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News since last Redfern Waterloo Issues Update.
Charles Kernan Reserve BBQ - Retain or Remove - by 8 March
On 12 February Coucil wrote to residents arround the BBQ asking for their feedback following mixed coments received by Council about the well used BBQ. Below is the letter which REDWatch is circulating to those that use the BBQ but which migh be outside the Council notification area. Lawson St for example was not leafleted.
Giant architect built for justice - COL JAMES, 1936-2013
Col James was a giant who took great strides with gentle steps, followed a career-long path with clear direction and purpose, but always had time for a cup of tea and to listen to those seldom heard by the architectural world he loved reports this obituary in the Sydney Morning Herald of 23 February 2013.
Rachel Forster Hospital Exhibition - Until 22 March 2013
Below is an OCR copy of the notice about the exhibition sent to surrounding residents.
Proposed traffic changes, Abercrombie Street, Darlington - Until 12 Mar
As part of the Abercrombie Street Darlington Upgrade council is proposing a number of local traffic changes. They are looking for feedback about the proposal. Submissions must be made in writing, quoting reference number 2013/029493, before 6pm on 12 March 2013. The details of the proposal are set out in the letter below:
Human services co-ordination
Improving human service co-ordination has been a stated government goal for over 10 years. It was a focus following the Morgan Disney Review in 2004 and was a focus of the Redfern-Waterloo Authority (RWA) with its top-down Human Service Plans, Senior Officers Implementation Group and Ministerial Advisory Committee. On the ground, little changed. Many groups ceased meeting with the wind-up of the RWA writes Geoff Turnbull in the February 2013 issue of the South Sydney Herald.
UrbanGrowth in Redfern-Waterloo
The state government authority responsible for delivering the BEP2 planning controls for public housing estates in Redfern and Waterloo and for planning on the former Eveleigh Railyards has made yet another transformation. The SMDA, which was formally the RWA, became the UrbanGrowth Development Corporation (UGDC) on January 1. The UGDC retains the SMDA’s Growth Centres powers which allow it to compulsorily acquire land and consolidate it in designated growth centres (currently Redfern-Waterloo and Granville). It will play a broader re-development role alongside a partner agency called UrbanGrowth NSW reports Geoff Turnbull in the February Issue of the South Sydney Herald.
City West in North Eveleigh
City West Housing (CWH) has been appointed as the affordable housing provider for the North Eveleigh affordable housing project initiated by the RWA now UrbanGrowth Development Corporation. CWH is to undertake the design, seek planning approval, construct and manage a minimum of 61 affordable housing units at North Eveleigh. The final number of units will be determined through the design stage reports Geoff Turnbull in the February 2013 issue of the South Sydney Herald.
Sydney Local Health District Statement on Installation
The following statement was released by Dr Teresa Anderson, Chief Executive of Sydney Local Health District (SLHD), on 5 February 2013 to the South Sydney Herald (SSH). SSH requested a statement when the Automatic Syringe Dispensing Machine was installed as this had not been “disclosed at last week’s meeting”. This was the position taken in the print issue of SSH which went to press before the statement below was received. The statement below claims that “the decision to install the machine was announced at a public meeting in Redfern on January 29”. The SSH writer who was at the meeting has subsequently checked with four other meeting attendees with different views on the proposal. They all left with the impression that SLHD looked set to press ahead but none recalled a specific announcement and certainly no reference to an installation date within the week reports South Sydney Herald online on 6 February 2013.
Dispensing information, while pushing ahead
Sydney Local Health District (SLHD) pushed ahead with the installation of the Automatic Dispensing Machine (ADM) in front of the Redfern Health Centre without mentioning it at a public meeting on January 29. In contrast to the December meeting where locals opposing the installation primarily argued their objections with representatives of SLHD, this meeting was independently facilitated and featured a more balanced discussion about the issues with many supporters of the ADM in attendance reports Geoff Turnbull & Justine McNamara in the February 2013 edition of the South Sydney Herald.
Premier & Cabinet Memorandum on UrbanGrowth NSW
The Memorandum below was issued on 30 January 2013 by the Department of Premier and Cabinet regarding the structure and operations of UrbanGrowth NSW.
Lift Redfern – Where to Next - Some Ideas
Lift Redfern will meet on Wednesday 30th January 2013 at the factory Community Centre to explore options for the Lift Redfern Station Campaign for 2013. This is a supporters meeting and everyone ewith their ideas are welcome. Below is an overview of some possibilities prepared by REDWatch for the meeting to get people thinking about where the campaign might go.
Planning Approval for the Block's Pemulwuy Redevelopment
An exciting new chapter in the history of The Block is set to rise from the streets of Redfern with approval granted for the of the Pemulwuy redevelopment project, NSW Premier Barry O’Farrell and Planning Minister Brad Hazzard announced today (22 December 2012) reports this media release from NSW Premier Barry O’Farrell.
SMDA Transition to UrbanGrowth NSW Development Corporation
As of 1 January 2013 the Sydney Metropolitan Development Authority (SMDA) will be re-named to become UrbanGrowth NSW Development Corporation (UGDC) reports a statment from the SMDA on 22 December 2012.
NSW gives go-ahead for Redfern redevelopment
The New South Wales Government has given approval for the redevelopment of The Block in the inner-Sydney suburb of Redfern reports the ABC on 22 December 2012.
Redfern & NSW Long Term Transport Master Plan
The NSW Government has now finalised its Long Term Transport Masterplan. Little has changed from the draft, a Redfern Station upgrade is still only a medium term priority in the following terms: “A comprehensive and multi-modal upgrade would address station access and connectivity issues, including access within and to the station, safe and convenient interchange with bus, pedestrian and cycle routes, and accommodating a corridor for expansion of the CBD rail network”
North Eveleigh Parks - Invitation to Contribute to Design by 17 December 2012
Two new parks of 3,350sm and 445sm are being proposed for the Newtown end of the North Eveleigh site. In an area where there is a low proportion of open space per capita it is very important to design these parks so that they meet the needs of those in the surrounding community and those visiting Carriageworks and the Eveleigh Markets. Locals are encouraged to make their thoughts known on what should happen with these parks.
Landscaping for Park near North Eveleigh Western Entrance
The landscaping and park proposed to the east of the new western entrance to North Eveleigh and Carriageworks has been approved in the road and early works approval. To make the details readily available REDWatch has requested additional details from the SMDA and these are provided below.
SMDA To Start North Eveleigh Affordable Housing Project
The SMDA have posted their response to community submissions and anounced they will start work on the infrastructure required for the North Eveleigh Affordable Housing project. The announcement issued an email statement and placed details on their website on 13 November 2012. The details from their website are below:
REDWatch Submission on NSW Planning System Review Green Paper
Below is the text of the REDWatch Submission on the NSW Planning System Review Green Paper submitted on 14 September 2012. This submission raises many concerns based on REDWatch's Redfern Waterloo experience.
There Goes The Neighbourhood
Once a byword for social decay, Redfern is now hip, thanks to gentrification and redevelopment. But while that has attracted cool cafes and the upwardly mobile, the area's many public housing residents are feeling increasingly downtrodden, as Stephanie Wood discovers in Sydney Magazine issue no 113 for September 2012.
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