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News since last Redfern Waterloo Issues Update.
Sydney Uni Consultation Issues
The following items appeared in the South Sydney Herald 15 march 2014. The first is an article by Geoff Turnbull giving a resident view of the the Sydney Uni Campus Improvement Plan consultation problem. The second was from the University's column in the South Sydsney Herald anoucing an extension of the consultation.
Sydney Uni expands on plans
Sydney University is seeking approval for a 68 per-cent increase to its Camperdown-Darlington campus floor space by the end of 2020. This will accommodate a 21 per-cent increase in students on the campus as well as 4,000 units of “affordable” student accommodation, reports Geoff Turnbull in the March 2014 edition of the South Sydney Herald.
Universities spend billions in race to be the best
The University of Sydney plans to spend $2.5 billion transforming its historic campus, as a building arms race between higher education providers reaches unprecedented levels, reports Heath Gilmore in the Sydney Morning Herald of 15 March 2014.
Project Profile: Central to Eveleigh Urban Renewal and Transport Program
This Urban Growth Project profile was released on 8 March 2014 with the anouncement of UrbanGrowths's expanded role in Central to Eveleigh. Below is the text of the profile. A link to the pdf version can be found at the foot of this article.
UrbanGrowth NSW: Government says Build, Build, Build
Minister for Planning and Infrastructure Brad Hazzard today, 8th march 2014, announced the NSW Government has charged UrbanGrowth NSW with a new mandate to lead the delivery of major scale renewal projects including the Central to Eveleigh Urban Renewal and Transport Program. Below is the text of the media release.
Land freed for mass renewal
Large swathes of land have been unlocked for apartment development in Sydney and Newcastle, as the state government pushes for urban renewal reports Rebecca Thistleton on page 6 of the Australian Financial Review of 8 March 2014.
Lift to be built for Redfern Station
Minister for Transport Gladys Berejiklian today announced a lift would be built to Redfern Station platforms 6 and 7, making the station accessible to customers in wheelchairs and parents with prams for the first time reports this media release of by Minister for Transport Gladys Berejiklian on 31st January 2014.
Central to Eveleigh consultations
UrbanGrowth NSW recently undertook three workshops in the initial stage of its investigation into the Central to Eveleigh railway corridor. The workshops follow meetings with developers and other stakeholders over the last few months reports Geoff Turnbull in the December 2013 issue of The South Sydney Herald.
Top agency switches from greenfields to infrastructure
URBAN Growth NSW is set to take control of several big- ticket infrastructure projects, including the redevelopment of Newcastle's CBD and the development of apartment towers over the railway lines at Eveleigh, inner Sydney, under a major restructure of the government agency to be announced early next year reports Lisa Allan in the Australian of 5 December 2013.
Options for Redfern station upgrade
The South Sydney Herald has also obtained the documents released by RailCorp to Lift Redfern regarding “information relating to planned upgrades at Redfern Train Station”. The documents show the various plans for redevelopment, from the mid 2000s until about 2010, including one favoured by RailCorp for which construction was planned to start in July 2011. Sandra Beeston reports on the documents in the November 2013 issue of the SSH.
ATP Sites Development Interest Call
Local and international industry are being asked to register their interest on developing three sites in Australian Technology Park as part of the NSW Government’s revitalisation of the Central to Eveleigh rail corridor reports this media statement on 31 October 2013 from Minister Hazzard and UrbanGrowth NSW.
North Eveleigh Affordable Housing Approved
The Department of Planning and Infrastructure anounced on 25 October 2013 that the application for affordable housing on North Eveleigh had been approved. The Department also advised that they had amended the North Eveleigh Concept Plan to allow the building to increase in height to 7 storeys. The details of the media release are below:
Council Resolution in Support of Eveleigh Railway Heritage
Council’s Planning and Development Committee on 20 August 2013 dealt with a report from Council Officers regarding the Eveleigh Railway Workshops. At Council on 26th August Council resolved to request the Minister to re-establish the Redfern Waterloo Heritage Taskforce and if this did not eventuate within a reasonable period of time Council will use its good offices to convene a meeting of interested parties. Below is the motion from the Council Minutes.
Council Resolution on Redfern Station Accessibility Upgrade
At the City of Sydney Council Meeting on 26 August 2013 Council passed a resolution in response to the Anoucnement for a lift to be put on Redfern Station. The Motion was originally submitted by Councillor Christine Forster who accepted an amendment by Councillor Mant and was carried unanimously. Below is the text of the final resolution.
Minister on Central to Eveleigh Corridor Renewal Project in Parliament
On Thursday 22 August 2013 the Member for Sydney Alex Greenwich asked minister Hazzard about public open space, child care, high schools and primary schools, and safe cycling paths for new and existing adjacent residents and workers to the Central to Eveleigh Corridor. Below from the Hansard Proof is the Minister's response.
Minister for Transport Gladys Berejiklian today (15 August 2013) announced the NSW Government will make trains at Redfern Station accessible to customers in wheelchairs and parents with prams for the first time reports this media statement from the Minister.
It's give then take over Redfern station funding
When it comes to Sydney power couples, they don't come much more powerful than Deputy Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and his wife, former deputy premier Carmel Tebbutt. But Sydney residents might be wondering what they are getting out of the relationship, after it emerged on Thursday that Mr Albanese personally vetoed plans for an upgrade of one of Sydney's busiest trains stations because it was next to his wife's seat reports Jacob Saulwick the Sydney Morning Herald's Transport Reporter n 9 August 2013.
Central to Eveleigh redevelopment – it’s big!
NSW cabinet recently decided redevelopment of the railway corridor stretching 3km from the CBD’s Goulburn Street car park to Macdonaldtown would be part of an international Expression Of Interest (EOI) process writes Geoff Turnbull in the August 2013 South Sydney Herald.
David Pitchford appointed UrbanGrowth NSW CEO
John Brogden, Chairman, UrbanGrowth NSW announced today the appointment of Mr David Pitchford CBE as the new Chief Executive Officer of UrbanGrowth NSW reports this UrbanGrowth NSW media release of 22 July 2013.
REDWatch Comment on Government’s “Central to Eveleigh Global Precinct Opportunity” Anouncement
The NSW Government has called for expressions of interest to revitalise and expand Sydney’s CBD by redeveloping land and airspace in the Central to Eveleigh rail corridor on Friday 12 July 2013. This is REDWatch's initial comment on the anouncement and its implications.
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