

2 0 FEB 2008

refer to your correspondence concerning the public housing community at Waterloo and your request on behalf of a number of Waterloo tenants for an appointment with me to discuss several issues.

I have noted your questions and will briefly respond to the issues raised.

The Redfern Waterloo Authority was established by the NSW Government in 2004 and has responsibility for the revitalisation of the social and economic infrastructure within a defined area of Redfern and Waterloo. Since that time, the Authority has implemented the Human Services Plan, Stage 1 and 2 and also, Stage 1 of the Built Environment Plan.

I am informed that Housing NSW is currently working in partnership with the Redfern Waterloo Authority to develop Stage 2 of the Built Environment Plan, which will focus on the planning controls that would facilitate the physical renewal of some of the public housing at Redfern and Waterloo.

I understand that the Redfern Waterloo Authority is planning to put a draft Plan on public exhibition during March and April 2008 and will seek comments from the public, prior to the Plan being referred for consideration by Cabinet.

I am not aware of any intention for any areas of public housing to be declared a State Significant Area for planning purposes.
Should it be decided to proceed with any redevelopments in the Redfern and Waterloo Area under the Built Environment Plan Stage 2, this will be achieved through partnerships with private sector developers or builders. This approach is a cost effective way of replacing ageing, economically unviable public housing while minimising the cost of redevelopment for Housing NSW and the NSW Government.

In this circumstance, Housing NSW in partnership with the Redfern Waterloo Authority will initiate a comprehensive community consultation strategy. Whilst it may not be identical to that implemented for the Bonnyrigg redevelopment, it is acknowledged that this has been a successful process and core components would be considered for incorporation.

The Human Services Accord is being implemented progressively by Housing NSW staff with relevant partners. I understand that a number of support partnerships exist in the Waterloo area and that Housing NSW continue to work with relevant agencies to determine if further opportunities exist to implement Accord projects or, alternatively, to further develop other partnerships to support the needs of residents.

If you have any further queries, please contact ------ Central Sydney Housing Services Division on telephone 9268--- , who will be happy to meet with you and other Waterloo tenant representatives to canvass these or any other Housing NSW matters.

Yours sincerely,
Minister for Housing Minister for Touris