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News since last Redfern Waterloo Issues Update.
REDWatch Submission on Draft Metropolitan Strategy for Sydney to 2031
This is the July 2013 REDWatch submission on the Draft Metropolitan Strategy for Sydney to 2031.
Central to Eveleigh: Getting the Most from Our City
The NSW Government today (12 July 2013) called for expressions of interest for the renewal of the railway line corridor between Central Station and Eveleigh that has potential to provide thousands of new homes and jobs reports this media release from Minister Brad Hazzard.
Developers may erase city's 'Berlin Wall' effect
High-rise towers could be constructed from Central Station to Eveleigh and structures built over rail lines after the state government invited the world's developers to redraw central Sydney writes Nicole Hasham the SMH's Urban Affairs reporter and James Robertson on 12 July 2013.
REDWatch Submission on A New Planning System for NSW
This is the REDWatch submission to the Department of Planning and Infrastructure in June 2013 concerning the New Planning System for NSW White Paper and Draft Legislation.
REDWatch Petition on the Metro Strategy Exhibition June 2013
REDWatch launched a petition on 3 June 2013 asking the Minister for Planning to "Please Exhibit Metro Strategy for Sydney under the New Planning System!". The details of the Petition and the link to the online petition can be found below. The comments made by people signing the petition also provide a good indication of people's concern about the continuing exhibition.
Planning – a new approach?
Planning and Development Application (DA) processes in NSW are changing with major implications for the inner city. The SSH asked REDWatch spokesperson Geoff Turnbull to explain some of the issues in the June 2013 issue of the Souyth Sydney Herald.
Growth targets inner city
If you live on a major transport corridor and are close to the city your area will likely be targeted to absorb the extra homes and jobs for Sydney’s growth under the Draft Metropolitan Strategy for Sydney to 2031. The Metro Strategy is to be Sydney’s regional plan. All sub-regional and local plans in the New Planning System for NSW have to be consistent with it. Geoff Turnbull looks at the issues in the July 2013 issue of the South Sydney Herald.
Barry's Part 3A - The New Planning System for NSW?
This is the text of Geoff Turnbull's presentation to "A New Planning System For NSW: White Paper Panel Debate" organised by Sydney University Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning on 13 June 2013. Each panellist was asked to identify an opportunity and a challenge with the "New Planning System".
BPN Key Issues and Submission Guide
This is the Better Planning Network (BPN) Key Issues and Submission Guide for the NSW Planning Review White Paper and Planning Bills.
BPN draws the heavyweights on NSW Planning
For a volunteer-based community outfit, the Better Planning Network knows how to pull the big guns. Speaking at yesterday’s community forum was a broad array of politicians and planning luminaries of all persuasions. As Sydney state representative Alex Greenwich noted, “Any organisation that brings both the Reverend Fred Nile and myself to an event to speak certainly deserves to be congratulated.” reports Cameron Jewell for the Fifth Estate on 21 May 2013.
Ivy and Lander Streets New traffic Island - Until 13 May 2013
In January 2013 the City consulted with you in relation to traffic changes that were proposed as part of the Abercrombie Street upgrade between the Lawson Street and Shepherd Street intersection in order to receive some feedback on the changes to improve safety and pedestrian amenity in the area. Following this consultation with the community and the Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) the following changes have been proposed to further improve safety and pedestrian amenity in these areas.
New Planning System for NSW White Paper - Until 30 June 2013
Here REDWatch has provided links to key documents necessary to understand the New Planning System for NSW White Paper and its implications for Redfern Waterloo.
Draft Metro Strategy Exhibition - extended until 28 June 2013
Here REDWatch has provided links to key documents necessary to understand the Draft Metro Strategy and its implications for Redfern Waterloo.
Better Planning Network - White Paper (WP) Overview
This overview of the white paper (wp) was produced by the Better planning Network on 20 April 2013.
REDWatch on the New Planning System Challenges
In this panel presentation by REDWatch Spokesperson Geoff Turnbull on "Citizens and city making: Who should be involved and how?" to a forum held by the Henry Halloran Trust at Sydney University on 18 April 2013, Geoff outlines, a couple of days afterr the release of the White Paper some of the challenges for community groups like REDWatch in the proposed New Planning System for NSW.
Redfern automatic syringe dispensing machine Operational - 11th April 2013
Sydney Local Health District advised the community on 11 April 2013 that the automatic syringe dispensing machine outside the Redfern Community Health Centre is now fully operational as part of Sydney Local Health District’s campaign to combat unacceptably high levels of HIV and hepatitis C infections among injecting drug users in the Redfern area.
North Eveleigh Parks DA - Until 4 May 2013
The City of Sydney has advised that the application for North Eveleigh parks, as described below, is on public exhibition until 6 May 2013.
Iconic Cleveland Street Australia Post HQ to be redeveloped and sold
Australia Post announced on 7 March 2013 a major redevelopment (pending council approval) of its iconic 219 – 241 Cleveland Street Headquarters in Strawberry Hills on the fringe of Sydney’s CBD. In conjunction with the extensive redevelopment of the building to create a modern and efficient corporate headquarters, Australia Post will commit to a 12 year head lease and market the property for sale. The details of the media release from Australia Post of 7 March 2013 is provided below.
Darlington TMAP and heritage
The following response for Lord Mayor Clover Moore to issues raised by REDWatch deals with Councils recent involvement with the SMDA / UGDC in preparing a TMAP dealing with the impact of the North Eveleigh development and in exploring Council's role in heritage activities at North Evleigh. The letter dated 15 March 2012 also deals with the Abercrombie Street upgrade.
Government Priority Criteria for Station Upgrades like Redfern
Transport for NSW (TfNSW) has released Internal Working Documents under a GIPA request setting out the Selection criteria and prioritisation process for TfNSW selection of stations to be upgraded. Redfern Station potentially fits three programs – Easy Access for lifts onto platforms 11 & 12; Station Upgrade as a local station and; an Interchange Upgrade because of its wider rail-rail and rail-bus interchange role . Below you will find the criteria that Redfern Station would need to meet under each program. Where possible in Lift Redfern letters Redfern’s meeting of the relevant criteria should be stressed.
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