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Housing NSW Waterloo Green Update – August 2009

The following Update on work on Waterloo Green has been distributed by Housing NSW in August 2009.

Next round of upgrades have started

Changes to the Green

Students help beautify Solander

Tree removal and pruning

Community gardens set for a new look

Safety tips while work is being done

Contact information

Next round of upgrades have started

The children’s playground and BBQ area in Waterloo Green are the next areas to be upgraded as part of the Waterloo Green Action Plan. Work started on Monday 27 July. The upgrades will make the space more open and inviting for local residents and improve the safety of the area.

The playground will be fitted out with new play equipment and a new fence and will be made more attractive with landscaping. The BBQ area will be relocated to the Raglan Street side of the Green near the community garden and basketball court.

Housing NSW General Manager for Central Sydney Division, Kathy Roil, said the upgrades will benefit the whole community.

“We are making Waterloo Green more attractive, more open and a safer place for everyone, young and old,” Ms Roil said.

“Residents will have better use of the space for the many activities and events which are held there. This will help to promote participation and a greater sense of belonging in the community.

“While there may be some short term noise disruptions, the long term benefits will be rewarding. I ask residents to be patient and to keep clear of work zones while construction takes place.

“Thank you to everyone who was involved in the community consultation stage of the Waterloo Green Landscape Masterplan during 2008. Your input has meant that we can better meet the community’s needs,” she said.

The playground and BBQ area upgrades will take about eight weeks to complete and residents will be unable to use the areas during this time.

A fence has been installed around the work site and a container placed in Turunga car park for the duration of the project.

Workers will be on site Monday to Friday from around 7am to 4pm and on some Saturdays from 7am to 3pm.

Changes to the Green

Work already completed:

  • Lighting upgrade on Waterloo Green – completed July 2008
  • Landscaping and beautification of front common garden areas in Solander (including new fencing and tree pruning and removal) – completed July 2009

Work underway:

  • New children’s playground
  • Removal and pruning of some trees near the playground and gardens
  • Relocation of the BBQ area away from the playground

Work to start before the end of 2009:

  • Tree pruning and removal in other areas of Waterloo Green as well as at Cope, Phillip and Pitt Streets 

Students help beautify Solander

A total of 19 TAFE students aged 16 to 25 were given an opportunity to receive practical training in landscaping and horticulture as part of a 10 week innovative landscaping project funded by Housing NSW.

The project was completed in July 2009 and involved revitalising an unused recreational space at the Daniel Solander Building, in Waterloo.

It has provided a communal garden for residents to enjoy and given local students valuable skills that could build on their studies and employment prospects.

This landscaping project is a good example of many organisations working together – Housing NSW, TAFE NSW Outreach, South Sydney Youth Services, Redfern Waterloo Authority, The Factory Community Centre and the City of Sydney Council – which all contributed resources to the project.

Tree removal and pruning

Tree removal and tree trimming will take place over the next few months in Waterloo Green. This is one of the first steps for revitalising the Green and will help to open up areas which have in the past attracted anti-social behaviour. Some diseased trees will also be removed for the safety of residents.

Tree works will start after 8am and conclude mid afternoon on weekdays. There may be minimal noise disruption to residents during this time.

It is important to keep clear of the tree work to ensure the safety of residents and visitors.

Community gardens set for a new look

The Marton, Cook and Solander community gardens are currently being upgraded. Works include repairs to the garden beds, tree pruning and removal, clearing out of compost bays and installation of new plastic rotating compost bins. Resident gardeners have already been taking part in working bees to help with the upgrade work.

Safety tips while work is being done

  • Follow all directions and signage near work zones and stick to designated paths
  • There will be “no-go zones” around the playground, BBQ area and tree works to ensure people’s safety
  • Areas will be fenced off during the works. Do not enter and keep clear of the fence boundaries
  • Keep well away from machinery and construction equipment
  • Beware of trucks which may enter Waterloo Green
  • Keep children away from the work zones and supervise them at all times
  • If you see someone inside a “no-go zone”, phone the Police.

Contact information

In the case of emergency, dial 000.

If you see crime or anti-social behaviour, phone Redfern Police Station on 8303 5199.

If you have a question about the Waterloo Green upgrades, phone your Client Service Officer during office hours on 9384 4166 or visit the local Housing NSW office at Drysdale, 232 Pitt Street, Waterloo.

After hours you can phone the Housing Contact Centre on 1300 HOUSING (1300 468 746).

Contact us:

1300 HOUSING (1300 468 746)